I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 277 Bright and Honest

Soon after, representatives of humans and eldar began negotiations on the specifics of cooperation.

Participants in the meeting mainly included senior officials from both sides including the Forbidden Army, the Ecclesiarchy, the Astra Militarum, the Death Army, the Harlequin Troupe, the Ark Eldar, and the Phoenix Lords.

The reason why this negotiation could be held was all due to the preparations made by Guilliman and Wei Mu in advance.

Otherwise, this group of pointy-eared bean sprouts who like to look at people with their nostrils and want to write the word "arrogance" on their faces will choose to act alone to save face and suffer the consequences, even if they know that cooperation is beneficial to both parties.

Leontus can actually understand this mentality of the Eldar.

After all, the other party was once the biggest winner in the Battle of Heaven, the overlord who had been in charge of the galaxy for 60 million years, but now he has become a ruined settlement on the verge of extinction, struggling to survive.

The group of "monkeys" who were still playing with fire sticks in the trees took over their positions and transformed into the current authority in the galaxy.

Not to mention the exchange of identities between the two parties, if the Eldar want to solve their current survival crisis, they actually have to ask for help from this group of "monkeys" they despise.

Being able to negotiate things calmly is already the result of the bean sprouts being able to bend and stretch.

To put it another way, if humans one day become like the Eldar, not only falling from the throne due to their own stupidity, but also having to seek help from the Tau Empire in order to survive, it is estimated that many people's mentality will also feel broken.

The negotiation began with both sides reporting to each other on their respective troop strength.

On the Eldar side, more than twenty craft worlds, Harlequin troupes, and most of the Death Army's forces were assembled to form an army with a total number of nearly one million people.

For the Ada, which has a sparse population and slow reproduction, such a large force has almost emptied their wealth. If there is a major mistake in the war, their entire race will be severely damaged and the possibility of revival will be completely lost.

But the victory is that the soldiers of the Eldar are all elite, and the veterans among them are company captains comparable to those of the Space Marines. In addition, they have sophisticated weapons, and all of them are skilled in playing with psychic powers. The combat effectiveness of the troops is still quite terrifying.

If you don’t fight fiercely, you will have to die quietly.

The elders of the Eldar clan have not lost their fighting spirit in the decadence. This operation is a tenacious manifestation of their unwillingness to surrender to fate.

The Empire directly spent a billion dollars and twenty Space Marine battle groups, and even the Forbidden Army deployed hundreds of people to serve as commanders of various mortal forces.

This is a powerful force, fully capable of launching a large-scale expedition.

If the Eldar rely on their control of the Webway as a source of confidence, then the Empire relies on hard power that can flip the table at any time and resist risks.

Cooperation requires not only common interests and sufficient sincerity, but also means to punish the other party when it breaks the contract. Only such a cooperative relationship can be considered strong.

"The empire will try its best to cooperate with your actions, but if our casualty ratio exceeds half, we may withdraw from the battle order."

Everyone sat down at the long conference table, and Leontus was the first to give his bottom line.

This cooperation between the two parties is just because of the same interests. It has not reached the point of showing their heart and soul to each other, let alone dying for each other generously.

Everyone present knew this.

No one can predict the direction in which the next war will develop. Instead of hiding it and then arguing about it, it is better to speak clearly as soon as possible.

"A reasonable request, Sun Lord. If the war goes unfavorably, we will leave enough personnel to provide guidance to your troops on the webway." Directly opposite him, the leader of the Death Army, the daughter of shadows Evelene, said. .

As the saying goes: It is better to seek help from others than to seek help from yourself, not to mention these arrogant bean sprouts.

They did not have much expectations for the human empire from the beginning, and many Eldar simply disdained cooperation with this group of "monkeys".

It was Eveleni who convinced the die-hards with her suggestion of "using human power to reduce the casualties of their compatriots."

"In order to ensure the logistical supply of the army, we should also establish some strongholds in the Network Channel." Leontus continued.

As soon as these words came out, many spirit clan lords frowned.

They knew that humans did not yet have the ability to establish long-term settlements within the Webway, and the technology related to this part would definitely depend on them.

In other words, these "monkeys" want to take advantage of this opportunity and use their power to take root in the Webway.

As the successors of the Ancient Saints, the Eldar naturally hope that the safe and convenient thing called the Webway can only be used by them.

But since the fall of the Eldar, their ability to control the Webway has become weaker and weaker, and now a lot of dirty things have broken into it, making them even have to be careful when walking in it. Afraid of being noticed by those malicious beings.

They can no longer be regarded as the masters of the Webway and cannot make good use of this legacy of the Old Ones. Proper participation of humans can improve this situation.

What's more, as far as the current situation is concerned, Leontus's request is reasonable and reasonable, and they can't find a reason to refuse - they can't have such a large army just carrying supplies and running to attack Nurgle Garden.

After some internal discussions, the Eldar side gave the result: "Yes, but the number and location of the strongholds will be jointly planned by both parties, and the resources will be provided by you."

In order to save their own gods, it was within the tolerance of the Eldar to give up a few insignificant webway routes to the Empire.

"No problem, please make the corresponding list as soon as possible and transfer it to our Ministry of Finance." The Sun Lord nodded.

With the first route, sooner or later there will be a second one.

The Webway is a good thing. Human beings should visit it more often. After wandering for a long time, they will naturally be able to figure out the direction in it.

"In addition, regarding the issue of military coordination, I suggest that the two sides only send consultants to each other for high-level communication. Large armies are not suitable for integration." Evelyn reminded.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the troops on both sides cannot get too close, so an effective mechanism must be developed to prevent accidental damage, especially when shelling and bombing are carried out." Leontus agreed.

"As for the victory of the war, we cannot guarantee that Elsa will provide treatment for your emperor, because we cannot ask our own gods. Everything depends on the will of the goddess herself. Despite this, Elsa is a benevolent Goddess. Even when she is imprisoned, she still takes care of many intelligent creatures in the world and secretly tells them how to treat Nurgle's diseases. I believe that after being saved, she will definitely reward the kindness of the Jin people. Repay." Everene said.

If there is any completely positive and glorious image in the Warhammer universe, Elsa, the Eldar goddess of life, can be one of them.

His liberation is absolutely a blessing to all living beings.


Leontus did not understand things related to gods, and always felt that they were mysterious and unreal.

In his opinion, severely attacking the Chaos forces and attracting attention for the Maelstrom Expeditionary Force should be the greatest result that the Empire can achieve in this operation.

"Our emperor is also a pure and upright god who hates treachery." At this moment, Walkerma, a representative of the state religion, suddenly said, "He is powerful, he is smart, and he is powerful and controls millions. He hates the world as much as he hates it, and is the mortal enemy of Chaos - there is no one more perfect than Him in the entire universe!"

The Eldar representatives all cast doubtful glances at the Grand Master, and for a moment they didn't understand why the other party said this.

Is this fanatical religious "monkey" planning to take the opportunity to preach to them? Or do you want to use the Emperor's power to warn them not to break their covenant?

Or maybe he just reflexively wants to praise his own gods and compare with their goddess?

At this time, the Eldar representatives do not yet know the grand ambitions of the state religion.

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