I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 278 Getting along

Evelyn felt a little headache about this matter.

The reason why Wei Mu wrote the book "Resurgence of the Empire" was to make the people of the empire more accepting of the Eldar and to open the way for future cooperation between the two parties.

After all, the Empire is the stronger party in front of the Eldar and needs to prioritize easing its attitude.

One thing to say, the effect of the book after its release is indeed good.

Who doesn't like to watch such exciting dramas as "a poor boy turns into a rich and handsome man and rescues Bai Fumei who is in trouble"?

Being able to eat from the Emperor himself made the people of the Empire very happy, and their attitude towards the Eldar also changed greatly.

But this does not mean that the Eldar will accept this method of shortening the distance. They are not happy with that story.

Almost the entire book reminds them that the glorious Eldar empire has now become a pitiful settlement.

There's nothing wrong with this, but it's just this kind of thing that the old men of the previous dynasty can't bear the most. It's no different from directly piercing their hearts with a needle.

Even if they can't live any longer and ask for credit everywhere, they still have to wear a long gown.

Fortunately, the cultural exchanges between the two sides were limited, and the book was only widely circulated within the empire. If this was noticed by the Eldar society, something might happen.

Everene only hopes that this situation can last until the end of the cooperation.

The Ecclesiarchy's self-promotion of the Emperor was but a brief aside during the meeting, after which the two sides discussed various matters related to joint operations.

First come up with a general framework, and then repeatedly negotiate the various details.

This will be a long and complicated process that will test the wisdom of both parties' senior management.

For example, the simplest point is that there will inevitably be many groups in humans and Eldar that oppose this joint operation. They only need to plan a huge turmoil and break the fragile trust that the two sides have finally established. This action plan will have to Failed immediately.

Facts have proved that mortals are not so hopelessly depraved.

As each agreement was reached, many preparations for the expedition to Nurgle Garden began to be gradually put on the agenda.

The webway gates on hundreds of imperial worlds were opened, and countless supplies of materials were continuously sent into them.

Following the direction leading to the Demon Realm of Nurgle, five strong and huge fortresses were built one after another. Along with a large number of ravines, guard towers, airports and other military facilities, millions of elite soldiers were stationed on duty, and the warehouses were filled with various ammunition and ammunition. vehicle.

In the process of getting along with the two races, both sides gradually felt the benefits of cooperation with each other, and the relationship became a lot better.

The most intuitive feeling from the Eldar side is "there are many people".

Although there are more greenskins and bugs, they are irrational and unable to communicate effectively, and their lifestyle is far from "civilized".

When the machine of the empire is started, there will always be countless individuals joining in and working hard, which is simply the saying "there is strength in numbers" taken to the extreme.

The Eldar race itself is desperately short of people, slow to grow, and slow to reproduce. Even many powerful war machines can only be kept in a stagnant position as decoration because no one can control them.

And such a thing would never happen in the human empire.

So whenever representatives of the Eldar clan need to tell humans to do something, there will always be a large group of people waiting nearby to provide assistance at any time.

As for the humans, they found these pointy-eared bean sprouts to be eye-catching, knowledgeable, and proficient in magical psychic tricks, so they were full of curiosity about them.

In terms of personality, most bean sprouts still have sharp mouths and like to look at people through their nostrils.

However, after most people have watched "Rebirth of an Empire" and have become accustomed to this setting, they actually find it quite interesting and can go and flirt with it from time to time.

Of course, the consequence of this kind of forcible teasing is often to be punished by the angry Dou Sprout, and the emperor's servant is no match at all.

At this time, the big bosses often adopt the strategy of "If the hero spares his life, he will dare to do it next time" to escape the disaster and make persistent efforts.

It turns out that the Emperor's servants will never surrender to the xenos.

On the other hand, the union of humans and Eldar is something that other forces have not thought of, especially those Chaos factions who often operate through the Webway.

Naturally, they didn't expect that the two sides were actually planning to attack the Garden of Nurgle. They just thought that the coalition was planning to clear the entire webway and drive them, the enemies of order, out of it.

At that time, the Eldar will no longer be cautious when using the Webway, fearing that it will bring disaster to themselves, but they will have to be extremely cautious to avoid being caught by the fanatical loyalists.

Not only that, but with the support of the Webway, the Empire will become even more unstoppable across the galaxy.

This is something that many forces cannot accept, especially those who regard the Webway as their own territory.

They scolded their cousins ​​for giving up their dignity, having no bottom line, and actually choosing to hug the "monkey"'s lap just to survive.

For this reason, the Dark Eldar also launched several attacks on the strongholds being built by the coalition forces, causing damage to each other.

Leontus was sitting in the office, holding the latest situation report in his hand, with a sad expression on his face.

It is certainly impossible to dismantle Comoros directly.

As the home of the Dark Eldar, the Dark City is as dangerous as Catachan and the Chaos Realm.

But those unqualified black bean sprouts were like a bunch of lunatics, running crazy to find trouble for them.

"Is this going to work? Aren't you saying that the Laughing God has plans in Comoros? Can't he let his people restrain those guys?" He asked the clown consultant beside him.

"We are working hard. Human Sun Lord, the situation in Comoros is very complicated. It will take some time for it to take effect." The pied clown named Cainni waved his hand and replied helplessly.

So far, the cooperation between the two communities has brought good news. Only the black bean sprouts are causing trouble. They are disgusting people flying around like flies, but you can't kill them.

Just when Leontus was troubled by this, a warrior broke into his office without even knocking on the door.

"Hello, sir, Captain Thorne of Catachan's 17th Regiment salutes you."

The warrior was tall, with exaggerated tendons all over his body. He had a delicate alloy dagger at his waist and wore a trademark red scarf on his head, making him a truly macho man.

"Thank you, Captain Thorne. Thanks to your men joining the battle in time, we defeated the invading Dark Eldar. Otherwise, the construction progress of the fortress would have been delayed for a long time."

"It's not a big deal, sir, if those black bean sprouts still dare to come, all their heads will be hung at the gate of the fortress." Thorne's voice was rough and his expression was relaxed.

Black Bean Sprout is a race that claims that its technology can compete with the Necron.

However, such arrogant words do not make people feel arrogant when spoken by such a strong man.

The outstanding achievements of the Catachan Jungle Warriors have long since eliminated the need for them to deliberately prove their abilities.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Before the official action, I want your regiment to be in the best condition." Leontus said.

"Is there any special arrangement?"

"Yes, you and your people will be a powerful weapon against the God of Disease."

Use the Sisters of Battle to wash out the Brass Arena, use the Ogryn to cause havoc in the Crystal Maze, use the Catachan Man to burn the Plague Garden, and use the Palace of Pleasure to enlighten Krieg. This is the empire's special magic weapon to deal with the Four Evil Gods.

Although it seems to be opportunistic, it should be very effective.

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