I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 279 Nurgle Demon Realm

Chaos Demon Realm, Nurgle Garden.

This is one of the four largest materialized territories in subspace, a place full of "vitality". There are countless bacteria, viruses and parasites floating in the air alone. If a mortal appears here without protective measures, he will be destroyed in an instant. You will be infected with dozens of diseases.

The variety of creatures that inhabit the garden is so rich that no one, probably except my loving father, could count them all.

The sticky yellow-brown land like a swamp is covered with thick fungus and moss everywhere. The fertile land is bred by billions of corpses. A large number of worms are twisting and turning in it, some of which are quite large. Normally, some are so big that they can even exceed a train.

All kinds of trees grow here. They are the main body of the garden. The variety is unimaginable, but they have one thing in common, which is the presence of large and small tree tumors on the trunks and branches.

These are all diseased plants, destined to be plagued by stubborn diseases and grow sluggishly and distorted.

In fact, there are few things in Nurgle's Garden that can be called healthy.

Even so, the swollen trees are still growing luxuriantly, constantly sprouting roots and taking out new branches, but they are destined to usher in a desolate decline and turn into dust in the soil.

Both prosperity and decay are manifestations of the power of the Lord of Disease, so the garden achieves eternal prosperity in rebirth and destruction.

Deep in the forest, there is a huge lake.

Unlike the common lakes in the material realm, it is entirely composed of all kinds of disgusting excrement, exuding a stench that is even more suffocating than the industrial wastewater from a chemical refinery. Countless mosquitoes and flies live in it, and monster maggots and demon toads roll freely inside.

Beside the lake, a group of Nurgle demons were playing happily.

The small Nurglings burrowed under the Great Unclean One's skin, entering from one pustule and emerging from another. When the Great Evil was made to laugh, the Nurglings also You will be delighted by this.

The children of a loving father are always so lazy and carefree, sharing happiness and love with each other in their own unique way.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came.

Mosquitoes flew away from the forest in large areas, like frightened birds. Their huge number made them look like a dense black cloud, enough to cover the sky.

This was a sign that the garden was under attack, that an enemy had desecrated the sacred domain of the loving Father.

The Four Gods often attack each other's territories during the Great Game, so war is a common occurrence in the Garden.

There is no fear of destruction here.

The endless endurance of the garden is as tenacious as the loving father himself, and new life can always bloom again from the decayed bones.

It's just that the timing of this attack feels very subtle.

"What's going on? Didn't the dark gods just unite and jointly send troops to encircle and suppress the rebels in the Maelstrom? How come there are still enemies attacking?" The God Lord Demon stared at the direction where the mosquitoes were startled, and said honestly His voice was full of doubts.

What force is acting secretly and secretly to stab them in the back?

"It must be another plot by the lackeys of the Lord of Changes!" The Plague Messenger next to him said angrily, "Every time we suffer a loss, there is their shadow overtly or covertly!"

The first suspect of the demons of Nurgle was Tzeentch.

Not only because he and his loving father are sworn enemies, but also because Tzeentch is familiar with the Chaos Code, finding loopholes, breaking promises, etc., is no problem for the Lord of Change.

The loving father's child was very angry about this. Those scheming bird feathers always like to bully honest people like them - aren't the trees in the garden growing into the wall courtyard of the Crystal Maze from time to time?

Although the demons hated this with gnashing teeth, they were unable to rush to the battlefield ahead - the counter-rebellion troops deployed a large number of Nurgle Demon Army forces, and this forest of knobbly trees had to be guarded.

They just feel the pain of the garden silently, and are very sad because of it.

Just like this, I don’t know how long the situation lasted.

The passage of time in the subspace is very chaotic, and the demons themselves have no concept of time.

Just as their attention was attracted by the attack, an army from the material realm suddenly came out from their flanks.

"For the Emperor!"

Countless red-turbaned men jumped out of the grass, picked up the guns in their hands, and fired the flames representing the emperor's anger at the disgusting subspace creatures in front of them.

That was the Catachan 17th Regiment, also known as the "Screaming Demons", which the Empire regarded as the ace in this operation.

Its leader, Captain Thorne, was carrying a heavy machine gun and leading everyone to launch a ferocious attack on the target.

The demons of Nurgle were stunned by this sudden attack.

Many Plaguebringers were fucked on the spot until their limbs were broken off, their flesh and blood flew everywhere, and various organs were scattered all over the floor.

The Nurglings were wailing and hugging rats one after another, and they were in a mess. Some of the unlucky ones who were hit were broken into blood flowers and seeped into the mud on the surface.

"What? Human? How is this possible!"

The Great Unclean One looked at the enemy that appeared out of nowhere, the expression on his face was full of disbelief.

Not to mention that the creatures in the material realm have never been so arrogant, and they dared to directly attack their gardens without fear of corruption and disease - how on earth did this group of humans touch them without being discovered?

But obviously, it doesn't have time to find the answer now.

"Fight back quickly, fight back quickly, we must protect Zumulin and we cannot let our loving father down!"

It struggled to move its huge body, which was no less than an imperial knight, and staggered towards the macho men first.

Inspired by the Great Unclean One, other deluded daemons followed suit, and Nurgle's army, known for its tenacity, quickly recovered from its initial setback.

The power of the God Lord Demon is far beyond the reach of ordinary people. The fire attacks of the fierce men seem to be able to chip away a lot of flesh and blood on it, but they are unable to cause real damage to it.

Normal creatures lacking tissues and organs would have died long ago, and at least their mobility would be greatly restricted. However, this guy in front of him was healing like crazy and was still vigorous and alive.

Demons are indeed a group of twisted beings that are difficult to understand.

Without heavy firepower, not even the mighty Catachan could defeat the great demon.

Captain Thorne, aware of this, made his own judgment decisively.


Without any unnecessary rhetoric, jungle guerrilla warfare is the specialty of the Catachans.

Use lightning-like offensive to inflict a painful blow on the enemy, and then use ghost-like movement to escape.

The strong men who received the order came and went like the wind, and quickly fled into the interior of the Gnome Forest, leaving the Nurgle Demon Army, which was not good at maneuvering, far behind.

"No, you cannot leave like this after such a desecration of your Father's garden!"

The demonic army of Nurgle was chasing after him, trying hard to pester him.

Of course they couldn't let this human army run wild in the garden.

The demons used a lot of evil subspace magic to slow down the escape speed of the tough men.

In an instant, the jungle warrior felt that the moss ground under his feet had become obviously sticky.

Every time they take a step forward, the movement is difficult and requires a lot of energy, as if there are countless arms holding on to their shoes.

"You can't escape, you humble little mice!"

The Great Unclean One carried a long sword like a dead tree, and in a blink of an eye he led the demons to kill everyone.

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