I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 286 The power of the original body

"Your plundering ends here, traitor!" Leontus stood in front of the army, shouting at the attacking demon primarch, "You will suffer a disastrous defeat again, and the God of Disease will also suffer because of his attack on him. Pay the price for the harm done to mortal beings.”

The Sun Lord is not only surrounded by the most elite forces in the entire empire, but also equipped with a large number of powerful vehicles and equipment such as Thunderhawk gunships, Knight mechas, and Custodes Dreadnoughts.

With the most precious equipment and top-notch warriors, coupled with mutual cooperation, they may not be incapable of fighting against the demonic original body.

"Pathetic mortals, do you think you can defeat me like this?" the Lord of Death said with a contemptuous smile. A large amount of green poisonous gas spurted out from his gas mask, which made his voice sound even more ferocious and terrifying, " You are just giving me a chance to hurt him. Even the most ruthless slave owner will feel sad because of the loss of property."

Although the title of Sun Lord is famous in the empire, Mortarion has never taken it seriously.

In the eyes of most Chaos parties, this position is nothing more than a false emperor who is afraid of the power of the Space Marines and only wants them to fight to the death for his dominance and ambition. He does not want them to gain too much power in the empire, so he specially created this position. It's just a mortal mascot specially placed on the head of a space warrior.

It has great symbolic significance, but has no practical effect. It can be used to severely humiliate the empire.

"You have already felt the power of your father, Mortarion. He is far superior to the evil master behind you. You can't hurt him, let alone defeat him." Leontus said reminded.

Nothing can demoralize the other party and make them angry more than directly talking about the other party's past failures.

What's more, the other party is also a arrogant and arrogant Primarch.

"We will know this after I chop off your stupid head, won't we?" Mortarion said viciously with a gloomy expression.

The Lord of Death waved, and the Death Guards behind him immediately rushed forward, fighting fiercely with the three forces of the Forbidden Army, the Gray Knights, and the Sisters of Silence in front of them.

The demonic principle came straight towards Leontus himself with great momentum.

Upon seeing this, the Imperial Guards at the front of the battle formation rushed forward, trying to prevent the Death Lord's beheading action. Deep in the Garden of Nurgle, the Emperor's relatives and the Emperor's favorite began to exchange swords against each other.

As a mortal, Rhiantus was unable to see any of the fighting between the two sides.

He only saw the demon primarch quickly colliding with the imperial army, causing the opponent's movement to pause for a moment, and then countless flying sparks burst out, accompanied by a crisp knocking sound of the blade.

In fact, in just this moment, Mortarion fought with the Imperial Guard soldier many times. Because the movements were too fast, the sound of multiple weapon collisions sounded like only one, and the specific scene could not be known. Captured by naked eye.

By the time Leontus's brain processed the neural signals transmitted from his eyes, the brave Imperial Guard had been split in half by Mortarion, both human and armor-clad.

Then came the second and third place

The noble Golden Legion warrior, the pinnacle of biotechnology in the material universe.

Each one of them is an all-round genius, possessing a powerful and immortal body and enough knowledge to support an entire civilization.

However, in front of the fallen demigods, even with the Sisters of Silence cooperating to limit the opponent's evil spells, their lives can only be calculated in seconds.

Fortunately, their sacrifice was not in vain.

Relying on this moment of opportunity created by everyone, the war instruments located at the rear of the military formation were able to adjust their muzzles and pour artillery fire on the demon primarch.

The heavy explosive bomb hit Mortarion hard, and the holy flames generated by the explosion burned his body.

"Keep attacking, don't give him a chance to breathe!" cried Leontus.

Even the Primarch will be injured by powerful gunfire and knocked down by violent impact.

If such evil could be eliminated here, it would undoubtedly be of great help to the entire war.

Unfortunately, they were facing Mortarion, the most enduring Primarch.

"It's just a desperate struggle!"

The Lord of Death simply ignored the damage and continued to kill forward with the Scythe of Annihilation.

The heavy tank was as fragile as a piece of tofu and was easily cut in half by him, and the Forbidden Army could only take a few more moves in his hands.

Under the influence of his evil magic, countless mosquitoes and flies gnawed open the cab of the knight mecha, and the pilot inside was devoured by them until his bones were left.

These ridiculous mortals couldn't see the huge gap between them, and they actually tried to challenge him.

Now, it's time to imprint his power and terror into the minds of every living thing in the galaxy.

Mortarion carried the destined death that swept across countless Imperial soldiers in front of him. One after another, noble, loyal, and highly decorated people were brutally killed, and they could have created more value for the Empire.

Finally, the Daemon Primarch rushed in front of Leontus, and the only thing standing between them was the squad led by Trajan, the commander of the Imperial Army.

Mortarion knew that his father valued these two guys very much, and he was extremely excited about the upcoming killing.

The Lord of Death once again waved the Scythe of Annihilation and slashed at the commander of the Imperial Army. Trajan quickly used his spear to resist, and the Imperial Army squad swarmed forward.

The powerful force from the demonic primarch made Trajan's arm hurt, but he managed to survive.

The Emperor asked him to protect the Sun Lord, and Trajan must fulfill this purpose no matter what.

Mortarion was a little surprised by this.

Even among the first-generation Forbidden Army, there were very few people with the fighting ability like the guy in front of me.

But that's all.

He continued to launch a ferocious offensive, and the scythe with deadly poison continued to slice through the limbs of the Custodes Commander.

Under the strong leadership of the Daemon Primarch, the Death Guard also successfully suppressed the elite forces of the Empire.

The other party won't last long.

While Trajan was entangled with the daemon primarch, Leontus decided to gather the last of his forces and charge against the enemy.

In a battle between masters, the outcome is only a matter of millimeters. If you can distract Mortarion's attention, you can create an opportunity for the Custodes team to defeat him.


At the cost of a wounded moth wing, Mortarion slapped the commander of the Custodes away.

Then he quickly rushed forward and locked the Sun Lord's throat.

The important mascot of the empire was held in his hands like this, and his life could be taken away by him at any time.

But Mortarion was in no hurry to do so.

Through the leading role of idols, outstanding people can inspire others.

For the same reason, when the image of an idol collapses, it will also cause a heavy blow to the confidence of followers.

If all your ideal heroes fail and succumb, who else can win?

And with the Sun Lord's corruption, corruption could quickly spread throughout the empire.

Not only the army he brought into the Garden of Nurgle, but also the worlds in the physical universe that respect the Sun Lord will also be greatly affected.

"Look at what you have done, mortal. You brought them here, thinking you could win a resounding victory, only to let them die in vain."

Mortarion showed Rhiantus the horror of the entire battlefield, so that the other party would realize the failure of what he had done.

As he spoke, green poisonous gas spurted out from his respirator, and part of it was inevitably inhaled into Rhiantus' lungs.

After witnessing the terrifying power of the Daemon Primarch and the ease with which the best warriors of the Imperium were slaughtered like weeds, it was difficult for any mortal to not succumb to his power.

"I wasn't the one who brought them here." Leontus spoke with difficulty.

"What?" Mortarion was slightly stunned.

"The one who brought them here is the Emperor!" he continued.

In an instant, there was a burst of fire.

A subspace force belonging to the empire suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

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