I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 287 The Cursed Legion

First there was the constant wear and tear of the Plague Gardens, and then there was the fierce attack by the Daemon Primarch and his legions of Death Guards.

The Imperial troops suffered heavy losses, the front was crumbling for a while, and morale fell into an extremely low state.

Unprecedented darkness and fear lingered in the hearts of the Astra Militarum officers, causing them to begin to doubt themselves.

Maybe they shouldn't be here at all, maybe the devil is indeed something they can't defeat.

Or perhaps - the entire human race is inherently subject to these evils.

Many soldiers thought so.

So when the demons and traitors stormed into their positions, those weak-willed people were frightened and lost the courage to continue fighting.

They will just hide in the corner and tremble, sitting with their heads down like ostriches waiting for the cruel fate to come to their door.

Despite this, there are still many brave men among the imperial soldiers who continue to fight against the evil before them, guided by responsibility, virtue and faith.

Boundless darkness attacks from all sides, and the sacrifices of these brave men are like firewood thrown into the flames, heroic and dazzling.

Guided by this devout belief, at the most critical and desperate moment, various battlefields in the Plague Garden suddenly glowed with light.

A group of mysterious space warriors shot out of the sky and gave the incoming demon a head-on blow.

These warriors are obviously not normal creatures.

Each of them wore a set of ancient dark power armor, and their bodies were wrapped in a red flame.

Those flames had no temperature, and their color was as pure as blood, without any impurities.

The surrounding Astra Militarum soldiers could not smell any burning chemical substances in the air, nor could they observe the opponent's figure from the thermal imager.

Completely inconsistent with the laws of physics, originating from subspace is the only reliable explanation.

But unlike the eerie Chaos Demons, the aura of this strange army is closer to the miraculous manifestations caused by the state religion.

All the officers and soldiers of the empire have more or less heard some rumors related to this mysterious force - the anger of the dead loyal warriors still refuses to be extinguished, and they transform into ghosts and continue to bring destruction to the enemies of mankind, which gives people a quite powerful feeling. Romantic color.

However, the vast majority of people believe that the legend of the Cursed Legion is just another ignorant and crazy imagination.

After all, in this chaotic galaxy, faced with countless monsters and monsters, not only any outrageous things may happen, but even normal news will be transmitted in an unbelievable way.

But now, those legendary ghost warriors have really appeared beside the empire's soldiers, and are still helping them fight against demons and fighting side by side with them.

The burning ghost was silent, without any war cry or communication.

They just poured out their rage and destruction on all human enemies within sight, purifying one evil target after another with holy flames.

"This must be the power of the Emperor. He is always watching us, always by our side!"

It was as if they saw someone holding a candle for them in the helpless darkness, lighting the way. The imperial soldiers who were originally demoralized suddenly became excited and began to organize counterattacks to stabilize their front.

When faith is accurately verified and vividly displayed before the eyes of believers, dying for faith becomes a supreme honor.

Faced with this sudden change in the situation, Mortarion felt a little caught off guard.

The Lord of Death had originally held the life of that weak and ridiculous mascot, Sun Lord Rhiantus, in his hands and could end everything in front of him at any time. But now he was forced back by a sacred and dazzling golden light. Even the chaotic evil force that permeated the surroundings gradually dissipated and disintegrated under the influence of that light.

There is only one explanation for this phenomenon - in addition to these humble mortals, his corpse emperor father also sent other envoys to challenge him.

"Who on earth dares to pretend to be a ghost in front of me?"

Mortarion roared angrily at the ball of light, and deadly poison emerged from his body, spreading to the surroundings as his emotions rose and fell.

However, the other party did not respond. They just protected the imperial soldiers who had been severely hit just behind them.

Furious, Mortarion vigorously waved the Scythe of Annihilation in his hand, and time and space itself seemed to be cut apart.

A green energy filled with the aura of death was thrown away and quickly hit the target on the opposite side.

Upon seeing this, the golden light immediately separated into two small light groups and faced Mortarion's attack head-on.

The powerful subspace energy struck those small light groups, directly lifting the disguises worn by the other party, and the figures of the two saints were revealed in everyone's field of vision.

One of them is a noble lady with black hair and gold armor. She holds a sacred sword, wears a sun halo on her head, and has a pair of pure white wings on her back.

The other person is a man, dressed similarly to the former, except that he has a gold mask on his face, making it difficult to see his specific face.

Saint Celestine and Saint Leonardo, two living saints who walked in the warp space and the mortal world under the orders of the Emperor, possess powerful power no less than that of the gods and demons, and have killed countless evil spirits.

They often come to the side of mortals when the situation is most critical, and use the supreme power bestowed by the Emperor to sweep away the darkness and reverse the defeat of mankind. Therefore, they are widely worshiped and praised by the people of the empire, and have become the protagonists of many myths and legends. .

"The Pale King!" cried Saint Celestine, the title of the Daemon Primarch.

"Lord of Death!" Holy Lenno then said.

"This is the end of your terrible atrocities!" cried both men.

What they pronounced was a decree from the Emperor.

Mortarion didn't pay attention to the two people in front of him.

The power of the Living Saint is miraculous in the eyes of mortals, but it is completely insignificant in the eyes of him as the Daemon Primarch.

The power he possesses is truly powerful, and the legend he left behind in the mortal world is even more terrifying.

"Stop hiding your head and showing off your tail, damn bastard, show your true identity quickly!"

Mortarion looked down upon the saints in front of him, his scarlet eyes still fixed on the white light group.

He felt a familiar feeling that he had not seen for a long time, and his hands subconsciously strengthened the strength to hold Nie Mie.

"Long time no see, brother!"

The dazzling white light gradually dissipated, and the figure of a giant emerged.

He was holding a golden spear, and his whole body was covered with a layer of holy light. His bright armor shone dazzlingly, and his handsome face was extremely beautiful.

That is the leader of the Ninth Legion known as the Archangel.

Saint Les greeted his blood relatives, the smile on his face revealed a touch of sadness.

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