I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 288 Saint Les

After ten thousand years, Mortarion felt dazed for a moment when he saw his brother who was supposed to be dead again.

He knew little about the conditions within the black sun, the realm created by the Emperor.

Eavesdropping worms cannot penetrate because the transitional order there would expose their disguise.

Not to mention that the Emperor's power can completely obliterate demons - they all fear him.

In fact, Mortarion himself is the same, and he is still afraid of his father's strong majesty in his heart.

Although he would never admit it.

But regardless of the Emperor's current state, there is no doubt that he still possesses great power.

Therefore, as long as the main body of the soul is fine, it is not unimaginable for the Lord of Humanity to shape it into an existence similar to the Demon Prince like the Four Gods did.

"So now you have become like me, an upgraded being?" Mortarion sarcastically said, "Keep saying that subspace is harmful, but you have been using this power from beginning to end. Our father It really carries the hypocrisy to the end.”

"Of course not, Mortarion. Until now, my father has tried his best to avoid such a thing. It was your betrayal that created today's corrupt and ignorant empire. You gave him no choice. He must find a way to protect the entire human race." Sangliese tried to explain.

The Emperor is extremely cautious about projecting his powers onto the mortal world.

"Absurd!" Mortarion waved Nirvana and pointed at the archangel in front of him and roared, "According to this, you are now leading his minions to invade the father's garden in order to so-called protect mankind, rather than taking advantage of the opportunity. Fight for subspace hegemony on his behalf?”

"He doesn't care about the so-called great game of the dark gods. It is bad and harmful. It has no practical significance except to satisfy the cruel desires of the evil gods. What the original destroyer needs is to be completely eliminated." Holy Leth replied.

"It sounds like our father is not interested in power. Who was urging us to carry out the Great Crusade and expand the territory for his empire?" Mortarion scolded.

"That's because the Eldar have fallen so deeply that the rise of Chaos is inevitable. Humanity must conquer the Star Sea to have enough power to fight against the Four Gods. Otherwise, we will face thousands of alien civilizations corrupted by Chaos. "

"It's nonsense, extremely ridiculous. You have been so deeply deceived by him, Holy Leth!" Mortarion couldn't stand the aloof and loyal face of the other party, so he killed him with the moth wings behind him fluttering, " Since my father has sent you here as my opponent, let’s decide who is better here!”

"Among all the brothers, only Dorn and I accompanied my father into the final battle to face Horus. We were able to see more of his unknown side." The archangel raised his holy spear and resisted the attack. "And my mission here is not to fight with you, Mortarion, you don't have to worry about it."

The two original bodies fought each other quickly in the air, and their figures were so fast that it was dazzling.

The sacred light and the poisonous mist are entangled with each other, forming an extremely dangerous cyclone.

Saint Celestine and Saint Leonardo listened to the words of the Archangel and devoted themselves to fighting other Chaos Demons.

"It's neither to challenge me nor to compete for hegemony. Did you come here with an army to travel?"

Mortarion continued to capture Saint Leth's figure, trying to find the opponent's flaws.

The opportunity was rare, and he was eager to defeat the three best students among the Primarchs.

For a demon, there is nothing more satisfying than trampling a noble and holy being into filth.

"Of course not, brother, my father cannot become a god. On this issue, you and I have the same idea. Otherwise, not only the human race, but also all creatures in the galaxy will suffer catastrophe - so resurrecting his body is the key. We must find a way to maintain the anchor point between him and the real universe." Saintlys said seriously.

"It sounds like he is being forced to ascend to the throne of God." Mortarion smiled. "You just don't want him to die prematurely, and you are trying to extend his already shaky life and fight for his ascendance to God. It’s just time, don’t think you can deceive me with such treacherous words - the life-support machine under his butt, the Golden Throne is inevitably collapsing, and all the creatures in the subspace already know this news.”

From Mortarion's perspective, everything the Emperor did was to make himself a god.

The purpose of promoting the false imperial truth is to conceal its true purpose, and the purpose of the Great Crusade to unify the galaxy is to collect enough souls as sacrifices.

It was the heavy blow that Horus inflicted on the Emperor that successfully broke his dream of ascending to the throne of God and left him in a state of half-death.

The helpless emperor could only be forced to slap him in the face and pick up the religious worship thing again, blatantly and unabashedly trying to get a chance to make a comeback by relying on the faith of all living beings.

However, even when faced with the Emperor in his prime state, the Four Gods were able to successfully pull him down, and the Lord of Mankind, now reduced to a living corpse, would never stand a chance again, just like his decaying empire.

Mortarion's thinking logic on this issue has formed a closed loop, leaving no room for breaking.

Saintlys knew that Mortarion would not listen, and had no intention of quarreling with him in terms of words. However, he felt that as a family member, it was necessary to explain everything clearly - after all, they had lacked this before. This led to so many tragedies happening later.

"In short, in order to restore life to my father's increasingly decaying body, I think it is necessary to use the goddess of life of the Eldar race." Sanctity Les said.

"So this is the fundamental reason why the Empire colluded with the Eldar." Mortarion smiled contemptuously. "In order to survive, your so-called loyalists have become more and more desperate, and you are shamelessly colluding with those pointed-eared aliens. .”

"Well, regarding this matter, the people of the empire seem to have more radical ideas." Saintly's tone suddenly became hesitant, as if he had something to hide.

"People of the Empire? Since when did the Empire start to care about what ordinary people think?" Mortarian suddenly frowned, wondering where the other party was coming from.

"In the field created by my father, I can hear the voices of people praying, the hundreds of millions of wishes gathered together. The content of those prayers is usually to obtain shelter, strength, peace or happiness. In recent times, But there was a big difference.”

"Mortal foolishness remains the same, what else could be different?"

"They wanted their father to marry Elsa."

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