I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 289 Between the original bodies

"What did you say!"

Mortarion's eyes widened, unable to believe what his ears were hearing.

The Nirvana War Scythe in his hand firmly suppressed the Archangel's holy spear, and the terrifying serrations on the scythe's blade were as restless as a high-pressure boiler about to explode.

"As I said just now, brother, the Golden Throne is on the verge of collapse, and my father is about to ascend to the throne of God. This is not a good thing for the entire human race, so we have to find a way to prevent this from happening."

Holy Leth flapped the pure white wings on his back, trying to distance himself from the Lord of Death.

"So this is the solution that you loyalists came up with? Are you kidding me! Have the prayers from the ignorant people of the empire worn your brain into pulp? Holy Leth!"

Mortarion chased the archangel's figure with all his strength, and two groups of light, one golden and one green, entangled with each other in the sky of Nurgle Garden at a speed that was difficult for mortal eyes to catch.

"If we want to repair my father's dilapidated body and make it able to carry the cold and powerful black sun, we can only place our hope in the authority of the God of Life. And my father cannot accept the power of Nurgle, and Russ has The fruit of the tree of life has not been returned for a long time, so we are trying to explain to the other party.”

"The Emperor is hopeless. Sangliese, we can all feel his pain. Letting him rest completely is the greatest relief, not only for you and me, for the Empire, but also for the entire galaxy!" Motta Lian rudely interrupted his brother's speech and asked in a low voice, "In order to maintain that foolish loyalty, how many bottom-line things do you have to do before you give up?"

"You know we will never give up on him, Mortarion, he is our father, and nothing can change our loyalty to him." Saintlys reminded.

"Even so!" Mortarion continued, his voice was horribly low, "Even if you take a step back, using Elsa's power does have a chance to cure the Emperor - that alien goddess only deserves to be treated as a trophy. , what qualifications does she have to become the emperor's wife? Become."

At this point, the Lord of Death stopped talking.

He has never encountered such an outrageous thing since becoming a demon. Even with a strong will belonging to a demigod, he found it difficult to accept it for a while.

"Be our stepmother?"

Sangres said bluntly.

He knew what was upsetting his brother.

Mortarion's face became darker and angrier as a result.

He did not care whether the Emperor lived or died, nor did he care about the rise or fall of the Empire.

But Mortarion could not deny his bloodline no matter what, nor could he deny that the man was his biological "father".

This is a fact that cannot be changed by talking hard. It is a truth that is deeply engraved in the trajectory of destiny - not many people will forcefully change the generally accepted views in order to comply with his wishes. The most Mortarion can do is blame the Emperor. He doesn't deserve to be called a good father.

This outrageous move by the loyalists was simply a matter of putting an elder above them, and their rebellious heirs were inexplicably suppressed.

In particular, the goddess of life of the Eldar Tribe is still so weak. As a breeding ground for diseases cultivated by a loving father, she is imprisoned in an iron cage. She is like a slave and cannot control her own destiny. She only knows how to shed tears all day long.

How could Mortarion, who always thought so highly of himself, approve of this?

How could he allow a woman who cries at every turn to become his nominal mother?

"You are using this matter to humiliate me, Sanglis. According to the emperor's character, how could he make such a decision!"

The Lord of Death roared loudly, and the offensive launched by his hands became more and more crazy.

"I don't mean this, brother, but as a family member, I need to inform you of this household matter in advance. In addition, you still don't understand our father. He can make any sacrifice for the entire human race."

Archangel's fighting style is still defensive, and his flexible body makes him feel at ease.

"Family? Sacrifice? High-sounding, nonsense!" Mortarion scolded sternly, "I think it was after the Emperor fell into silence that you arrogantly regarded yourself as our patriarch, under the banner of saving your father, In fact, they hope to use this method to establish prestige for themselves, don’t they?”

"Of course not, Mortarion, you know I would not do such a thing." Sanctity explained seriously, "The changes over the years have already drained the Emperor of his humanity, and restoring humanity will help Suppressing the god and helping him create a new family will not only accomplish this, but also foster an alliance between the Imperium and the Eldar."

"Oh? Is it true? Is the whole story really like what you said - His Majesty the Emperor of the Second Empire?" Mortarion did not continue what the other party said, but used this to change the topic. , sarcastically said in a bad tone, "You don't think I don't know about the bad thing that you, Ryan, and Guilliman did together back then, do you? As a strong candidate who once competed for the position of Warmaster, you are jealous I am obsessed with Horus and jealous that he can stand out among the brothers!"

During the Horus Heresy, Guilliman's Macragge had a strong army, but was blocked by a warp storm on its way to Holy Terra. It was unable to rush to the Emperor's aid, and could not receive any news from there. .

Considering the possibility of defeat by the Emperor, in order to continue to lead the Empire to fight against Horus, he decided to draw up the Archangel and the Lion King to formulate a backup plan, which was the so-called Second Empire.

If it weren't for the fact that the loyalists and traitors were fighting too fiercely on Terra and had no time to deal with other things, and the Big Three handled the evidence relatively cleanly afterwards, then the so-called Second Empire could definitely be regarded as another Rebellion.

"You actually know the ins and outs of that matter very well, so there's no need to use it to criticize me."

Saintlys replied calmly, complaining in his heart that Guilliman had really tricked him, and how could he have so blindly agreed to his proposal in the first place.

"It seems that our top students have become a little restless after their fig leaf was ripped off."

Mortarion's tone was full of ridicule.

He despised the archangel.

In particular, Holy Leth's act of kindness to mortals seemed to Mortarion to encourage the weak.

"In that case." Saint Les sighed.

He knew that no matter how he explained, it would be useless. People with evil intentions would find everything they looked at to be full of malice.

So the archangel calmed down his emotions, showed a smile, and said directly: "Then according to your wishes, my real idea is to try to promote this matter for the purpose of promoting the patriarch - so what are you going to do, Mortarion? ?”

Happy New Year everyone! ! !

Just one chapter today (whisper)

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