I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 290 You may not believe it if you tell me

Although the Archangel embodies all the beauty of mankind and is recognized as an excellent example among the Primarchs, in fact, his character is somewhat sinister.

Since Mortarion so stubbornly agrees with his own opinion, he doesn't mind complying with the other party's wishes.

"You finally admitted this, Holy Leth, your level of hypocrisy is exactly the same as that of our miserable father!" Mortarion seemed to have grasped the handle of Holy Leth, loudly accusing him.

He has long been dissatisfied with the other party's smug look. Each of these so-called loyalists is more arrogant and conceited than the last, and they are even more stupid without knowing it.

"You may not believe it, Mortarion. In fact, my father intends to entrust the entire empire to me."

Saint Les raised his head high and assumed a proud posture, as if he was the best child in his father's eyes, and his sacred figure became more and more radiant.

"No, this is impossible. Don't be stupid. How can that tyrant really give up the power in his hands? He is just drawing a pie for you that will never be realized, so that you can serve him with all your heart." Mortarion retorted, his tone full of disdain.

"It's true!" Saintlys explained with a serious face, "If you have any doubts about this, you can ask Waldo and Donne, they can prove it for me."

"Ask them? Are you kidding! The emperor has now become a rotting corpse on the golden throne. What his edict will look like is not left to you guys to decide!"

What's more, the two people Sangliese said have disappeared for nearly ten thousand years. Where can he go to find them and question them?

Feeling that he had been tricked, the Lord of Death pounced forward again, with a thick poisonous mist covering his whole body. The Death Scythe aimed at the opponent's right shoulder and slashed hard with a swift and fierce attitude.

"Do you think we will tamper with our father's edict?"

The archangel dodged the attack of Nirvana sideways, and a few pure white feathers fell off from the wings on his back, flying along the air waves in the air.

"His legacy has long been yours, hasn't it?"

Mortarion followed up with another swipe, the deadly weapon in his hand eager to gnaw at Saint Leth's pure body.

"After my father became incapacitated, someone had to take care of all the big and small things in our family." Sangres raised his holy spear and blocked the incoming sickle. "Besides, bad children have no inheritance rights."

Mortarion's eyes flashed, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Not only did Saintlys treat him like a bad boy, but the other party's words sounded like he was stepping on traitors like them to rise to power. At least without the Horus Heresy, Guilliman would never have been able to sit on the throne of the Regent of the Empire. Location.

"I don't care about the ownership of our father's foolish kingdom, because the loving father has given me something better, where there is neither deception nor exploitation, all pain is accepted, and the decayed remains are full of life. "

Compared with the boring and monotonous real universe, the variability of subspace is more fascinating.

"Really?" Saint Les smiled, "This reminds me of an ancient Terran fable - there is a large bunch of ripe and attractive grapes growing on the grape trellis, and a little fox is so greedy that he drools. , it tried every means to try to eat it into its mouth, but failed in the end, so it "

"Stop putting on airs with me here, Holy Leth!" Mortarion interrupted the other party directly with a rude tone. He felt deeply humiliated, "I didn't obey the Emperor in the past, and I will never condescend to you now. Underneath - I am more powerful than you!"

The furious Lord of Death suddenly exerted force with his hands and deflected the Archangel's resistance. The latter once again distanced himself from him and quickly stabilized his body.

"Now is not the time to be harsh, Mortarion. Look around you. The evil garden of the God of Disease is burning." Sanctity Les pointed at the battlefield below.

With the addition of the Cursed Legion, the Imperial forces quickly reversed their previous decline.

The Sun Lord, the Marshal of the Forbidden Army, and others are continuing to direct the soldiers to regroup. The originally shaky front has been consolidated. In some places, counterattacks have even been launched. A large number of Nurgle demons and Chaos warriors have been killed. Smoke and fire are everywhere in the garden. soaring.

This does not include the situation on the Elf side.

"You are a pathetic slave, Holy Leth. You only know how to succumb to the fate assigned to you by the Emperor, and you are willing to serve as a tool to realize his ambitions. You will not even have peace after death - I will not let you succeed, you All you can get from me is miserable failure!"

Mortarion glared at the archangel in front of him, wishing he could step on that holy figure into the mud.

"This is not up to you, brother. The situation faced by the God of Disease is worse than you imagined. There is nothing you can do to help him save the defeat." Saint Les reminded him.

"Oops?" Mortarion said fiercely, "The loving father is recalling the power he released from the outside world. Once the demonic army returns to the rescue, all the invaders will be dead!"

"However, it is not just his slaves who have been summoned. His sworn enemies will definitely not miss this good opportunity - do you think your master can withstand the joint attack of multiple forces?" Holy Lie Si asked with a smile.

There is no doubt that there is nothing more pleasing to the Dark Gods than watching their mortal enemy suffer misfortune.

"It's just a bunch of rabble, don't be alarmist here." Mortarianu said disdainfully.

In his opinion, all the forces have their own evil intentions and are incompatible with each other. Even if the Nurgle Demonic Realm really becomes their common target, it will at best be the same as the six countries attacking Hangu Pass and the eighteen princes attacking Dong Zhuo.

"Perhaps." Holy Leth shrugged, "But I do think that before the Eldar force Nurgle to hand over the Goddess of Life, the targets of their attacks will not be scattered."

Whoever had the last laugh in this incident, bad luck to Nurgle.

"Then we'll see!" Mortarion tried hard to suppress his anger.

Although the Lord of Death very much hopes to decide the outcome directly with the opponent here, he has the ability and confidence to do so, but the voice of the loving father Nurgle rang in his mind, urging him to shrink the front and consolidate the defense of the Black Castle. ——The attack of the Great Changer and the Great Desire is coming.

It was clear that everyone was working together to put down the Maelstrom Rebellion just now, but the next second they started to use swords against each other.

Such situations are commonplace in subspace.

After receiving this news, Mortarion could not make the same mistake as last time.

Nurgle has him on his radar, needing his strength and military prowess.

The Lord of Death stared at his brother silently, struggling in his heart for a few seconds, and finally snorted, turned around and led the Death Guard army to retreat.

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