Facing the Death Guard and Nurgle Demon Army that were gradually leaving the battlefield, Saintly Leth did not pursue them.

He shook the white wings on his back, slowly descended from the sky, and entered the empire's main formation.

Thanks to the timely action of the Archangel and the coordination and command of Leontus and others, the Empire's main formation, which was previously overwhelmed by Mortarion, has already resumed operations.

When Saint Les descended into the crowd, all the soldiers stared at the dazzling holy angel in front of them, as if they had witnessed a miracle with their own eyes, and they all held their breath.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, great Holy Leth, Primarch of the Ninth Legion, Archangel, you have truly returned to us!"

Leontus immediately prostrated himself in front of the archangel, his tone and expression extremely excited, and other imperial soldiers around him also saluted, offering their highest respect to this mythical hero.

"You don't have to be like this, Sun Lord, and I can't come back to you. My appearance is short-lived. You are not allowed to record any information related to it after you go back - unless it is absolutely necessary, the Emperor does not want too much subspace. If it affects the real universe, it means the collapse of order, and the boundary between the two realms will gradually collapse as a result.”

Sangres smiled and helped the mortal commander in front of him, his voice and face were full of gentleness, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Even so, under your leadership, we will definitely be able to clear out the evil spirits in this area - I am willing to hand over the command of the imperial troops to your hands."

No one could be more qualified to command this battle than a loyal Primarch, who accompanied the Emperor to the end, knowing his fate but still dying generously.

Therefore, even though changing generals on the spot is a taboo for military strategists, Rhiantus did not hesitate. That only applies to mortals, and the Primarch in front of him belongs to a powerful demigod.

"I'm very sorry, Sun Lord. It's your responsibility to control the mortal army. I can't interfere."

Saintlys shook his head regretfully, although he also hoped to share the burden on Leontus.

"I took the liberty, my lord."

Leontus said humbly.

He didn't know much about the rules of subspace. Although the various beings in it seemed to be wanton and crazy, in fact they still strictly followed a certain set of rules.

"But I did bring the Emperor's guidance - the reinforcements sent by Nurgle to the Maelstrom are coming, and you must lead the Imperial troops to intercept them." Holy Leth reminded.

"Okay, sir." Leontus nodded, and then asked, "But what about the Eldar Tribe?"

The pointy-eared bean sprouts are charging forward at the moment. It's strategically okay for them to suddenly turn around and attack Nurgle's reinforcements, but it will always have an impact on those allies.

"You don't have to worry about this. There are two demonic armies of the Great Changer and the Great Desireer coming. Before the real prize, the goddess of life Aisha, is handed over by Nurgle, these forces will focus on attacking the Black Castle. Strike." Saintlys replied.

In other words, the real melee begins when the goddess appears.

"I see."

Rhiantus nodded, and then began to make the troops shrink their formation and move in the direction of Nurgle's reinforcements.

Holy Leth continued to lead the Cursed Legion, sweeping back and forth in the Plague Garden.

On the side of the Eldar Alliance.

Efreni is leading a group of Phoenix Lords to continuously attack.

Thunderbolts of psychic lightning kept ringing on the battlefield, and the sky-high fires continued to burn the filth around them.

Spore tumors grow out of the swollen trees without warning and explode to spread poisonous gas.

Deathworms stir the earth, launching sneak attacks from beneath the ground against the unprepared Eldar warriors.

For them, there is only one chance.

After finally gathering the troops, and finally waiting for the opportunity, they are burdened with the great mission of revitalizing the entire race. They must rescue the goddess of life this time.

Typhons personally led the first company of the Death Guard to intercept, accompanied by a large number of Nurgle demons.

These damn pointed ears are much more difficult to deal with than those big heads in the empire, and there are endless weird methods.

Although Typhons used many tactics to try to slow down the advance of the Eldar troops, the Death Guard's line was still being broken through bit by bit by the opponent, getting closer and closer to their important Black Castle - which was the center of the plague. The place of God himself.

Of all the pointy-eared enemies, the three Avatars of Kain appear to be the most troublesome.

They are the fragments that were torn apart when the Eldar War God died, and are usually only activated in the most critical times to help the Ark Eldar defend themselves against powerful invaders.

Now the Eldar have taken out a total of three fragments, which is equivalent to losing three life-saving charms and three noble warriors.

Only by using noble blood as a sacrifice can the fragments of the dead god be able to activate the final afterglow.

And the devotees have already regarded death as home.

After the sacred ceremony ended, three tall and mighty warriors, covered in lava and exuding deadly heat, appeared in front of everyone.

The powerful being who once defeated the Star God Nightbringer, the bloody-handed war god who defeated Slaanesh with his weak body, although now only a thousand fragments are left, he still possesses very terrifying power.

They hold a scarlet long sword and can kill more than a dozen demons with just one blow. The fat and durable flesh of the Plaguebringer has no effect. Cutting them is like a hot knife cutting through butter.

The poisonous miasma retreated automatically in front of Kane's incarnation, and the warp creatures trembled under his power.

The lava on his body fell to the ground, and the dirty soil of the Plague Garden was purified.

With Khaine's wrath, the Eldar warriors howled and launched a heroic attack on the Death Guard position.

"Their attack was too violent, and our troops could not bear such a loss." A member of the Death Shroud, a member of the Death Guard Legion's personal guard, reported to Typhons.

Even if the other party doesn't say it, Typhons can intuitively feel this.

There is indeed something in the punch thrown by the Eldar who emptied their wealth, and it is not that easy to resist.

"Where is the original body? Have you contacted him?"

If Mortarion had not led most of the Death Guard to attack the Empire, the current battle line would not be so tight.

The Eldar are obviously the main force in this attack, and only they can save their own goddess of life - humans have no connection with Aisha. To do this, they have to flatten the entire Black Castle.

However, their Lord of Death went to confront the Empire because of personal grudges, and even cut off the communication connection with him.

What a willful guy.

If Typhons' plan was followed and the overwhelming combat power of the original body was used to conduct mobile combat, more than half of these so-called Phoenix Lords would be killed.

Without a corresponding enemy to contend with, a Primarch rushing into the enemy formation would be like a wolf among sheep.

"I don't know, sir, since the ghost warriors of the empire appeared, the situation has become more and more chaotic." Death Shroud replied, "But the good news is that the troops we sent outside are about to return to support, and then we can fight with them Attack this group of intruders from both front and rear."

The situation seemed to be turning around, but Typhons knew that the real test was about to come.

"No, let the troops shrink their front further and we defend the Black Castle."

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