I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 292 Black Castle

The Black Castle is the heart of Nurgle's realm and the home of the Lord of Disease himself.

No matter where you are in any corner of the garden, as long as you raise your head, you can vaguely see the tall building rising into the sky through the hazy green mist.

The entire building is made of pure black unknown stone. The ancient tiles and bricks are covered with moss, fungi and cobwebs, as if they have been abandoned for a long time.

It has an exact shape, but it is in the process of changing. It is engraved with infinite possibilities, and the appearance is different every time a witness sees it.

Through the windows of the castle, one can sense a darkness deeper than the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

Countless evil spirits were laughing happily inside, and the eerie sounds made people feel horrified all over.

A truly haunted house.

The God of Disease usually stands in front of his huge cauldron, full of kindness, and diligently brews the soup. A large amount of moist rotten wood is jumped and happily sent into it by the Nurglings as fuel for the fire. .

Those soups are Nurgle's most beloved creations. Although they look green, sticky and disgusting, every drop of them contains billions of creatures.

They include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and phages. No matter how small and humble they are, the loving father loves them equally and desires to let them multiply and multiply in the mortal world, making thousands of worlds full of vitality.

If a person accepts a gift from Nurgle, he is allowed to live in harmony with these unclean things.

His body will turn into a seedbed of microorganisms, every inch of his skin will be wrapped in filth, and countless pathogens will flood his internal organs, thus gaining unparalleled vitality.

Depending on the recipe, the effect of the soup will vary greatly.

Some pathogenic factors can cause fever, some can cause rash, some are highly contagious, and some have high mutation frequency.

Due to the rules of the mortal world, one pathogen cannot carry all these excellent properties and must make trade-offs. Therefore, the loving father can only control the dosage of each ingredient and conduct repeated experiments to brew a drink dedicated to all living beings. Perfect gift.

For such a special job, the presence of a drug tester is a must.

Pathogens need to be tested before being released into the mortal world. Otherwise, if the effect is too poor, it will damage the reputation of the loving father.

And there is no more perfect medicine tester in the universe than the goddess Elsa.

The power of life he controls prevents Him from being harmed by those small lives, and He can eventually overcome no matter how complicated the illness is.

Using this trait, Nurgle can slowly adjust his creations over time as it takes him to overcome those illnesses.

In Nurgle's view, Elsa is simply his best partner in work. If possible, he wants to keep the goddess by his side.

But now, Elsa's children have arrived outside the walls of the Black Castle.

The Phoenix Lords held their breath and stared silently at the creepy black house and the endless Nurgle Demon Army guarding in front of it.

They are the leaders of various warrior tribes. They all have outstanding achievements, are famous, and possess unquestionable strength.

"Leave here, my loving father will not hold you accountable for this offense!" A god, the Great Unclean One, who was also Nurgle's most loyal gardener, stood up and explained his master's will to the intruders, "My Lord Although he is a tolerant god, no one can withstand His wrath, so while everything is still within His tolerance, leave here quickly and don’t cause trouble for yourself!”

These strongest men of the Eldar knew exactly what they were about to face.

Aside from the lack of special attacks against their race, Nurgle's power is no less powerful than the Lord of Joy, if not more so.

However, they know better that this increasingly cruel universe's tolerance for the weak is rapidly decreasing. If they don't fight hard and fight for a glimmer of life, the terrible darkness will swallow everything up.

So no one would choose to accept the gardener's offer.

"God of Disease!" Everene stood at the front of the army and shouted in the direction of the castle, "Your persecution of our people has come to an end. Hand over our goddess, and your evil kingdom will be restored. You can continue to linger in the shadows, otherwise this garden will burn and all uncleanness will be purified!"

With the blessing of psychic power, her voice spread to every corner of the garden.

All knew that Nurgle's authority was being challenged, and by a group of mortals.

Nurgle didn't feel too angry about this.

A group of lost children hope to return to their mothers. This is a manifestation of love. Even if the means are a little excessive, what can be wrong?

However, as the saying goes, the Lord humiliates his subjects and dies. Even if the loving father himself does not care, the offense suffered by Him still makes the gardener furious.

The Great Unclean One felt Nurgle's will, and then said: "In that case, you can all stay here. The soil of the garden just needs more decaying flesh and blood to nourish!"

Eternalizing the soul and body as part of the Plague Garden will allow these poor children to accompany their mothers forever, which is simply the most perfect solution to the conflict at hand.

Tens of thousands of plague cannons on the city wall suddenly fired in unison, the sound was like a thunderstorm, and a large number of bombs containing strong acid and poison passed through the air, overwhelmingly hitting the invading Eldar army, which used to protect themselves. The holographic stand was like a hammered tempered glass, with numerous tiny cracks being broken out.

Everene waved her long sword and pointed directly at the black castle ahead: "Don't be afraid of the darkness, people of Asuryan, all attack!"

The nine Phoenix Lords led the way into the enemy formation. Their superb combat skills allowed them to maneuver among the demon army with ease, and their swift blades were swung into deadly spirals one after another.

Inspired by their heroic efforts, the Nether Warriors followed closely behind, using their psychic shields to withstand firepower and charge towards Nurgle's demon army.

The powerful Phantom Titan shakes the earth and harvests countless demons with unimaginable flexibility.

The Prism Cannon releases a deadly beam, bombarding enemy positions indiscriminately.

Visions that interfere with the future, artifacts that distort reality, bone nanorobots that obliterate life from the cell unit, and all kinds of earth-shattering and endlessly mysterious witchcraft and magic.

In order to defeat the powerful enemy in front of them, the Eldar used a series of methods that were originally considered taboo by them. The severe situation made it impossible for them to continue to hold back.

The God of Death is watching them, and the God of Life is looking forward to them.

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