Nurgle is not afraid of the Eldar who are causing trouble outside. The living obviously do not have the strength to challenge the dark gods in the subspace.

Although the prism cannon bombarded the walls of the black castle again and again, the high-energy and deadly beams were indeed able to create cracks and knock down rubble.

However, these minor injuries were quickly restored by the power of the God of Disease.

This kind of repair work does not require craftsmen to work hard, nor do they need to provide tools and materials. Everything comes from the unfathomable witchcraft and evil magic of subspace.

The Black Castle is a part of Nurgle, and naturally inherits his unique resilience.

It is no easy task to break into this mythical building.

What really troubles Nurgle is his brothers. After all, there are vivid examples out there.

Once upon a time, Tzeentch was the most powerful among the four evil gods of chaos.

This kind of power is not just slightly better, but far ahead - just because He holds an extremely mysterious artifact staff in his hand.

However, this advantage did not give the Lord of Changes all the benefits in the great game. Instead, it caused the other three evil gods to regard him as their top enemy.

We are all Chaos Evil Gods. How come the three of us are about the same strength, but you can be superior to others by relying on the power of external objects?

Of course this won't work, you have to balance it.

Therefore, the three gods Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaanesh chose to temporarily put aside their past grievances, and united for the first time to jointly launch the Crystal Maze.

Although the artifact staff can make Tzeentch obviously one step ahead of the other brothers, it cannot help him compete with the three coalition forces at the same time, even in a home battle. The gap in strength is really too big.

What's more, his threat to the brothers is real. No matter how eloquent Tzeentch is, they will never give up until they achieve their goals.

Seeing that the coalition forces were about to attack, the Lord of Changes was forced to make the painful decision to destroy the staff.

The precious artifact was eventually destroyed into countless fragments and scattered to every corner of the known universe.

The other three gods saw that their intention had been achieved - Tzeentch lost his advantage and became equal to them. Without common interests, allies around them might stab themselves in the back at any time, so they withdrew their troops one after another, and the alliance of the three gods ceased to exist.

The current situation was very similar to that time, except that the target of the group attack was changed from Tzeentch to Nurgle. The attackers lost Khorne and added the Cursed Legion and the human-spirit alliance from the material world.

The relationship between Tzeentch and Nurgle is that watching Nurgle feel better is almost more uncomfortable than killing him.

As long as he can bring misfortune to his loving father, the Lord of Changes will definitely be on his way.

So just when the Eldar army attacked the Black Castle, the Tzeentch Demon Army led by the Nine-headed Demon Lord launched an attack from another angle.

Following an obscure spell chant, the fear demons emitted countless blue flames, overwhelmingly hitting the home of the God of Disease.

The bloodthirsty and crazy Chaos Spawn charged forward, showing no fear of the Death Guard's bombs. The flame-bathed chariot raced back and forth on the mossy ground, crushing the disease carriers into pulp.

"The time for revenge has come, for the Lord of Change!"

Carlos Destiny Weaver raised the Staff of Tomorrow in his hand, and a series of arcane missiles hit the heads of Nurgle's demonic army like falling raindrops.

The emergence of the Tzeentch Demon Army has put tremendous pressure on the defense of Blackstone Castle, and Typhons is extremely busy because of this - their own reinforcements have been blocked by the damn empire and will not be able to come back for a while.

To make matters worse for him, the servants of the Lord of Joy also arrived with this wave of enemies.

If it were any other situation, the demon army of Slaanesh would definitely attack the Eldar first.

As daemons born from the original sin of the Eldar, they crave the souls of these pointy-eared sprouts like an addictive drug.

However, this time the incident involves Elsa, the goddess of life, and the situation is different.

It was originally Slaanesh's trophy, something he deliberately kept as a plaything when he destroyed the Eldar Pantheon. In the end, it was snatched away by Nurgle. The ancient evil god taught his new brother a good lesson. .

Such a humiliating experience has always made the Lord of Joy brood. He always thinks that one day he can seek revenge from Nurgle and take back the goddess of life that originally belonged to him, but he just couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

Since the miserable mortals are now trying their best to force Nurgle to hand over their mother goddess, then Slaanesh doesn't mind helping them from the side.

Only by letting Elsa leave the Black Castle could He have the possibility of recapturing her.

When the time comes, we will take the opportunity to clean up the already severely injured Spirit Clan troops. Everything should not be too perfect.

So just like that, in the third direction of the black castle, six secret guards led the mighty Slaanesh demon army and also launched a fierce siege.

The lust demons broke into the enemy's formation and quickly harvested the heads of the disease carriers with a dazzling fighting posture like a dance.

A large number of Slaanesh beasts are among them, they are as fast as the wind, and their bodies are still exuding the intoxicating musk. With just a moment's hesitation, the enemy will die under the terrifying crab claws.

The melee between multiple forces is disrupting the entire realm of Nurgle, and the originally vibrant Plague Garden is withering and dying step by step.

Nurgle hopes to rely on his own resilience to last longer, but the current situation makes it impossible for him to see any possibility of reversal. Even if he lasts longer, it will only be a slow death.

Khorne can be used as a boost. The Blood God is not a stakeholder in this battle.

And among all the three brothers, the conflict between him and Nurgle is the least, and there is basically no dispute.

As long as Khorne's demon army can appear here, there is a high probability that others will be regarded as targets of attack, thus reducing Nurgle's pressure and resolving the entire crisis.

This is also what disappoints Nurgle the most - because by chance, something like a star torch suddenly appeared around the Demon Realm of Khorne. The dazzling light it emitted made the Blood God's eyes hurt and seriously interfered with the situation. His observation of the worlds.

Not only that, the thing called the "Hymn Engine" can also calm the crazy subspace storm and purify the surrounding chaos pollution. If the devil stays around it, it will not be long before he is exiled - only the strong and powerful terror Only by torturing the devil can you sustain yourself for a while longer.

The emergence of the Anthem Engine is undoubtedly extremely bad news for the Chaos forces. The dark side of the empire that has lost the light of the Star Torch will be able to rely on its guidance to resume regional navigation.

For such a rare ancient relic, the empire naturally sent troops to reinforce and protect the world where it is located, Malakbel. The Fourth Fleet of the Indomitable Expedition has arrived, and various fortifications have been erected.

The longer the situation drags on, the harder it becomes to overcome it.

As the brother of Chaos, and only his subordinates can withstand the light of the Anthem Engine, Khorne is duty-bound to eliminate serious hidden dangers for his brothers.

That's why He failed to put the main force into the chaos in Nurgle Garden.

The only possible foreign aid could not be counted on, and a feeling of despair began to spread in the heart of the loving father.

More and more Nurgle daemons are being killed, and the mighty men of Catachan are still setting fires everywhere in the rear.

Following a fierce fight, the most beloved gardener also fell under the sharp blade of the Shadow Girl.

Helpless, Nurgle finally made the decision to let go.

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