I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 294 Iron Cage

Nurgle left his big cauldron, moved his fat body, and staggered out of the workshop.

Entering the dark passage, he found several Nurglings sitting on the ground dejectedly, their faces no longer full of joy, only filled with sadness.

The Gardens are being ravaged, and all the children of Nurgle feel this and grieve over it.

They are all part of it.

Nurgle bent down hard and carefully picked up the Nurgling spirits, trying to comfort them.

When the pustules on his skin burst due to excessive expansion, and the pus inside splashed around, the Nurglings would always be amused and laughed.

Feeling the deep love of their loving father, the Nurglings were like innocent children and immediately put the unpleasantness behind them.

They began to jump on Nurgle's body, burrowing between the skin and fat, constantly teasing their master, and the relaxed and happy atmosphere returned between them again.

everything will get better.

Decline does not mean the end, it is just a necessary part of the natural cycle.

Just like life goes from freshness to aging to decay and death, the dead bodies fertilize the soil and new life is born from it.

Thinking of this, the God of Disease smiled and nodded, and then continued walking towards the darkness ahead with these Nurglings.

After crossing the long corridor and climbing up the tall tower, he finally arrived at the top of the castle.

A blond woman with blue eyes was imprisoned in a birdcage made of unknown material.

That was Elsa, the goddess of life, one of the few survivors in the Eldar pantheon.

At the highest point of Nurgle's Demon Realm, Elsa can see every plant and tree in the entire garden, and even the situation in the mortal world. Although her ideas are different, Nurgle still hopes that he can witness his works and share himself with him. The joy of having.

Elsa didn't pay attention to Nurgle's arrival, and still focused on watching the Eldar sons and daughters fighting for themselves below, witnessing their bravery and sacrifice.

The goddess's emotions were wrapped in regret, guilt and deep sadness, and big tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes.

He is obviously so fragile, but yet appears to be extremely stubborn in some aspects.

Nurgle sighed deeply when he saw this. The fate between the two gods seemed to have come to an end.

Until this last moment, the two sides still could not reach a consensus on "how to love life" - they could have become the best partners.

With reluctance, Nurgle awkwardly put his arm on the iron cage.

Immediately afterwards, the huge iron cage was slowly lifted up by divine power and dropped to the ground.

As the giant iron cage descended from the sky, everyone's attention was attracted.

Nurgle finally made the decision to return Elsa to his children - of course he could not hand the goddess over to his mortal enemy Tzeentch or the perverted Slaanesh.

But the next development of things was not up to Him.

"Asuyan, it's really Aisha!"

The Eldar warriors stared at the giant woman imprisoned in the iron cage, feeling dizzy and unreal.

However, the unprecedented affinity in souls still allowed everyone to immediately identify the other's goddess, and the unprecedented success boosted their morale.

"The God of Disease has surrendered. Hurry, clear away the demons around you!" Efreni shouted loudly.

The operation has indeed achieved a huge breakthrough, but it has not yet reached a point where it can be celebrated.

On the contrary, now is the most critical moment.

Without common interests, the actions of the other two evil gods will naturally change accordingly, and they will never be allowed to take advantage of them and get away unscathed.

They must seize the time to pry open the giant iron cage in front of them, and then take the goddess out of this ghost place.

Things developed just as Evelyn thought.

While Tzeentch's forces are still swarming Nurgle, the Lord of Change must ensure that his nemesis is the absolute loser in this conflict.

Don't let it happen that because Elsa was thrown out, several forces fought hard against each other in order to control it, going around and around, and finally let Nurgle, who had the home field advantage, take it back. Then things become less fun.

But the demon army of Slaanesh had already turned its spearhead and almost immediately rushed in their direction.

There is nothing more attractive to them than the precious goddess of the spirit race and the vast number of powerful men of the spirit race.

Coupled with the existence of the "special attack against the Eldar" unique to the Slaanesh demons, these perverted purple attacks made everyone feel extremely troublesome.

The iron cage used by Nurgle to imprison Elsa was neither made of some mysterious material nor the work of any skilled craftsman. It was a pure conceptual product, shaped by the laws of the warp and pure psychic energy. Lasers and Cannonballs cannot damage it at all, so special methods must be used to pry it open.

According to widely circulated related secrets, enough Eldar girls need to cry for Elsa before the iron cage imprisoning the goddess can be opened.

This method is obviously not suitable for the situation at hand.

Not to mention that the content described in the rumors is very vague, how many Eldar girls are enough, they have no room to cry when they are in danger, and countless demons are eager for them to be buried here.

So as planned, Evelyn, as the Death Champion, began to call the souls of the deceased around her.

The war has reached this point, and all factions of the Eldar Alliance have suffered heavy casualties.

Those who died were all warrior elites, brave and loyal.

For the future of the entire race, they still need to make the ultimate sacrifice.

The dead have responded to the call of the Shadow Daughter.

They are willing to fall into the realm of the unborn god and become a part of death.

It would be better to find such peace than to experience the never-ending torment of Slaanesh.

As the souls of hundreds of thousands of powerful Eldar warriors were sacrificed, a burst of terrifying energy tore apart a corner of the Plague Garden.

A subspace creature called the incarnation of death appeared in front of everyone, which was a sign of the arrival of the unborn god.

"Quick, open it!"

Efreni ordered to the incarnation of death anxiously, because the enemy was getting closer and closer to them.

Not only is the chief demon under Slaanesh, Sharashi the Scourge, who once brought disgrace to the Death Army, is coming, but even the fallen daemon primarch, the Lord of Death, Mortarion, is wielding the Step of Nirvana. Press.

The Eldar warriors tried their best to stop the enemy, and countless lives were filled in, just to gain even one more precious second.

The incarnation of Death nodded knowingly, then came to the iron cage and inserted the old woman's sword into the door lock.

It struggled to twist the hilt of the sword like a key.

The powers of life and death resonated with each other, trying to break through the barriers between them, and the bonds left by Nurgle were destroyed bit by bit.

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