The enemy's offensive came extremely quickly, and the power of the goddess of life deeply stimulated the demons' ambitions.

The person who successfully captures it will undoubtedly win unprecedented glory and the ultimate favor of his master.

Shalashi Demonbane swung his deadly spear with dizzying speed, piercing the Eldar warriors in his way.

Against the deadliest hunters in the warp, these elites who have honed their skills for hundreds of years are no match for even one.

Slaanesh's original intention of creating Sharashi was specifically to fight against the great demons under the other evil gods, especially the bloodthirsty demons of Khorne.

The Lord of Joy hopes that it can kill the most outstanding warriors of its rivals in a relaxed and comfortable way, as a way to show contempt and ridicule to the Blood God.

Judging from Shalashi's performance, it did not live up to Slaanesh's expectations, at least most of the time. The Hunting Queen not only killed countless enemies, but also gave death to all the targets it targeted, even the terrifying ones. It is said that Skarbrand was once defeated by it.

Gorgeous, elegant and highly skilled.

In Sharashi's eyes, the lives of the Eldar warriors were as fragile as threads about to be cut.

"You can't take Him away, mortals. He has always been a trophy belonging to the Lord of Joy!" An evil voice full of ridicule came over, and all the spirits who heard this voice were awakened from the depths of their souls. Fear is like a tiger roaring to intimidate the sheep, "And you, daughter of shadows, as I said before, your destruction is already destined!"

Everyone in the Death Army remembers that failure - collecting all five Crone's Swords can awaken Death and defeat Slaanesh. However, the last one was found by Sharashi in advance and sent to Slaanesh's palace. among.

This action of the secret keeper was equivalent to directly extinguishing the hope they had finally found. The helpless Death Army was depressed for a long time, and finally had to find another way.

This is an extremely dangerous and terrifying enemy.

As Shalashi's figure got closer and closer, the Phoenix Lords had to fight this dangerous enemy personally in order to buy enough time.

On the other side, Mortarion fluttered the festering moth wings behind him and hurriedly led the Death Guard back to the Black Castle. Unexpectedly, he was a step too late.

Nurgle has handed over Elsa.

The guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes of Saint Les actually talked about his stepmother's nonsense with him to attract his attention.

This really caught Mortarion off guard.

He was so arrogant that he could not admit this major failure. It was simply a great shame and humiliation.

He said he must destroy these invaders at all costs and regain his beloved experimental subjects for his loving father.

So naturally, Mortarion also set his sights on the iron cage.

The Lord of Death glared at the so-called incarnation of Death who was prying the cage open.

He had heard about this newly rising power from other demons, who seemed to be regarded by the Eldar as the hope of defeating Slaanesh.

However, he should be the being in charge of death in the subspace. The emergence of this force is simply contempt and blasphemy against his powerful power.

The furious Mortarion then waved the Scythe of Annihilation and rushed forward with murderous intent, leaving a bloody storm wherever he passed.

The power of a demigod is unstoppable, not even by the strongest among the Eldar.

The brave warriors were brutally harvested, and their efforts to resist only resulted in meaningless deaths.

At this moment, Melinio, the third in command of the Death Army, stood up.

Because the largest fragment of Kane is fused into his body, he can become the incarnation of the God of War at any time, as if the ancient will to fight is unwilling to die.

Drawing on the power of the dead god, Melinho was able to face the fallen primarch.

The Howl of Doom and the War Scythe of Annihilation collided fiercely. The two god-like forces bit each other, causing the surrounding space to vibrate.

The Eldar coalition fought hard, trying to carve out a way out for their race's desperate fate, while countless terrifying evils stood in front of them, trying to completely destroy them.

Through keen observation of the battlefield, Ephrene realized that the situation could not continue like this.

The subspace is too malicious to the creatures in the material universe, and it is under siege at the moment. They cannot wait for the incarnation of death to release Aisha, and they must leave here quickly.

"Jump the portal over, we will retreat directly with the goddess, and also send a request for help to all potential allies, we need their help!" The daughter of shadow ordered to the surrounding subordinates.

"But sir, if this happens, the demon army will also rush into the webway. With such enemies, we can't close the door." The clown in clown reminded with a mournful expression.

He also specifically pointed at Sharashi and Mortarion, who were pressing closer and closer. Those two monsters were not something that normal people could deal with.

They are all eyeing the goddess Elsa, and the pursuit will continue.

"It's just a section of the network that has been contaminated by Chaos. The problem shouldn't be serious. Moreover, the situation is urgent and we can't control much anymore. Execute the order quickly!" Efreni said seriously.

She knew very well that once she really did this, no matter what happened in the future, she would definitely be scolded by the aborigines in the network. If she didn't really have to, she wouldn't think of this last resort.

"Okay, sir!" The clown in clown nodded.

So the Eldar troops began to shrink their formation and converge towards the place where the goddess was.

The vacated incarnation of the god of death immediately joined the battle and defeated the attacking demon of the secret keeper.

The Phoenix Lords used their unparalleled skills to slaughter the chaotic enemies around them.

Despite this, they were at a clear disadvantage in terms of strength after being besieged by many parties and fighting for a long time.

Heroic warriors fell in droves on this sinful land, and the vehicles that had been poured into a large number of craftsmen's efforts turned into scrap metal. The casualties of each unit had reached a very terrible number.

Their numbers are getting smaller and smaller, and almost all survivors bear horrific injuries.

Trapped in an iron cage, Elsa was unable to use her magical powers and could only silently watch the suffering that happened to her children.

“A sweet piece of cake!”

Looking at the increasingly dilapidated Eldar army, Shalaxi's eyes were full of greed.

The Keeper of Secrets gave the order to charge again, intending to end their fate and remove the thorn in the heart of the Lord of Joy.

At this moment, with a distortion of light and shadow, a huge portal large enough to pass through the Nether Titan suddenly appeared behind everyone.

The nine Phoenix Lords immediately took their positions and used all their psychic powers to forcibly drag the giant iron cage in an attempt to take Aisha away.

Others attacked the demon army more and more bravely to ensure the smooth progress of the evacuation operation.

As long as we can retreat back into the webway, everything will be fine.

This is not a simple matter.

The Phoenix Lords felt as if a hundred tons of weight had been added to their bodies. Every step forward was so difficult, as if the future of the entire race was being carried on their backs.

As the heads of various martial arts sects, they have actually been accustomed to this for a long time.

The Eldar army retreated into the Webway bit by bit, with the hunters behind chasing after them.

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