I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 296 Send Troops

"So that's the situation."

On the Macragge's Glory, the pied clown who was responsible for informing everyone briefly told everyone about a series of things that happened in the Demon Realm of Nurgle.

After a fierce battle, the Eldar troops suffered heavy losses, and more than 60% of the soldiers fell on the soil of the Plague Garden.

Fortunately, Nurgle could not withstand the offensive and bowed his head first. The Phoenix Lords carried the iron cage that imprisoned Elsa and retreated into the Webway in time. Most of the Eldar's capable forces were saved.

However, the minions of the Destructive Power do not accept defeat easily.

They didn't even care about the swords against each other just now, and for a moment they abandoned their previous grudges and positioned the living as a common target of attack.

The Uyang Uyang army of daemons poured into the Webway, hot on the heels of the Eldar forces.

The Imperial troops under Leontus fared slightly better.

With allies standing by to draw fire, their evacuation went smoothly.

After listening to the content of the report, all the Ultramarines present had serious expressions and remained silent.

They need time to digest the huge amount of information they suddenly received, and they dare not make rash comments.

Guilliman and Fulgrim were also lowering their heads and thinking about how to get the maximum benefit from this for the Empire.

The whole hall suddenly fell silent, and the clown felt extremely anxious because of this.

"We have to send troops to help them, and there happens to be a webway gate on the Blackstone Fortress. Our soldiers can quickly join the battle." Wei Mu spoke first, breaking the silence, "And this is to combat the forces of Chaos. A good opportunity, whether you want to admit it or not, the fate of mankind has been deeply bound to the Eldar."

In fact, as early as when he first met the Pied Clown, he had already asked his men to gather and prepare for war.

How to distribute the fruits of victory is a secondary matter. If the fruits that have been harvested cannot be preserved, a great victory will turn into a great defeat, and all the sacrifices made by everyone before will become meaningless.

"Of course, we will not give up on our allies." Guilliman nodded, "The key is how to distribute the troops."

His Indomitus Crusade must continue. With many worlds ravaged by xenos and traitors still waiting for the Empire to reclaim, Abaddon's momentum must be suppressed.

But Guilliman couldn't let go of the situation in the Webway.

A key node that can affect the fate of the entire galaxy cannot be ignored by the Lord of the Ultramarines.

As for the crazy scene where the demons were dancing, even he was not sure that he could put it in order. The troops that Wei Mu brought from the maelstrom might not be enough.

"Don't worry, I will take care of things there for you." Fulgen said with a smile.

A good brother should stand up and share the difficulties at such a critical moment, and he believed that Guilliman would not doubt his ability.

"It is precisely because of your presence that I feel worried." Guilliman sighed deeply.

He really wanted to accept the return of the purple phoenix, so that he could have an extra arm to share the pressure when he was shouldering the fate of the entire empire.

It's just that the other party's current situation seems to him like a dangerous time bomb that may explode at any time, causing harm to others and himself.

"So you want to come with me? We can fight side by side!"

Fulgrim obviously did not realize that he had become a time bomb, but looked at Guilliman with eager eyes, his tone full of excitement.

He longs for every opportunity to get closer to his brother, imagining that after the estrangement is eliminated, the two can become a close partner, facing the enemies around them from behind, and jointly defend his father's legacy and the future of mankind, and strive to The sword of unspeakable darkness.

"Both you and I know the consequences of the last time we fought together."

Guilliman glared at Fulgrim.

He has not been able to adapt to the other person's existence, and his attitude towards the future is not that positive and optimistic.

And most importantly, he may never be able to accept the enthusiasm from Fulgrim calmly.

Fulgrim could only shrug helplessly.

Despite this, Guilliman still felt that it was necessary to go to the webway to see the situation in person.

As the safest, most convenient and most efficient way of interstellar travel in the galaxy, the Empire can quickly reach the scene of the incident through the webway on the Blackstone Fortress.

As long as there is someone inside to guide them, the war is equivalent to happening under their noses. In addition, there are currently no important wars around, so it shouldn't take too long.


Guilliman called the name of a certain heir, one of his many capable men.

"At your command, my lord."

A man named Hestrin stood up and bowed respectfully to the original body.

"In the next period of time, you will be in charge of the Indomitable Expedition Fleet, and the Maelstrom Fleet will be merged into it. The Blackstone Fortress is the focus of protection. As for other aspects, everything will continue according to the scheduled plan." Kili Man spoke.

The Lord of the Ultramarines decided to take matters into his own hands.

"As you command, my lord." Hestrin nodded.

No one would disobey the Primarch's will, and Guilliman's words were holy decrees to them.

Then, Guilliman arranged the work and dispatched troops.

The situation is changing all the time. He can't be sure what strange things he will encounter in the network, so he must explain everything clearly to the people around him before leaving.

After that, not long after, Guilliman led a group of heavenly groups to leave Macragge's Glory and arrived at the Webway Gate on the Blackstone Fortress.

Countless soldiers and vehicles have been sent into it, and the vanguard is rapidly marching towards its destination. The subsequent mobilization forces also took neat steps, continuously stepping into the mysterious realm where reality and illusion coexist.

The Lord of the Ultramarines was filled with emotion as he re-entered this ancient relic from the War in Heaven period.

The last time he visited this place was as a prisoner, and he entered this webway gate while on the run.

But now, the arrogant Red Pirates have been completely destroyed, and the Empire has once again become the controller of Blackstone Fortress.

Everything is really impermanent.

"In the process of regaining this fortress, I played a great role." At this moment, Fulgen patted his chest and said very proudly.

"Compared with the troubles you have caused, these are not worth mentioning." Guilliman replied casually, and then led everyone around him to step into the gate of the Webway.

Fulgrim put his mouth next to Guilliman's ear and whispered: "In addition, the Red Pirates still keep the prison you were in as it was before, and their database even has photos of you when you were captured. .”

Guilliman: "..."

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