I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 297 Overlord of Youdu

The interior of the Webway extends in all directions, with entrances and exits scattered across the stars.

Even the distance across the entire galaxy can be easily reached in the blink of an eye.

These characteristics make the Webway the most convenient travel channel in the galaxy, and countless civilizations are eager to take control of it.

However, for the same reason, if something big happens in the Webway, forces from all over the galaxy can come and get involved.

There is no shortage of careerists and opportunists in this universe.

The Eldar forces were unable to close the door they had opened in front of the Black Citadel, and the fierce siege from the Chaos Daemons left them with no choice but to retreat.

The minions of the Destructive Power were able to invade this stretch of the Webway, hunting down the fleeing living while spreading the corruption of Chaos.

They have long been dissatisfied with this last refuge left by the ancient saints to mortal beings, and sooner or later they will have to tear it apart.

Like ink dripping into pure water from a source, the terrible pollution quickly spread to the surroundings.

The Eldar army carries the Goddess of Life on its back and is advancing hard in the webway. The enemy may suddenly jump out from any direction.

These scattered demons tried to slow down their pace and consume their physical strength and morale by entangling and harassing them, while the enemy army at the rear slowly gnawed away at the entire Eldar army like sausages.

Whenever this happens, a small team of Eldar will volunteer to step in and take over for the big guy.

These brave warriors did not hesitate to risk their own peace after death. They roared towards the demons blocking the road and fought fiercely with the enemy of Chaos. Their brave figures were quickly abandoned by the large army and disappeared into the webway. In the thick white fog.

There is no time to mourn, they have already made too many sacrifices.

Carrying the faith of all those who have died, this operation must succeed.

"Sir, the fifth fortress ahead is under attack from the Chaos Space Marines. We have to choose another route!"

However, the ranger who was responsible for exploring the road ahead brought bad news to the Eldar army, which was already in a difficult situation.

"I asked why the defenders of the stronghold didn't come to support them. It turns out that they have been targeted by the enemy for a long time." Efreni murmured to herself.

I originally thought that after approaching the stronghold, the situation faced by the troops would improve, and at least there would be an extra group of troops to cut off their rear. It seemed that the enemy was not unprepared.

At the behest of the Dark Gods, many Chaos warbands found their own way into the Webway, wreaking havoc with the invading daemons.

Next to Efreni, Visage, the second-in-command of the Death Army and the swordsman with a thousand faces, snorted coldly at this.

As Evelyn's mentor and admirer, he has always been dissatisfied with the Shadow Daughter's kindness to humans, especially the big boy.

Before, he was the one who took the lead in suspecting that humans had betrayed them and abandoned them, which was why the reinforcements had not arrived, but now he was severely slapped in the face by reality.

"If that's the case, then we will"

"Report, sir!" Before Everene could give the order, another ranger brought the information he had detected, "The third fortress was attacked by Chaos Space Marines, and the battle was very fierce."

Then came the fourth and second fortresses, and bad news came one after another.

Of all the five fortresses they built together with humans during this period, only the first fortress was not attacked by enemies.

However, the journey there is too long, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to successfully reach their destination under the demon's attack, nor will they be able to place the goddess in the Webway city they have prepared in advance.

The subspace gods each have their own domain and cannot run around casually. They must find a suitable residence for Aisha, otherwise they will not be able to end it all.

The chaos of the situation far exceeded everyone's imagination.

The prophets used their spiritual vision to examine their fate, but all they saw was a blur.

The Eldar Allied Forces fell into an embarrassing situation for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Oh oh oh, my dear compatriots, you seem to be in some trouble!"

At this moment, a malicious voice suddenly came, and the Eldar army was immediately alert.

Through the thick fog, a heavily armed army appeared in front of everyone.

The visitor did not originate from subspace, and there were no traces of Chaos corruption.

However, this does not mean that the other party's appearance is good news.

These guys with dark complexions and sinister temperaments in front of them are their cousins ​​from Commorragh, the notorious Dark Eldar.

"Asrubair Victor!" Everene read out the name of the opponent's leader, and everyone's hearts sank.

The leader is the supreme overlord of the City of Darkness and the chief executive of the black-hearted conspiracy.

A man who rose from slavery to the pinnacle of power on Commorragh, one of the most dangerous and deadly creatures in the galaxy.

He stood in front of the throne, which was carried by hundreds of slaves, with a smile on his face.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. The little girl who made my territory a mess. I didn't expect you to escape my assassination bounty and actually be able to achieve a great career by relying on the little milk dog who became the original body."

Efreni was active in the arena of Comoros for a while, fighting with the queen of the arena at that time, who is now her best friend Lyris.

At that time, Everene was no match for Lyris and unfortunately died in the arena.

However, at the moment of her death, Efreni was spotted by Enard, the god of death, and became the chosen one and was resurrected.

The shock of her resurrection broke the seal of Khaine's Gate, allowing countless demons to break into Commorragh and wreak havoc.

And after showing such a miracle, Efreni also took away a considerable number of Dark Eldar followers.

Not only did they cause destruction, but they also poached people in person.

As the ruler of Comoros, Victor was naturally very angry about this and vowed to hunt down the opponent to the ends of the earth.

"I'm just following the will of Death." Efreni observed the other person carefully.

She knew that Victor was by no means a broad-minded person. If he was caught by the other party today, things might not be easy.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter." Victor smiled, showing a magnanimous attitude, "But I would like to thank you for bringing me such a rich trophy."

The Supreme Overlord looked at the goddess imprisoned in an iron cage in the distance, his eyes full of greed.

"So you did all this?" Everene raised her sword and pointed it at the chief consul in the distance, "You are the one who is guiding the enemies to attack our fortress!"

"Our fortress? It seems like you really have a deep affection for those monkeys, little girl."

Victor is ferocious and laughs wildly.

As the successors of the Ancient Eldar Empire, the Dark Eldar have never changed their bad habits and remain unrestrained in the expression and pursuit of emotions.

That grandiose gesture said it all.

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