"If it weren't for my permission, how do you think those thorny monkeys can do whatever they want in my network?"

Victor admitted this openly.

Under the leadership of the Dark Eldar, countless Chaos warbands were able to flood into the Webway and launch attacks on the Alliance strongholds.

Everyone's current difficult situation was planned by him.

The chief executive of the black-hearted cabal is crazy, sharp, and endlessly ambitious.

As long as he wants to achieve something, nothing can stop him.

"Do you know what you are doing? Damn Asrubal Victor!" Efreni asked sternly at the other party, "Once anything goes wrong with the goddess Aisha, our entire race will never recover. day, but you are stumbling upon us at such a critical moment!"

It is well known that Victor despises the gods.

Even though he had witnessed Slaanesh's earth-shattering power, he still believed that only his own power was worth relying on.

But the existence of gods does not mean that if you do not recognize and accept them, you will not be affected by them.

If things really get out of control, no Eldar can stay out of it, including these sinister compatriots who are hiding in Commorragh every day, sleeping and dreaming.

"Of course I know this, dear little girl, and this is the key to everything. I may be conceited, but I am never blind - so in order to avoid something that no one wants to see happen, you can choose to send Elsa to Leave it in my hands, don't you?" Victor continued to say with a smile, with a clear conscience written all over his face.

First forcing the opponent into a desperate situation, and then throwing out a life-saving straw in exchange for all the opponent's net worth, this kind of operation can only be regarded as the foundation of the foundation in Comoros.

"Impossible!" Everene resolutely refused, "It was precisely because of the ancestors' excessive indulgence that led to the birth of the Thirsty Lady. The Eldar Empire was destroyed, and countless compatriots died unfortunately. The curse caused by it still persists. Plaguing our entire race, you, the Dark Eldar, still do not repent and continue to live a life of indulgence - if we cannot correct the ongoing mistakes, how can we make up for the mistakes we have already made? The Dark Eldar must never Not our way to salvation.”

All the Eldar present knew what kind of place Commorragh was. If the kind and friendly goddess Aisha was placed there, no one could guarantee how terrifying she would eventually become.

Not to mention what kind of crazy actions the Dark Eldar, especially the Haemonculi, would do after gaining the power of the Goddess of Life.

"Think about those tragic sacrifices, heroes and heroes, you have fought so hard for the fate of the entire Eldar race, and you don't want everything you have worked for to be destroyed, right?" Victor was still confident.

Obsessed with boring things like honor and the bottom line, and actively restraining his behavior for the sake of a meaningless sense of morality - it seems to him that it is extremely simple to calculate against such an enemy.

In the eyes of the Dark Eldar, only strength is everything, and other unnecessary things are weaknesses.

Victor believed that even if things took a turn for the worse, the group of samurai who understood the righteousness before him would eventually accept his proposal.

"Despicable and shameless guy, you actually have the nerve to mention them?" Efreni was so angry that she almost bit her back teeth.

Countless martyrs sacrificed their lives and shed their blood, and the fruits of victory they finally gained were to be robbed midway by such a guy. How could they express their approval?

"Thank you for your compliment, little girl, but you'd better make a choice quickly. The Dark Gods won't give us too much time - should we continue to stick to small details and everyone be destroyed by the hands of Chaos, or should we be loyal to me? Let the entire race move toward rejuvenation, and the fate of our race lies in your hands."

Victor's arrogant voice continued, and every syllable he uttered was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts.

They used the destruction of an entire race as a threat to blackmail others, but they couldn't come up with any countermeasures.

Many people's will has been shaken as a result.

After all, even if they are willing to die generously for justice, they must not joke with the fate of the entire Eldar race.

Only by surviving first can we continue to talk about other things.

"You are very lucky, my dear compatriots. After ten thousand years, the disintegrated Eldar society will be reunited under my leadership, and the entire race will once again embark on the road of glorious revival. You will have the honor to witness and Participate in it!" Seeing the slight weakness shown by the crowd, Victor became more and more unscrupulous, loudly describing the beautiful blueprint in his mind to everyone, "So kneel down, my loyal servant, come to see your king. , the Phoenix King of all the Spirit Race!"

He fully revealed his ambition, and his appalling request deeply shocked the hearts of everyone present.

Simply being the supreme hegemon of Comoros is no longer enough to match what he is about to achieve, and now he thinks he has the right to ask for more.

"No! We will never surrender to you!" Efreni looked coldly at the supreme overlord in front of her and still insisted.

"What an impulsive little girl." Victor sighed in disappointment, "Maybe you should listen to other people's opinions. They will help you make the right decision."

At this time, the Dark Eldar army has an absolute advantage. Continuing to exert excessive pressure will worsen the situation. It is better to let the coalition forces conflict on their own. No matter how strong the fortress is, it may collapse from within.

"Rather than fighting evil to the death, it is better to become one of them - even the younger generations of humans understand this and forcibly sealed back the Lord of Darkness who was destined to come to the world. Is it true that our souls Will the clan succumb to the threat of the Thirsty Lady and be tortured beyond recognition by the curse set by her?"

Efreni stood alone in front of the coalition forces, and the voice made by her small body was sonorous and powerful.

"Stupid!" Victor immediately yelled angrily, "If you lose even the chance of survival, what is the meaning of so-called honor?"

"The chance of survival is not bought by groveling, Asrubair Victor, it means fighting and sacrifice, and everyone here understands this deeply. Your threats will have no effect. So take your people away quickly, otherwise you won't blame us for being rude!" Efreni replied coldly.

The words of the Shadow Daughter awakened the sense of honor in everyone's hearts. Compromise can never bring true peace.

In fact, they had already realized that they should not waver in the slightest due to Victor's oppression, so they raised their weapons one after another, intending to defend the path they had chosen to the death.

"You're welcome? How can you be rude? The entire webway belongs to me. You have nowhere to escape - surrender or be destroyed. Don't doubt my determination."

Seeing that extreme pressure failed to have any effect, Victor issued an ultimatum.

The Overlord never tolerates failure, let alone the opportunity to become King of the Eldar.

"The same goes for you, Asrubal Victor." Efreni replied calmly, "What you are facing is an army that came back from hell. Don't doubt our determination."

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