Unexpectedly, in the face of the crisis of the survival of the race, Efrenie could still be so strong. Victor's lungs were about to explode with anger.

Obviously the opportunity to become the Phoenix King is so close to him, and the solution he provides is so excellent, this damn girl has to go against him, even at the risk of losing both sides.

Coupled with what Efreni had done to Commorragh in the past, the old and new hatreds were put together, and the Supreme Overlord issued the attack order without hesitation.

"Kill them and get our trophies, especially that dead girl. We must not let her go!"

The Dark Eldar army received the order and immediately launched an attack on the compatriots in front of them.

They don't care about the survival of the race. Victor's words are absolute law to them.

What's more, making the compatriots in front of them feel pain will help them avoid Slaanesh's soul sucking.

Countless deadly ammunition sprayed out from the Dark Eldar's firearms, bombarding the already shaky psychic shield of the coalition like raindrops.

"Although brave fighting is very glorious, it also means many dangers. I hope you have thought of other ways out for the coalition forces."

Efreni's mentor, Thousand Faces Visage, reminded from the side.

As a leader, with the lives of tens of millions of soldiers and the hopes of the entire race on his shoulders, he must not act out of impulse.

Due to the long battle, it was already very difficult for them to deal with the enemy in front of them, not to mention that there were servants of the dark gods coming. If the situation was not handled properly, they were likely to be annihilated.

"Let the Phoenix Lords take the goddess to Karasta City."

The daughter of shadow took a deep breath and slowly gave her final solution.

Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn and he actually used the backup plan provided by the big boy.

"What? Karasta City? Are you crazy? How is this possible?"

Upon hearing this answer, Visage's pupils shrank.

Karasta is indeed a giant city located in the Webway, but its residents have long since died in the Fall of the Eldar and have now become a desolate, empty shell.

However, it also has a more legendary experience known to the Eldar - the place where the Emperor studied the artificial webway.

The Lord of Mankind hopes to master this technology that can isolate the subspace and safely conduct interstellar travel, and conducts secret experiments there. As a result, the artificial network tunnel built with great pains was shattered by Magnus's folly. Save Humanity's dreams have thus come to an end.

In other words, that place is connected to the Golden Throne.

Efrenie wants to hand Elsa into human hands.

"Now that the matter has come to this, do you have any other better methods?" Everene asked, "The gods do not agree with Victor, and Aisha cannot be entrusted to him no matter what."

"But the corpse on the Golden Throne is a ruthless tyrant. He will not hesitate to commit any evil deeds for the fate of mankind. The alliance between you and Guilliman has no meaning in front of him. Sending the goddess there is simply The sheep enters the tiger's mouth."

"This is a deal, Visage, a deal between gods and gods. We saved Guilliman for him, and now it's time for him to repay us. What's more, all the prophecies seen by the prophets are telling us both. The fate of our clans is intertwined. If we lose them, they will also usher in their demise." Efreni explained.

"They will eventually let you down!" Visage could not change the daughter of shadow's decision, so he could only warn her seriously.

"And I will never regret failing to give in to evil," Ephrene replied.

So the coalition forces changed direction while fighting the incoming enemy.

In order to reverse the sad fate inflicted on them by the Lord of Joy, they are still struggling hard.

On the other side, reinforcements from the empire were moving rapidly in the webway.

Due to Fulgrim's stimulation, Guilliman felt a little irritable at this time.

The guy actually used the photo of him when he was captured by the Red Pirates as a threat, demanding that he personally undergo an image transformation after the incident was over, and that he not be able to remove his makeup for the whole day.

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Guilliman frowned and looked at the returning brother beside him.

"I feel that the relationship between the two of us was too much. Now that the opportunity is rare, we must find a way to make up for it. What's more, everything needs more experience, right?" Fulgen was eager to try this.

Purple Phoenix thinks this is a great way to get closer to each other.

"Everything has changed, Fulgrim. The current environment is not comfortable enough to allow us to do such a thing." Guilliman let out a long sigh and politely rejected the other party's request.

This sudden intimacy only made him feel awkward.

However, Fulgrim put on a pitiful expression and just kept staring at Guilliman.

Keep staring, keep staring, until the other person feels embarrassed.

"Who did you learn this stuff from?" Guilliman stroked his eyebrows and felt a little pain in his head.

Then Fulgen pointed to Wei Mu at the side very naturally.

I knew it was this guy.

"Why are you looking at me? Do I look like the kind of person who stalks you?" Wei Mu said immediately and righteously.

"Who was always saying that if he was wronged, he would roll around on the floor in front of the Golden Throne crying and asking the Emperor to make the decision for him?" Fulgrim reminded.

"Isn't that just what I said?" Wei Mu argued with reason.

"The posture you put on is not like just talking."

"That has nothing to do with me. You, the dignified Primarch, have done something wrong and you are blaming me, a mortal. Doesn't your conscience feel painful?"

"I really don't know how to do this. Isn't there a saying that says that one who is close to vermillion is red, and one who is close to ink is black?"

"Then you won't learn anything good. I have so many excellent qualities."

"Well, if you show off more, I'll try to find out more."


Unable to bear it, Wei Mu raised his middle finger at Fulgen.

"Okay, you two, please stop singing double acts in front of me." Guilliman waved his hand, directly revealing their intentions.

These two guys reminded him both in and out of their words that Fulgan finally turned around and did something serious, and he needed encouragement from his brothers.

No matter what, this hobby is much better than the perverted ways I learned from Slaanesh.

In fact, he was also imagining what kind of image the other party would create for him.

Is it an elegant and chic normal outfit, or a ridiculous clown outfit.

Or, just give him an emperor cosplay, and then accuse him of being disrespectful?

Thinking of this, Guilliman couldn't help but smile.

Fulgan moved his head curiously: "What are you laughing at?"

Guilliman pushed the other person back: "Nothing, I was just thinking about how many beautiful things we have lost without knowing it."

The Lord of the Ultramarines himself prepared a round table, leaving space for his father and all his brothers. After the Great Crusade, everyone could sit together and talk about how to build the empire.

But it could never be used, and the Horus Heresy made everything come to nothing.

Hearing these words, Fulgrim gradually put away his playful smile, his eyes flashing with hatred: "Chaos must pay the price for this."

"Yes, they must be punished as they deserve."

Guilliman drew his weapon, and the Emperor's sword instantly burst into flames.

The sound of demons roaring came from the front, and they had already engaged the vanguard.

These unfortunate inanimates would bear the wrath of both Primarchs simultaneously.

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