I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 300 Is there anything left?

The Emperor's Sword is a dangerous and powerful psychic weapon.

It exhausts all the science and subspace knowledge mastered by the Lord of Mankind, and is a masterpiece that spans two realms.

The sword's entire body is burning with red flames. Not only can it change size according to the user's body, break through any solid armor, but it can also completely kill the inanimate instead of just banishing it.

Although the Emperor's Sword is no longer wielded by the Emperor himself, its existence is still as dangerous and terrifying to the demons as a curse.

Entering the webway gate of Blackstone Fortress, the leading troops of the Empire's reinforcements fought against the demons wandering inside.

The swords of both sides clashed, the sound of gunshots shook the sky, and the fight was inextricable for a while.

The chaos within the webway was beyond everyone's expectations.

The place that should have been empty seems to be crowded with various forces, and you will encounter other people if you walk on any section.

There are friendly forces that are scattered and lost, and there are also enemies that are causing trouble.

Without time to think too much, Guilliman took big steps and faced those unlucky demons head-on.

He moved very fast, like a sudden strong wind, and the Emperor's Sword in his hand shone brightly, emitting dazzling red flames.

Even under the illumination of the sacred flame, the bodies of ordinary demons gradually began to disintegrate and dissipate. Only the most powerful ones were qualified to face this power.

The surrounding demon companions were horrified when they saw this, and the long-forgotten fear of death was instantly awakened again.

They screamed at the top of their lungs and turned around and fled without any trace of their previous domineering arrogance.

Guilliman, on the other hand, led his descendants in a charge, constantly using the sacred flames on the Emperor's Sword to devour one evil creature after another.

"Although Lord Regent's fighting posture looks invincible, why do I always have the feeling that he will lie down at any time - your stretcher team, uh, no, should be the Honor Guard, it is really a heavy responsibility!"

Wei Mu rode his beloved motorcycle and mingled among the Honor Guard, known as the Forbidden Army of the Second Empire.

As soon as his subconscious words came out, he immediately attracted a bunch of malicious looks from around him.

"Be careful, young man. I, Cato Sicarius, warn you not to say such words that offend the Primarch again, otherwise, I, Cato Sicarius, will no longer be polite to you. !" the personal guard said seriously.

This guy was the only one who could speak freely. If it had been anyone else, Sicarius would have asked for an honorable duel with him.

Wei Mu just smiled and didn't care too much.

Then, he sighed again.

Guilliman fell, and there were honor guards who could help carry the stretcher. What would happen if Fulgrim fell?

Although Wei Mu had made some preparations for this in advance, no one in this galaxy could guarantee that he could defeat a demonic primarch 100%.

For the current plan, we can only take one step first and see what happens next.

"That sword is really nice!"

At this time, Fulgrim was also chasing the defeated demons.

When he used the exquisite power sword in his hand to penetrate the demon's body and tear it into pieces, he could clearly feel the opponent's shattered soul escaping into the subspace.

And he could only watch helplessly, with no way to stop it.

A hundred years later, or even in a shorter period of time, that enemy will be resurrected and become a scourge threatening the world again.

This is obviously not a good thing.

Having a weapon that can completely obliterate the inanimate can make this kind of duel relatively fair.

"Do you want to try it?" Guilliman asked subconsciously after using the Emperor's Sword to kill the last enemy in sight.

"Oh, of course, my father didn't like us touching his personal belongings in the past." Fulgen observed the Emperor's Sword in his brother's hand with interest, "And you know that I am also a forging master with the highest skills. Afterwards, I can help research the principle of that sword, anyway, it must be involved in some terrible subspace secret."

Even if there is no way to mass-produce it, after successful analysis, some low-end versions can be produced, which should be suitable for use by the Gray Knights.

In fact, although the Primarchs made great contributions to the founding of the Empire and were widely worshiped and loved by all mankind, they have only been active for about two centuries, and most of them are still leading troops to fight.

As demigods far beyond mortals, if the originals could devote their energy to scientific and technological inventions, it is hard to imagine what amazing achievements they could achieve in these ten thousand years.

"If you behave well, I might agree to this condition."

Guilliman slowly sheathed the Emperor's Sword.

He did not say anything directly, but had high expectations for getting along well with this brother.

"By the way, what did my father leave for me? Is it his glittering armor?" Fulgen asked curiously.

"Don't think about it, my father's True One Armor has already been fused into badges and distributed to various battle groups with outstanding achievements." Guilliman waved his hand, "According to official records, before a certain period, It should be a fragment embedded in every set of Terminator armor. For example, the right hand part obtained by the Dark Angel was broken into thousands of fragments."

"What? How can you just melt a masterpiece of that level?" Fulgen suddenly shouted, "And one right hand can melt into thousands of parts, so what role can a small piece of it play?"

"Do you think who would dare to make this decision privately if it wasn't for my father's wishes?" Guilliman replied calmly.

"What about his shield?"

"This one is missing."

"That thing that claims to be the prototype of all bolters?"

"There's nothing left."

"And that big lightning claw."

Guilliman rolled his eyes at his brother, as if he was saying you are a traitor, how can you have the confidence to share your father's inheritance?

I guess my addiction to those perfect and gorgeous things has returned.

"Okay, kids, hurry up and pack up. There are more serious battles waiting for us ahead."

Ignoring the unruly Fulgrim, Guilliman greeted his heir.

The Indomitus Crusade is still waiting for him to return to take charge of the overall situation, and he doesn't have time to stay here for too long.

The frustrated purple Phoenix scratched his cheek, his expression slightly embarrassed.

It wasn't that he was really plotting something, but Fulgen had a feeling that the devil was waiting for him ahead.

The reason why he focused on the emperor's legacy and those sophisticated individual combat equipment was just that Fulgen hoped to increase his chances of winning in the next duel.

"Please protect me, father."

He thought silently in his heart.

Then he followed Guilliman's pace as if nothing had happened.

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