I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 301 Battlefield Commentary

Under the guidance of the Pied Clown, Imperial reinforcements finally found the Eldar coalition in the Webway.

At this time, they are being besieged by multiple forces. More and more warriors are dying in battle, and the situation is precarious.

The Dark Eldar, Chaos Warriors, and the demonic armies of Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch were all huddled together, and the situation was so chaotic that there was no way to organize their troops.

Countless enemies just mixed together to attack each other, and the fierce shouts of killing shook the entire network.

The arrival of the two primarchs is undoubtedly a powerful force that can change the direction of the entire battle, and is also the Order camp's best hope of winning this game.

"For the Emperor!"

Following an order from the Lord of the Ultramarines, tens of thousands of loyal Space Marines charged towards the battlefield.

The Smurfs used overwhelming momentum to crush all enemies who dared to stand in front of them.

Because Wei Mu was not good at fighting, he could only hang out among the Honor Guards and provide some buffs to the people who were fighting bravely around him.

But he was not idle either.

I can’t move my hands, so why can’t I still act as a war correspondent?

Or to be more precise, it should be a live commentary.

You have to give yourself some sense of participation.

"Many years from now, history will record the war that took place in the Webway as such."

"In order to restore their former glory, the fallen spirit race chose to cooperate with humans with their humble and arrogant heads, and jointly headed for the deepest hell."

"They are trying to take back their own Mother Goddess."

"And standing in front of them are the servants of the God of Disease, and the terrible curse stemming from their own sins."

Wei Mu's voice spread across the battlefield, and not many people paid attention at first.

The soldiers were focused on dealing with the enemy in front of them.

The situation on the battlefield is a matter of life and death. If you are not careful, you will be killed. It is not a good place to listen to someone's story.

In addition, there are too many noisy interference items, and the effect of explanation is really limited.

"Twisted roads, dangerous crises, brave battles, and heroic sacrifices."

"Carrying the fervent hopes of the entire race, countless loyal souls are buried in foreign lands."

"Finally, they succeeded in shaking the black castle, and the loving father flinched before their steely determination."

But as he spoke, the voice seemed to have magic power. It not only penetrated many noisy sounds and successfully entered the eardrums of the soldiers, but also made people want to listen involuntarily.

"The goddess was rescued, but the crisis was not resolved."

"The Queen of the Hunt, Shalaxi Demon Scourge, is following the traces of their escape. The Lord of Death, Mortarion, still hopes to reverse the defeat. Carlos, the Destiny Weaver, is disrupting the situation, eager to turn everything upside down."

"And more importantly, their compatriots, the Dark Eldar, hope to take advantage of the situation, even if the entire race has reached a critical moment of life and death."

"The Overlord of Youdu aspires to be crowned Phoenix King. His ambition is immeasurable."

"Under his plotting and plotting, the Daughter of Shadows was forced into desperation, and the future of the Eldar was in jeopardy."

The summary of the previous story ended here, and Wei Mu's voice gradually became weaker.

While everyone continued to fight, the attacks on their hands were merciless, and they were also curious about what would happen next, how the empire would record this period of history.

"At this moment!" Wei Mu suddenly raised the volume by dozens of decibels and said loudly in a majestic and powerful tenor, "The great Ultramarine Primarch, Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, The regent of the human empire, a peerless hero, and an unparalleled general - Robert Guilliman stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds and rushed across the sky, carrying the power of millions of stars, and beat all the enemies to flee, crying for their fathers and mothers. Like a bastard about to be fired, the heartbreaking sound spread across the entire battlefield!"

"Wang Defa!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Wei Mu suddenly felt countless eyes focused on him.

Such a chaotic battlefield and shocking operations made many strong men who thought they were beyond the world unable to control their violent tempers, and centuries of self-cultivation were suddenly destroyed.

"Well, recording history is not just a battle report. There must be some Spring and Autumn writing skills in it. As long as the general content is OK, you continue, don't care about these details." He scratched his head in embarrassment and said to the audience He opened his mouth to explain.

It is indeed quite common to include private information when writing history, but people do it secretly, for fear of being discovered by others.

You are actually in front of us, openly using us as a stepping stone to lick your own regent, specifically to raise his status. Isn't this a little too shameless?

"The unparalleled hero with colorful auspicious clouds at his feet?"

Ephrene looked at Guilliman in front of her with a playful expression, even though she was out of breath from the continuous battles.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know anything about this beforehand?"

The regent held the Emperor's Sword to attack the attacking Shalashi Demon Calamity, feeling that he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"Don't think that you can defeat us with such small tricks, Robert Guilliman, this will also be the place where you die!"

Demon Calamity continued its dazzling offensive, hitting the original body's vitals with every blow.

"Young man, your eloquence is good, please continue to speak more." Cato Sicarius used sharp swordsmanship to cut off the head of a lust demon, and he did not forget to urge.

As Guilliman's ardent fans, they were very pleased with Vymmu's "appropriate" praise of the Primarch.

In fact, the Ultramarines' record of their genetic father is indeed like this. Even though they are just inferior in skills, they can still be described as heroic and bitter defeats. As for the victories they have achieved, each one is described as extremely brilliant.

Naturally, Wei Mu had no intention of ending there, and continued: "The demons were terrified by his world-shaking power, and the traitors were frightened before his powerful offensive."

"The heroic gesture of the original body was still deeply engraved in the minds of every Dark Eldar who participated in the battle. The Supreme Overlord of Commorragh was shocked by his majestic body and iron will, and knew that he would never be able to match that man. Maybe, the endless ambitions will be shattered.”

"Stupid monkey, how dare you say such rebellious remarks, you are a complete slander!" An angry voice came over, and Victor stood in front of the throne and cursed.

"I can write my empire's own history book however I want. Do you want you to meddle in your own business here? Come and fuck me if you don't agree with me!" Wei Mu raised his middle finger at the opponent across the noisy battlefield.

The Spirit Tribe has become so weak that they are still causing trouble here. These black bean sprouts are really a scourge.

Anyway, no one from Khorne's family is here, and there won't be that kind of idiot who doesn't care about anything and will come and get in Weimu's face, and he can talk whatever he wants.

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