Without any warning, the evil laughter spread throughout the battlefield.

Crazy, cunning, weird and sinister, with a strong sense of malice.

Everyone in the coalition shuddered at this.

It's like being targeted by a poisonous snake lurking in the dark. It may spring out and bite someone at any time, killing the victim.

Guilliman recognized that voice, and the old wound in his neck ached.

When meeting Fulgrim, he had never had a similar reaction.

There can be no mistake, that devil must be here.

Shalaxi Demon Scourge, who was facing Guilliman, had a happy smile on his face, as if he had already declared the defeat of the coalition.

"I am ready to taste your pain, Robert Guilliman - the pain of watching your brother fall into darkness again!"

The number one hunter of Slaanesh stared greedily at the Primarch in front of him. In its eyes, the powerful demigod was no different than a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"You won't succeed, devil. You and your perverted master can only taste the bitter fruit of failure with me, and nothing else!"

Guilliman swung the Emperor's Sword, and the force of the blow was heavier than before.

Shalashi, on the other hand, dodged and moved with ease, and the shining spear always threatened the original body's vital points.

"What the hell is that?"

As a psyker, the Librarian is more attuned to the terror of his enemies than any other Phoenix Son Space Marine.

Leiden felt a disgust that originated from the depths of his genes, as if his soul itself had been contaminated by the uncleanness brought by the other party.

"The Daemon Primarch Fulgrim, the corrupted aspect of our Gene-Father."

Roland replied to his companion in a low voice, and he inadvertently held the power sword in his hand tighter.

"Demon. Primarch?"

Leiden's eyes widened, and his violet pupils shrank.

"Not only him, but also our corrupted side among the attacking enemies."

Roland stared intently at the white mist in front of him, and the movement coming from inside was terrifying.

There was no time to explain, and in the next moment, countless Emperor's Children Space Marines suddenly burst out of it.

"All fire, kill them, for the Emperor!"

The Chapter Master shouted loudly, and the soldiers responded quickly.

The head of the think tank raised the weapon in his hand and faced the opponent with swords.

Originally thinking that they were just a group of Chaos traitors, Leiden didn't pay much attention at first. However, during the short battle, he was extremely shocked by the enemy in front of him - because the swordsmanship used by the opponent actually came from the same lineage as them.

Not only the swordsmanship, but also the painting style on the power armor is the same. The enemies in front of them seem to be some evil version of their battle group.

"I didn't expect that guy Guilliman to secretly use our gene seeds. It's just right. If I kill you, I can replenish a wave of manpower."

Even the enemy was a little surprised by this. The pale and deformed face that had long been distorted by the power of chaos showed a look of surprise.

"This, I...how is this possible!"

After the exchange with the chapter leader just now and the various signs revealed before, Leiden realized that what the other party said was probably true. The gene seeds used by the Phoenix Sons came from the rebel side.

And when he thought that the disgusting monster in front of him was likely to have the same origin as himself, the think tank director felt terrified in his heart.

"Or if you take the initiative to submit and accept the glory given by the Lord of Joy, I can spare your life!"

Leading loyal compatriots to corruption, this kind of fun has not happened in the galaxy for too long, and the Emperor's Children on the opposite side let out a weird laugh.

"Impossible. We are noble emperor angels. We will never be reduced to slaves of evil spirits or to such a disgusting posture as you."

Layton roared loudly, and the chain sword in his hand roared violently.

"Impossible?" After hearing this, the Emperor's Son laughed wildly, "Even the original body himself will be addicted to such darkness. How can you new recruits resist? Just with the power of Primaris?"

"No, he has not surrendered. He is still fighting. Listen to the screams coming from around you. Your accomplices are being massacred by him!"

Layton fought with his opponent with all his strength, and the power armor on his body buzzed due to overload.

"What a pathetic junior. That guy is nothing more than a fake, but you treat him as the hope of redemption."

The Emperor's Son laughed wildly as the unknown medicine was injected into his body through the pipes on the power armor, making his fighting skills and mental state even more insane.

"And the true Primarch will crush your ridiculous hopes just as I will crush you."

The drugged Chaos Space Marine pounced on the Librarian again with a swift attack.

With the future of the entire faction as a bet, the two sides launched a desperate battle.

On the other side, Fulgrim charged forward and had already chopped down more than a dozen of the Emperor's sons with his sword.

But the real enemy, his fallen body, has yet to show up.

"Coward, don't let them continue to die. If you still have any value as an intelligent creature, stand up and face me in person!" He shouted into the thick white fog around him. The other party must be nearby.

"What, are you feeling sorry for them? I pity the weak and helpless fakes?" The vicious words came over, but the owner of the voice still did not show up, "They are my slaves, they should die for me." It’s their honor.”

"So you recently went to Perturabo to exchange experiences on how to treat your children? It is not the tradition of the Emperor's Children to despise life." Fulgrim observed the surroundings carefully, trying to find traces of the other party.

"I don't need to learn from anyone, I am perfect, I can do whatever I want!" The demon primarch's voice was full of anger, and the entire web seemed to be shaking because of it.

Fulgrim had fallen so deeply that he no longer bothered to suppress or hide his emotions.

"Okay, perfect person, if you want to make me feel pain by causing the children around me to fall, then I advise you to give up this plan. They are definitely much stronger than you think." Fulgan reminded.

Not only was the power of Primaris better able to fight against the corruption of Chaos, but after spending these days together, Fulgrim knew that the members of the Sons of the Phoenix were a group of noble and loyal warriors, no less loyal than the Sons of the Emperor who defied the fallen Primarch.

"Even if that's the case, I can kill them in front of you - helplessly watching my children being slaughtered one by one. I'm really looking forward to what kind of expression will appear on your face then." The demon primarch Jie Jie said with a strange smile.

"They are both brave children. It is their honor to be able to face such evil - in this regard, we both behave similarly." Fulgan said with an indifferent expression.

They seem to be similar, but in fact they are very different.

"Stupid, disgusting!" Knowing that the other party was mocking him with insinuations, Fulgrim yelled again, "I hope I will hold your throat like a puppet on strings to see Guilliman. You can still continue to be glib!"

The Daemon Primarch finally revealed his form, and the darkness that was almost condensed into substance continued to emanate from his body.

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