I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 306 The real person and the fake

The daemon's posture is changeable and chaotic, like the Warp itself.

Therefore they can easily change their appearance and size.

Fulgrim emerged from the mists of the Webway - as he had been when he was still human.

She has long silver-white hair and a beautiful face, and her violet eyes shine like stars.

Apart from his overly weird temperament, his image is almost identical to that of his clone, and even the weapons and power armor he wears are perfectly imitated.

"So you've been hiding in the dark for so long just to do such boring things?" Fulgen sighed helplessly.

Although he used to like to show off and play tricks, he knew how to distinguish the situation and what was important.

"Don't you think this scene is quite dramatic?" the demonic primarch said with a smile.

From Fulgrim's point of view, everything that happened in the webway was just a stage set up for the gorgeous performance he was about to perform. Indulgence and wantonness were the core, and other things had to take a back seat.

It is obviously such an important battle, but it is made extravagant just for the sake of drama.

The ontology that has completely become a slave to hedonism makes Fulgrim very disappointed.

"Let's end this quickly."

Without saying any more words, he quickly rushed forward and slashed the power sword hard at the opposite body.

"Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?" Fulgrim responded with the same action like a mirror image, "We finally met officially, why don't we have a little more fun?"

"Rather than slashing at each other with the perverted version of myself here, I would rather spend more time with those lovely heirs."

Fulgrim swung his sword again, and the silver-white blade made a gorgeous spin in the air. The purple phoenix's superb swordsmanship looked as elegant as art.

"Then you have to cherish the time you have now. After all, you will never have this opportunity again."

It was obvious that the same movements were made by people with the same appearance, but the swordsmanship of the demon primordial body contained an indescribable weirdness, and his every move gave people a sinister feeling.

"Really?" Fulgrim chuckled, "Then tell me, Fulgrim, how long did it take you to become familiar with your human body again for this so-called drama?"

In just a few seconds, the two exchanged blows hundreds of times.

Fulgan could clearly feel the unfamiliarity and inadequacy of the opponent's movements.

"So what, a mere confrontation of this level, of course I will."

Before the Daemon Primarch could finish his boastful speech, his opponent seized the opportunity.

The attempt to parry was deflected, and the chest protected by the power sword was immediately exposed.

Fulgrim quickly took advantage of the situation to pursue, and stabbed the enemy's vital point with the long sword in his hand. The decomposing position on the sword emitted a bright blue light, like a thunderbolt that penetrated the night.

The demon's original body's expression changed, and he quickly retreated back, trying to create space to avoid the attack.

However, with such a major mistake, how could Fulgrim give up so easily? He quickly moved forward, the deadly sword edge still threatening the opponent's vital points.


An unwilling voice came, and Fulgrim knew that he had lost this game.

The fake in front of him did have something to it, and it wasn't as clumsy as he imagined.

But it’s fun to play like this.

The devil's original body mobilized all the dark power in his body, and a pair of huge bat wings broke through the transformed power armor, and suddenly appeared on his back.

As the demon's wings flapped rapidly, Fulgrim was able to quickly distance himself from the clone. The power that violated the laws of reality made it impossible for Fulgrim to catch up, and he could only watch the opponent disappear into the mist of the webway.

"Damn it!"

Fulgrim cursed angrily, missing the great opportunity.

In his opinion, even if he cannot inflict serious damage to the enemy, he should at least inflict some damage.

However, there was no time for him to regret. In the next second, the demon primarch cut through the dense fog of the webway and rushed into the battlefield again like a fallen comet.

This time, he no longer restrained himself, but showed his true posture. The wings of the giant bat behind him flapped violently, blowing up a strong wind like a blade.

Under the evil transformation of Slaanesh, the original Paladin Phoenix has long been changed beyond recognition, becoming a four-armed, half-human, half-snake demonic image - just like Lal who was killed by the Sons of the Phoenix in the Great Crusade. Like snake people.

At that time, the Emperor's Children were still ignorant of the power of Chaos, and the Lal Serpentmen were an alien race that worshiped Slaanesh.

After the Third Legion defeated the alien civilization with an efficiency that shocked Terra's top brass, Fulgrim not only took out the magic sword enshrined in the Temple of Lal for his own use, but also mistook the great demon lurking inside for himself. He also tried to transplant these alien organs into his children to help them become more perfect.

That was the beginning of the corruption of the Emperor's Children.

"Look what you have become, my pitiful body. If the Lal snake people have spirits in the sky, I am afraid they will smile crookedly - the people who exterminated them were twisted into this picture by the curse they left behind. Deformed appearance.”

Fulgrim looked at the demon primarch in front of him warily.

He could clearly feel that the evil aura on the other party's body suddenly increased significantly, far beyond what he had just looked like.

The real battle has just begun.

"Or maybe it's because I absorbed the power they left behind that I can get closer to the gods like I am now."

Fulgrim's venomous snake body swayed rapidly, and the purple scales covering it were shining, and there was an indescribable allure.

Three of the four arms hold the magic sword given by Slaanesh. The blade is equipped with deadly poison that seals the throat when blood is seen, while the other arm is equipped with sharp claws, which he uses specifically to inflict poison on the target. pain.

"You are a monster, Fulgrim. Your soul is empty except for the sick consciousness stuffed by the evil master."

Fulgan tried hard to observe possible flaws in the other party.

The most powerful demon under Slaanesh is undoubtedly Shalashi Demon Calamity, but the chief status of his family undisputedly belongs to Nakari - just because among the Slaanesh faction, living is like being able to fight. more important.

If he is lucky enough, after being immersed in pleasure for such a long time, the daemon primarch may have weaknesses left in his body.

"Exaggeration is extremely stupid." Fulgrim smiled contemptuously, "In this dark and chaotic universe, only power is everything - next I will let you experience this for yourself."

The demon primarch controlled his multiple arms and slashed at Fulgrim in front of him at the same time.

Upon seeing this, Fulgrim took a big step forward, raised his power sword and faced it head-on.

The two powerful forces collided fiercely, causing the entire webway space to tremble violently.

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