Falling into chaos shows that there are flaws in your character.

And after falling into chaos, this character flaw will be further amplified.

Fulgrim firmly believed that this was the key to defeating the enemy in front of him, even though he knew that his combat effectiveness was not as good as that of the opponent.

The power of the daemon primarch was too terrifying.

The powerful impact caused Fulgen to slide back several meters, and then he barely blocked the opponent's attack.

The power armor on his body made a hoarse roar due to overloading, and the two arms holding the sword were so shaken that they hurt.

The enemy in front of him had a sinister smile on his face, and he looked completely at ease. There was a clear judgment between the two sides.

"Besides talking the talk, is this all you have?"

The demon primarch began to wave his four arms wildly, and the bright blades struck towards Fulgrim like a gust of wind.

The attack he launched was so swift and violent, and every blow was extremely heavy.

Fulgrim raised his whole body's senses to the extreme, and his eyes tried hard to capture every detail, but he still could only protect himself by constantly retreating. He could barely parry with his sword, let alone find a chance to fight back.

"Work harder and let me enjoy it!"

The devil's original body twisted its snake-like body, switching attack angles back and forth in a weird way that normal people could not do.

Fulgrim must follow the opponent's twists and constantly adjust his defensive posture. If he is not careful, he will be stabbed by the opponent's magic sword. Life or death is only a matter of millimeters.

It's impeccable, with no breaking point to be found at all.

It is difficult to defeat him when fighting against him, not to mention that the opponent's physical configuration is far better than his.

After hundreds of confrontations, Fulgrim's power armor was scratched by the magic sword, and his body was infected by the toxins on the blade. The power originating from the deep darkness continued to deprive him of physical energy and consciousness.

Until the flaw was caught, the devil's original body whipped Fulgrim hard with a flick of his tail. The powerful force directly lifted him away and rolled several times on the ground of the webway before he stopped.

The power armor he was wearing was severely deformed by the huge impact, and several ribs underneath were broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

There was no obvious feeling before. When the damage was actually inflicted on him, Fulgrim realized how terrifying the enemy in front of him was.

"Is this the kind of force you're fighting against, Father?"

The man who was as omnipotent as a god in his memory eventually turned into the living corpse trapped on the golden throne. It is difficult to imagine what terrible pressure the Emperor was under.

When it's not time to relax, you can still fight.

There are too many sins to atone for, and the Third Legion must be saved.

Fulgrim dragged his injured body and forced himself to stand up quickly to face the enemy.

The demonic principle on the opposite side came forward immediately, and while he was still on his feet, he struck out the power sword in his hand.

The weapon was unloaded, and Fulgrim decisively chose to fight back with his fists.

He used all his strength to throw a straight punch and hit the enemy's face hard.

The Daemon Primarch did not dodge, but allowed the blow to hit him.

The powerful force that was enough to lift a main battle tank flew straight into the opponent's unsuspecting monster face.

However, what is shocking is that this fierce blow only left a slight scratch on the corner of the opponent's mouth.

"It's really ugly!" Fulgrim licked the blood left at the corner of his mouth, smiled contemptuously, and stabbed his claws into the opponent's chest with his backhand, "Fake things are just fakes after all, and the gap between you and me is by no means dependent on A few slogans can make up for it.”

The demon primarch is right. The power of a demigod is like a natural chasm, and cannot be replicated by Fabius Bayer's biological technology.

The purple power armor Fulgrim wore was easily penetrated by the sharp blades on the enemy's five fingers. One heart was directly torn, and the toxin-contaminated blood quickly spread throughout the body.

He felt that he was losing control of his body, and the terrible darkness was gradually eating away at his soul.

"I will never give in to you," Fulgan insisted through gritted teeth.

"Faith is commendable!" A sinister smile appeared on the face of the demon primarch, "But this matter cannot be left to chance."

He flapped the bat wings behind him and slowly left the ground, rising very high, high enough for everyone in this chaotic battlefield to see.

Then, boundless evil energy burst out, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

The Demon Primarch picked up Fulgrim's defenseless body and displayed it to the Alliance of Order like a trophy.

He wanted to drive unparalleled fear deep into the hearts of these mortals, and it turned out that this behavior was extremely effective.

"No, that's impossible!"

Leiden, the think tank chief of Sons of Phoenix, stared at the terrifying scene in the sky, his pupils contracting violently in shock.

He wanted to go to the rescue, but was stopped by the Chaos traitor in front of him.

"Sad descendant, this has been doomed for a long time. It's just that the false emperor's deception has made you blind - join us, get rid of his lies, and embark on the path chosen by our true genetic father. "

Seeing that the faith of the loyalists was wavering, the Emperor's Son on the opposite side smiled and persuaded.

"Go to hell, you damn traitor!"

However, Leiden only responded with an increasingly angry counterattack, and a supernaturally powerful psychic lightning flew out from his fingertips and struck the opponent hard.

Instead of wailing in pain, the warriors of the Emperor's Children let out a burst of joyful sounds.

"It's so comfortable, keep going, don't stop!"

The traitor longs for more, not caring about the damage to his body.

Leiden continued to increase the spiritual energy output in his hands, while slowly approaching the opponent until he entered the range of melee attacks, and suddenly struck out to chop off the opponent's head.

With a series of bites from the chain sword, the Emperor's Son's head rolled to the ground, and a large amount of filthy blood flowed from the neck.

But even at this point, the other party still had a crazy expression on his face, as if he was still enjoying the supreme joy.

The brothers of their chapter must not become such a thing, Leiden thought.

This unique connection with the Primarch created a strong sense of crisis among all members of the Chapter.

This sense of crisis forced them to go to their genetic father even if they disobeyed orders and gave up their planned positions.

However, the enemy of Chaos did not intend to let them go, and swarmed up to bite them to death.

The Sons of the Phoenix struggled desperately, sadness and confusion enveloped every member of the Chapter.

"Did you hear it? Did you hear their wails?" The demon primarch guided Fulgrim to appreciate what was happening below with him. "Look at your beloved heirs, they are dying in vain because of you - This is not what you would call an honorable sacrifice."

Fulgrim had no way to answer, the boundless pain was tearing apart his body and soul.

"But it doesn't matter. They are just a group of slaves. Our only loyal brother who has returned is the highlight. We should go find him and have some fun, right?"

The devil's original body laughed wildly, flapped the giant wings behind him again, and slowly flew towards the direction of the iron cage.

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