I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 309 Things about the academy

Baldr is a student at the Psychic Academy and comes from an ordinary agricultural world.

According to the empire's regulations on psykers, beings like him should be controlled and either wait to take the black ship to Holy Terra to serve as firewood for the star torch, or have their brain lobes cut off and become a tool man who cannot think.

Only a very small number of talented people are worthy of training and are lucky enough to be assigned to serve in various departments of the empire.

But fortunately, the newly appointed Maelstrom Jiedushi gave him a new opportunity - to enjoy his youth in the academy like a normal child.

Until now, whenever Badr thinks of this incident, he still feels like he is dreaming.

Together with other peers with the same fate, he learns knowledge and masters abilities here. His life is very regular. He even has holidays and subsidies. The teachers and everyone are very kind.

Of course, not everyone is kind, and there are people among his peers who he can't deal with.

Likewise, this doesn't mean his future is going to be smooth sailing, and they'll have to face all the darkness in the galaxy in the future.

"Psychics are the next stage of normal human evolution. You should be the pioneers of this race. However, it is also because of your dazzling talents that the demons in the subspace covet you. This has led to you becoming an uneasy time for the empire. Bombs - they will hurt both yourself and others. So what this academy has to do is to let you grow up in a relatively safe environment, so as to gain enough strength to protect yourself in the face of chaos. "

Master Jieduzhi is a very casual person who treats common people like them as equals. He is completely different from the big shot in Bader's impression, so Bader likes attending his weekly open class very much.

"Then to what extent do we need to grow to be considered as having enough power to protect ourselves?" Balder asked Lord Jiedushi in the first public class.

"Well, it should be enough to defeat an ordinary big devil."

The Maelstrom Jiedu Envoy sitting on the podium thought for a moment, then switched the pictures on the big screen and brought up the figure of a bloodthirsty maniac.

This scared the students present to death.

Master Jieduzhi didn't know how to hide a little bit to protect their young hearts.

Such a huge size and such brutal power will inevitably make people question, is it really an existence that humans can defeat?

"You don't actually need to worry. The chances of encountering a big demon are very rare, not to mention you don't have to face him alone." Lord Jiedushi replied lightly.

Despite this, everyone is still very scared about the future fate.

In order to allow the students to muster the courage to face those terrifying enemies, Master Jiedushi thought of many ways in the following days.

For example, last week's open class was about watching videos - the daily life of the Death Guard.

Hidden within the Blight Garden, full of gnarled trees and blight, is a giant lake of all kinds of filth.

A large amount of yellow-brown feces and urine piled up like swamp sludge, with dense maggots squirming back and forth inside.

Known as the dirtiest place in the universe, Tianzi No. 1 septic tank.

Even through the screen, the students present seemed to be able to smell the stench, and many even vomited on the spot.

Beside the lake, a group of Death Guard Space Marines were already in place, eager to try.

They are the most outstanding warriors of the legion. They look like the impression that their bodies are twisted and ulcerated, their power armor is rusty and rotten, and their skin is covered with tumors and acne.

But this does not affect their enthusiasm for life. Even slaves of darkness have to have some fun in their daily lives.

When the video footage showed the onlookers on the side, the Great Unclean Ones were lying on beach chairs, wearing black sunglasses and holding drinks in their hands, the students realized what was about to happen.

As Nurgling struck the gong as a signal, the Death Guards transformed into athletes, leaping into the cesspit one after another, using butterfly strokes to expel feces and urine, swimming up and down in the filth, leaping forward bravely, vowing to Compete in this dirty field.

The most eye-catching among them is naturally Typhons, the first company commander of the Death Guard.

The Chosen God of Nurgle is like a whirlwind in the Shit Mountain or a dragon in the Shit Sea. Water splashes everywhere in its path. The lake is agitated. Countless bubbles release a large amount of stinky methane. The company commander's vigorous figure is bathed in it. He was far ahead in this tawny filth, leaving his fellow compatriots far behind.

He was the undisputed winner and once again won the tournament.

Typhons stood on the glorious podium, accepting the praise and blessings from the devil and his companions. Next to him, Father Rain promptly presented him with the winner's prize, a pot of freshly baked Nurgle soup.

The company commander took the thick soup with a smile and drank it in one gulp.

The green, thick, dirty liquid was poured into Typhons's mouth, and leaked out from the big mouth on his belly, making the demons around him laugh, and the scene was joyful and peaceful.

However, unlike the beauty shown in the video, all the students who watched the video felt as if their eyes had been raped.

The mind is tainted and the soul is no longer pure.

Some people vomited up their bile and lost their appetite for food in the following weeks. A few, even more exaggerated, developed severe mysophobia and never left their hand with the disinfectant kit.

"If any of you want to throw yourself into Nurgle, you should start practicing the cesspool butterfly now. There should be enough time to prepare for the next competition."

Jiedu on the podium made it easy for the adults to watch the excitement, and did not know how to comfort everyone.

Seriously, who would accept that kind of thing from the bottom of their hearts? The power of chaos can indeed distort everything about a person beyond recognition.

There was also an open class last week, the content was related to the Blood God, and the play starring the Pied Clowns was called "The Drunken Princess of Khorne".

The clowns' performances are relatively abstract, with enchanting movements and exaggerated makeup. You can barely understand them only by pairing them with the poems written by Master Jiedushi.

The general meaning is that the old pervert, the Blood God, has been looking for beauties. He has been in power for many years and cannot find the one he likes. (The Blood God attaches great importance to lust and wants to overwhelm the country, and Yu Yu has been unable to seek it for many years)

There is a little girl in the Black Wolf tribe who has just grown up and possesses unimaginable bravery and courage. (A daughter of the Wolf family has just grown up, and she is so powerful that she is unparalleled in the world)

The little girl named Valkia eventually entered the palace and became the concubine of Khorne, and was loved by thousands of people. Since then, the Blood God has abandoned his government and never got off the brass throne. He lives in drunkenness and dreams day and night. (Once you choose to side with the Blood God, the Blood God will never come to court again from now on)

It wasn't until the news of the Maelstrom Rebellion came, which shocked the entire Blood God realm, that everyone realized that a catastrophe was approaching.

The soldiers believed that Valkia was causing harm to the country and the people and was the source of all unrest, and they demanded that she be eliminated before sending troops to quell the rebellion.

Even though the Blood God who was forced into the palace was extremely reluctant and helpless, he could only weep and issue an edict to hang his beloved concubine.

How sad, how desolate.

He was so cruel that he couldn't protect the woman he loved.

As the saying goes, since ancient times, passion has left no room for hatred, and this hatred lasts forever.

"This story tells us that women can only affect the speed at which warriors draw their swords. Even those as strong as Khorne cannot escape this law." Lord Jiedushi explained seriously.

The majestic Blood God actually caused such a thing that he was forced into the palace by his subordinates, but it was because of a woman.

Although everyone suspected that he was talking nonsense, no evidence could be found.

Master Jieduzhi's brain circuit is always so strange.

As for today’s open class, just when everyone was looking forward to what kind of tricks Master Jiedushi would do for them, what they unexpectedly encountered was the normal content - Master Jiedushi handed each of the students a piece of fingernail. Cover-sized black pieces and ask everyone to make them into talismans.

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