It was because Fulgrim pulled out the Sword of Ral and was bewitched by the demon in the sword that he was finally corrupted by Chaos and fell into the abyss of darkness.

Therefore, Wei Mu also hopes to work on weapons to help Fulgen avoid malicious erosion.

Where you fell, you have to get up again.

However, artifacts are rare. Regardless of the craftsmanship, craftsmanship or materials, collecting them is not a simple matter. Weimu does not have any ready-made ones - the only one with good quality is the black sword, exclusive to the Emperor's Champion. It can be considered a respectable weapon in the entire galaxy.

It's just that this thing alone is not enough to give Fulgrim the power to compete with the original demon, so he has to find a way to further improve its performance, such as enchanting it.

The Pied Clown is an expert in psychic powers, and Sarkozy has provided many enchantment solutions to Wei Mu, such as [Never Wear], [Split Damage], [Lucky Blow], etc.

"Isn't there some blessing of [invincibility and one-hit kill]? Or maybe [chaos buster]." Wei Mu tried to ask.

The enchantment plans given by Sarkozy sounded powerful, but they still couldn't help Fulgrim defeat the demonic master.

The power of the fallen demigod is too terrifying, and something more powerful is needed to close the huge gap between the two.

"You are joking, Jiedushi. Enchantment requires a carrier. You cannot inject tens of thousands of wishes into a mere grain of dust." Sarkozy waved his hand and said helplessly, "Although the quality of the black sword is It's great, but you can't bear that level of blessing. Maybe you can't find anything that meets your wish even if you search the entire galaxy."

"So with the hardware configuration of the Black Sword, how many blessings can it withstand at most?" Wei Mu asked again.

"If it is repaired, the five powerful blessings should be almost the same." Sarkozy judged.

In the last battle, the black sword was beaten into a pile of fragments and is still in a damaged state.

"Five powerful blessings. No, no, it's not enough."

Wei Mu took the enchantment plan book and kept arranging and combining the various characteristics in it, but the results he obtained were never satisfactory to him.

He even began to doubt the feasibility of this method of assistance. For a while, he sat dejectedly at his desk, not knowing what to do.

"Speaking of which, can these fragments also be enchanted?" After a long time, Wei Mu asked while playing with a black sword fragment.

"Of course." Sarkozy nodded, "But it is too small, so it can only carry some small blessings."

"A small blessing?" Wei Mu asked curiously, "What kind of small blessing?"

"For example, I hope that the wearer will not bite his tongue when talking, or that he will not encounter inferior products when buying things, and so on." The unicorn clown explained.

"The thoughtful little expert in life sounds quite practical." Wei Mu thought for a moment, and then asked, "What if I attach those tiny blessings to all the fragments, and then put them all together again? ?”

Quality is not enough, quantity is needed.

In many cases, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes.

"It's a great idea, Jiedushi, but there is some unstable connection between blessing and blessing. You can't easily force them together by putting together building blocks." Sarkozy reminded.

"That is to say, this possibility does exist." Wei Mu suddenly became interested.

"That's true." Sarkozy nodded, and then said, "But even if your idea can be realized in the end, and those thousands of blessings are successfully pieced together, please forgive me - so What effect can a lot of small wishes do? You can't defeat the powerful Daemon Primarch by relying on [eating without choking]."

"Try it, maybe it will work wonders?" Wei Mu was seriously considering this matter, "For example, if a person's heart is filled with these small kindnesses, then evil will have nowhere to take root, let alone expand. Come on, isn’t it?”

The Dark Gods are obviously not beings that can be defeated by relying solely on brute force. Blindly pursuing power may not be the right solution.

"Theoretically it seems feasible." The clown touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "Anyway, there is no way to defeat the demonic original body reliably. Unconventional methods are worth exploring."

"If that's the case, then we will"

Having made up his mind, Wei Mu rolled up his sleeves and started to get started. However, he suddenly realized that there were nearly 10,000 fragments of the black sword, and the amount of work involved in enchanting them one by one was not small.

"The talisman is not an industrialized product on the assembly line. If you want to inject wishes into it, the maker must give his true emotions. If we just rely on those of us to do it, we will probably all die of exhaustion here, and our souls will be squeezed clean." .”

Sarkozy picked up one of the fragments as a demonstration. The sharp material could cut the skin if not careful.

"How about mobilizing those students?" Wei Mu suggested, "They are all psykers, and the art of adding tiny blessings is not complicated."

"Are you sure? What if they mix something bad into it? We have no way to accurately detect the desire to join." Sarkozy reminded.

"I'm very sure." Wei Mu nodded, "The task will be announced during this open class, and the date for handing in the homework will be set before meeting the regent."

"Since you insist, as you wish, Jiedushi." Sarkozy bowed to him gracefully, and then began to arrange relevant matters.

So, in the open class that day, 10,000 black sword fragments were distributed to each student.

Each of the fragments was no larger than a fingernail and was packed in a small transparent bag like evidence.

"I know that some of you will definitely join Chaos in the future!"

Master Jieduzhi opened his mouth and started with the same cliche, giving him a sense of deja vu: "You are the worst class of students I have ever taught."

As a result, the students of the School of Life were ridiculed by others every day, and would be destined to swim in the cesspool in the future, while those of the School of War were ridiculed as concubines who could not avoid Khorne, and were destined to become the concubines of the Blood God.

"However, even if the future is full of evil, the good deeds done in the past will still not disappear - so even if it is only once, please give your most sincere and unique blessings to the small pieces in your hands."

Everyone was a little surprised that Master Jieduzhi didn't do any more flower work. Making amulets was a bit too normal.

Probably to test their learning results during this period.

Everyone didn't think much about it, they just felt that if they performed well in this event, they would definitely be appreciated by Lord Jiedushi, so they started to get busy after receiving the task.

During that time, the talisman became the most talked about topic among the students.

They read through books and discussed with each other. Things that were too complicated could not be carried, and things that were too simple were easy to repeat with others. People in the dormitory could often be seen casting spells on the fragments.

Badr was very troubled by this because he never knew what kind of blessing he should choose.

Since it is a rare first time, it must be taken very seriously.

"So you have done your homework? What is the content and is it effective?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to eat in the cafeteria, he discussed with Isaac, the one who was threatened by Dick in the last dormitory beating incident.

"The blessing I wrote on the fragment is [May you always find the small lost things]. As for the actual effect, just look at how many people came to me for help because they accidentally lost the fragment."

The boy named Isaac wore a pair of black-rimmed eyes and looked gentle, with a slightly contented expression at the moment.

When there are too many people, there will always be some careless and reckless people. In addition, the size of the fragments is too small, and they will be lost if they are not handled properly.

If you lose something and ask the teachers for help, you can naturally find the pieces again, but that would be too embarrassing.

Isaac's amulet literally saved their lives, so his reputation gradually spread among the students.

"Okay, young man, maybe I will have to hold your thigh in the future." Badr said with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem." Isaac nodded proudly, and then carefully looked around. After confirming that no threat appeared, he cautiously said in front of Bader, "In addition, I heard that Dirick wrote My blessing is [may you have the correct sixth sense that has a flash of inspiration]."

Ever since they were both sent to the infirmary after fighting on the first day, Badr and Dirick have been labeled as rivals.

Although neither of them had any thoughts specifically about each other.

"It seems that he is a person who trusts his own intuition." Badr said thoughtfully.

"So as an old enemy, how do you plan to defeat him?" Isaac asked.

"How many times do I have to repeat that we are not old enemies, we just had a fight. There are countless people in the galaxy who have fought. Do we all have to be labeled as old enemies?"

"That's different. The identity of your old enemy has been specially certified by Lord Jiedushi."

"Master Jiedushi directly advised us to change our names at that time. He was obviously just joking." Badr shrugged, and then asked, "Where are the blessings written by others?"

"Winesa's is [May you be full of energy every day], which is related to her previous experience of being frail and sick, while Shelan's is [May what you want appear in time], which is probably because she once went to a large size and didn't bring it with her. Zhi, the result of calling Tian Tian not to respond was that I happened to be passing by at that time and saved him from dire straits."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Why did I lie to you? The other thing for Anthony is [I hope you will never hit something again because you are distracted]."

"I do know this. When he was eating in the cafeteria last time, the little finger of his right leg hit the leg of the table, and the scream he made was heard very clearly by everyone present."

"As well as Kate's [may your pain be short], she is still a pessimistic person."

Isaac told Bader many of the choices made by everyone in the class, all of which were insignificant, but unexpectedly heart-warming blessings.

Because I have been in trouble because of this, I hope that similar troubles will not happen to others.

These fragments with blessings were finally sent to Wei Mu's desk and gathered together.

No craftsmanship is required, just splicing together like building blocks. Weimu strives to reconcile the energy of each fragment and make them compatible with each other.

There are ten thousand beautiful wishes, and the special connection established between each wish makes it so strong that it is far from a simple superposition.

When the splicing was completed, although the black sword still looked full of cracks, it contained a powerful force.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Wei Mu could feel that he was protected by them, and his heart was filled with all kinds of goodwill, as if there were countless people fighting side by side around him.

No more despair, no more confusion.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the power will be when all ten thousand blessings are activated at the same time.

"This is simply unbelievable." Sarkozy looked at the black sword in front of him, with goosebumps all over his body.

He never imagined that he could personally participate in the making process of an artifact, and in such a unique way.

"We must find a way to deliver it to Fulgen, and it must be at the most critical moment." Wei Mu said.

Once you have a trump card, you have to find a way to maximize its value.

"Shouldn't this weapon be handed over to him directly?" Sarkozy asked. "If he delays, he may be killed directly by the enemy."

"The Lord of Joy is not as straightforward as the Blood God. He will definitely savor the process carefully. We have to take advantage of this flaw of his." Wei Mu said.

When you are not as strong as others, you have to take greater risks if you want to succeed. This is an unavoidable reality.

"So in order to prevent the other party from becoming suspicious, it is best for the person providing the delivery service to be the original holder of the Black Sword." Sarkozy said clearly.

Afterwards, Wei Mu met with Guilliman on the Macragge's Glory. As soon as he walked out of the hall where the original body was, he was picked up by the Black Templar Grand Marshal.

The other party was also concerned about the black sword and hoped that he could return it.

"The Black Sword is the property of our Chapter. This is a well-known fact, and only we have the technology to repair it. In your hands, it is just a pile of worthless fragments." Haibo Licht said politely.

Despite this, Wei Mu knew that the other party was just being polite before attacking. If he dared to say no and tried to take the black sword as his own, the seemingly gentle and elegant black orc boss in front of him would immediately explode.

However, when Wei Mu took out the Black Sword from the multi-dimensional cube, the Grand Marshal could not have imagined that the divine weapon originally belonging to the Emperor's Champion would be transformed into such an astonishing appearance.

What was even more surprising to him was Wei Mu's plan based on this - to use this sword that had received ten thousand blessings to redeem a fallen primarch.

"You must be crazy!"

Hyperlecht had been fighting in the Milky Way for several centuries, but he had never seen such a bold mortal. Not only did he dare to arrange work for him, but he also arranged such a shocking job.

"This is the only chance. I ask the Generalissimo to consider the interests of the empire and the country and help us."

Wei Mu bowed sincerely, half-kneeling and presented the black sword with both hands.

He knew that his request was very rude. There were very few Space Marines in the entire galaxy who could stand up to the Primarch as a masked Space Marine. Even if Hyperlecht, the Grand Marshal of the Black Templars, took over the job, he would not be able to do it. Good will die from it.

Not to mention that no one knows whether this thing can be done.

"I will not directly agree to your request." Heibrecht said, "I will use my own eyes to judge whether your plan is feasible."

Hearing this, Wei Mu breathed a long sigh of relief, things should be more or less the same.

Later, Fulgrim was defeated in the duel with the demon primarch. He was displayed as a trophy without dignity, and his body and soul were being eaten by the darkness.

Guilliman was eager to save his brother, but was blocked by Sharashi, unable to break through, and almost injured.

Hyperlecht took the opportunity to charge towards the Demon Primarch.

He fought against enemy leaders in the name of the Emperor.

He was defeated and knocked away, and the black sword in his hand was broken into pieces.

But that doesn't matter.

Because in a short moment of fighting, he successfully handed the hilt of the black sword into the target's hand.

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