I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 311 Ten Thousand Wishes

In an instant, all the students in the Psychic Academy felt something abnormal happened.

The blessings set by them are being impacted by a powerful dark force, and those beautiful wishes will face the end of being swallowed up by evil before they are activated.

The mysterious connection with the black sword separated their consciousness one after another, and they followed them to the scene of the horrific incident as if they were trapped in an extraordinary dream.

Their bodies have been suspended in time, and the tens of thousands of days and nights in the realm of consciousness are just a short moment of reality.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, the students had no time to figure out their own situation.

They only saw a silver-haired man half-kneeling on the ground in a dark field.

The other party's originally handsome face became ferocious and twisted due to the unimaginable extreme pain, as if he was constantly moaning silently.

Some crazy and dark forces were gradually eating away at his tall and burly body, like a group of carrion maggots rejoicing in rotten flesh.

The man just suffered in silence.

Unwilling to give in, but completely unable to contend with such evil.

"Lord Fulgrim?"

The students quickly recognized the man's identity and his attention was firmly attracted. After all, compared with them as mortals, the huge body of the original clone seemed so outstanding.

Fulgan is the honorary professor of the Psychic Academy and will come over from time to time to give guidance on their study and training.

A strong, handsome, elegant and easy-going person, who seems to be a perfect person who combines all the good things in the world, it is difficult not to be loved and admired by everyone.

They viewed him as a role model, and various Fulgrim-related fandoms were established.

There are even rumors claiming that he is actually a lost Primarch.

However, it is such an amazing person who is helpless in the face of the evil power of the Chaos Gods, and is as fragile as an ant.

So what's going on here?

Is it a trap set by some malicious entity, or is it an objective fact that is happening?

Moreover, all the people who appear here are students. Do the teachers know what is going on here?

There were too many questions that needed to be answered at once, and all kinds of unknowns deeply troubled everyone.

Fortunately, their studies these days are not wasted time - this sudden trance must be because a special anchor point was activated, causing their consciousness to be temporarily anchored here.

There was no direct danger, but something must have happened that was closely related to them, and they couldn't leave without solving it.

Everyone soon realized that the matter was probably related to the talisman they had made before.

They can feel that the talismans they made exist in this area, but the connection is not very clear.

"We need to help him, that's why we're here."

Baldr took the lead in walking out of the crowd and came to Fulgrim's side, trying to prevent the terrible situation in front of him from continuing to develop.

However, the frenzied dark power was like tentacles, unwilling to let him get any closer.

"But what should we do? The force that suppresses him is too great."

A timid voice came over, and it also represented the voice of many students.

Things were too weird, and the evil in front of them simply made their hair stand on end - even heroes as powerful as Fulgrim could only suffer so much. Isn't it just for nothing that these new recruits who had not yet experienced the world rushed forward?

Therefore, most students just stood aside from a distance, fearing that they would be targeted by the malicious intent.

This scene made Badr feel extremely anxious but helpless. It was clear that the people he admired were in urgent need of their help.

Muqiang is one of the instincts of living things. People can easily be overwhelmed by strength. People with courage are only a minority after all.

"A bunch of cowards!"

At this moment, a contemptuous voice suddenly appeared, which was extremely harsh.

They all turned their attention to the person who spoke arrogantly.

And the person who said this was none other than the old enemy who fought with Bader and entered the infirmary on the first day of school.

"I was so frightened by the mere test that I didn't even have the courage to try. You guys had better get as far away as you can, don't hold me back like this!"

Dirick's tone was extremely arrogant and his expression was extremely arrogant, but because of his notoriety, all the students were afraid to avoid him.


Balder was shocked when he heard this, and immediately understood the other party's intention. He quickly frowned and said tit for tat: "This test obviously requires everyone to work together to survive. It is better not to say such words that are not conducive to unity." .”

"So what? Can we succeed by uniting these guys?" Dirick said again with disdain.

"Master Jiedushi's subsequent evaluation will definitely deduct points because of your behavior." Badr reminded seriously.

The two people talked to each other and immediately characterized this incident as a sudden test conducted by the academy.

After everyone thought about it carefully, they suddenly realized that this was most likely true.

The reason why the talisman they made that time failed to get a score after putting it away was probably because they were waiting for today's test - everything in front of them was designed by the teachers of the academy, and the content of the assessment was to use various previously imposed tests. Plant a blessing to help the Fulgrim in front of you escape from the darkness.

I'm afraid the teachers are watching their performance in the dark at this time, wanting to see which of them are worthy of further training.

After figuring this out, most of the fear in the hearts of the students immediately disappeared.

They just didn't expect that the situation simulated by the teachers would be so realistic and terrifying. They almost scared them away, and a strong sense of shame immediately surged into their hearts.

Coupled with Dirick's ridicule, many people became eager to try and couldn't wait to clear their names again.

Seeing how the situation developed, Badr let out a long sigh of relief.

He was certain that this was by no means a test, but a real reality. Fortunately, Dick was there to cooperate, otherwise it would have been all over.

The two old enemies looked at each other, and they could see the lingering fear in each other's eyes.

"No!" At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "The amulet I made seems to be lost and cannot be activated!"

"Me too!"

"Mine too!"

This was all because during the exchange between the Grand Marshal and Fulgrim, the blade of the black sword was damaged again and the fragments were scattered all over the ground.

They are not one and cannot be activated.

"Don't worry, everyone, this must be a test set by the teachers." Badr hurriedly comforted everyone, then suddenly remembered something, and turned to his close friends beside him and said, "I remember that the wish you wrote on the amulet seems to be You’re specifically looking for something, Isaac, why don’t you go over and try first?”

After Bader's reminder, Isaac suddenly realized.

The attention of everyone present was therefore diverted to him, and the eyes projected towards him were so earnest.

Isaac enjoyed the feeling of being in the spotlight very much. His originally weak body instantly felt like he had become extremely strong.

"In that case, I will show my shame."

He came to Fulgrim and faced the eerie dark power. Although he was still a little hairy in his heart, the "hope of the whole village" he carried on his body was enough to give him courage.

"It's just a realistic test, it won't trouble me at all!"

The young man named Isaac directly stretched out his hand, and through the thick darkness, he endured the stinging sensation as if thousands of silver needles were piercing his body, and gently touched Fulgen's body.

[May you always find the small lost things] activate;

Everyone instantly sensed the location of their own talismans.

But this is not enough. If you find it, you have to get it back.

"Is there anyone else? Who else has previously written blessings related to it?" Badr asked everyone loudly.

“Mine might work!”

"mine too!"

Among the crowd, a few more teenagers stood up in time.

Like Isaac, they also faced the terrible darkness and gently leaned their hands on Fulgrim.

[May what you want appear in time] Activate;

[May what you want to take come to you immediately] Activate;

[May what you are missing be complete again] Activate.

Blessing is not a conceptual law. It just makes the things you encounter more inclined to develop in the described direction. However, when several related blessings are superimposed together, the effect is still quite amazing.

At this moment, on the battlefield deep in the webway.

Fulgrim was still wondering about the meaning of the words of the Black Templar Grand Marshal, when a scene that no one expected suddenly happened.

Countless fragments of the black sword that had previously collapsed floated into the air without any warning, and were summoned by some incredible force. They flew towards the hilt of the sword in Fulgan's hand and coalesced back together.

"How is this going?"

The demon's original body's eyes widened, and the demonic pupils trembled.

He felt that the darkness he had imposed on the clone was being suppressed, and he couldn't figure out who could possibly compete with the power of the Lord of Joy.

"We're back, we're all back!" The students were overjoyed.

Feeling the return of the talisman, others also have the conditions to activate their own power.

"The next step is to repair it. We can't let that sword break again." Balder continued to make arrangements.

Everyone understood immediately, and several more people stood up to offer their blessings to the original body who was trapped in darkness.

[May the things you use be strong and durable] activate;

[May the minor damage to your objects be restored automatically] activate;

[May you be able to exert the above-average performance of items] Activate...

The black sword that was thrust into Fulgrim's hand became complete again and began to emit a little light.

An extremely comfortable and soft energy, but like a poisonous curse to Chaos, overflowed, deeply shocking everyone around him.

"Master Fulgen's body still needs to be repaired. Is anyone's blessing going to be good for the body?"

"Mine can!"

"Mine fits the bill too!"

[May you be full of energy every day] Activate;

[May the time you experience pain no longer be long] Activate;

【May you stay in your best shape】activate.

In front of everyone, Fulgen's body recovered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The demon primarch's claws that penetrated deep into the opponent's heart were burned by the sacred energy in the opponent's body, and he couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

Not only that, the blessings gradually spread along his arms towards his body. The panicked Fulgrim could only give up the arm and quickly distanced himself from the opponent.

"What on earth did you do?"

He loudly questioned the clone in front of him. Everything that happened was really weird.

At this time, Fulgen was completely awake.

Not only was his body recovering, but the heartbreaking experiences that had been poured into his consciousness were being soothed one by one by the blessings activated by the students.

For example, the Demon Primarch once experienced the pleasure brought by extreme noise. Those chaotic and violent notes hit the eardrums and brains of the audience like heavy hammers. Even if the body was shocked to the point of bleeding, he still felt happy.

His dark and crazy experience was imposed on Fulgrim, hoping to pollute his spirit and weaken his will.

As a result, the students directly gave Fulgen the blessings of "May you not be disturbed by the noise outside" and "May you sleep peacefully", which directly smoothed over the terrible experience and no longer threatened him.

The same is generally true for other situations.

Ten thousand wishes turned into a gentle barrier to protect Fulgen's soul, and no malicious intent could harm it.

"You actually already know the answer to the question, don't you?" Fulgan looked at the black sword in his hand with love, and slowly said, "Those things that control your behavior, make you crazy and addictive, and you can't let go. Things, in the end, they didn’t make me fall into depravity.”

"This is impossible!" the demon primarch scolded, "You are just playing a trick, don't think you can defeat me - you are nothing without that sword."

"Didn't you also use the power of the Lord of Joy? This only shows that the power I rely on is more powerful than Him." Fulgen said tit for tat.

"Arrogant!" Fulgrim gritted his teeth. The development of events beyond his control disrupted his thoughts and made him feel extremely anxious. The power of darkness surged out of his body, "I will twist off your head and end this. "

"And I will give you the redemption you deserve." Fulgan held the black sword with one hand and raised it high.

All ten thousand blessings were activated, and the black sword suddenly glowed.

[May you occasionally perform exceptionally] activate;

[May you be able to detect the key details] Activate;

[May you have a sixth sense of inspiration] Activate;

And the blessing from Badr [May you do your best] is activated.

The holy energy poured into the webway, soothing the tired spirits and bodies of the soldiers.

The surrounding Chaos Demons were terrified and trembling all over.

The next moment, the original body and the clone collided fiercely at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye. The two forces of darkness and light bit each other like a storm, and the center of the battlefield turned into an untouchable vortex of death.

The boundless malice tears apart the barrier composed of ten thousand wishes, but the small kindness is unexpectedly tenacious and always stands firm.

Until finally, a violent energy burst out, and the whole space was shaking crazily.

The fighting stopped, but the smoke was still filling the air.

Everyone turned their attention to the center of the battlefield, looking forward to the final outcome of this fight.

The most anxious among them is Robert Guilliman.

Although he believed that his brother could eventually defeat evil, he still cautiously waited for the moment when the result would be revealed.

Through the thick dust and fog, people could vaguely see the remaining figure.

The body is scarred but full of energy, and the long silver hair is blowing in the wind.

The original violet eyes turned into a dazzling golden color, as if they could cut through the richest darkness.

"I'm back, Guilliman!"

Fulgrim smiled, with a spring-like expression on his face.

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