I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 312 The Land of Etiquette

As if he had a nightmare with no end in sight, Fulgrim finally woke up.

Everything about the demon primarch was carried by him. Those extremely painful memories were successfully purified by thousands of blessings. The addiction and poison were forced out of the body and completely cut off, so that they could no longer cause harm to him.

As for the countless sins he has committed, he still needs to use practical actions to redeem them one by one in the future.

There is no doubt that the process will not be smooth.

But the purple phoenix reborn from the ashes is ready to face everything.

He will once again take up the banner of leading the progress of all mankind, regardless of the difficulties and obstacles ahead.

The moment he saw Fulgrim's eyes, Guilliman knew that his brother was really back.

Completely free from the vicious curse of Chaos and no longer enslaved by the power of darkness.

And after experiencing such ups and downs, the phoenix in front of him was even more glorious than before his fall.

"Welcome back."

Guilliman's nose felt a little sore.

He strode forward, opened his arms and hugged Fulgrim tightly, sincerely happy that his brother could be saved.

"It's really hard on you to support the entire empire alone during this period, Guilliman."

Feeling the warmth of his blood relatives in his arms, Fulgen felt extremely relaxed.

This kind of joy is much more precious than the intense stimulation that the Lord of Joy pursues mindlessly.

"Besides, since I'm back, I have to be prepared to work until death. The empire still has a lot of things waiting to be dealt with." When talking about this topic, Guilliman let go of his hand and reminded him seriously.

"You're being too ungrateful to bring up work at such a touching moment." Fulgen looked sad and couldn't help complaining.

"I don't want this either, brother, it's all because of circumstances."

With that said, Guilliman raised the Emperor's Sword again and cast his gaze at the surrounding Slaanesh demonic army.

This is not the time to let down your guard, there are still enemies that need to be dealt with.

The Chaos Demons were stunned by the scene before them. Even the restless nature that was originally crazy and indulgent, as if suffering from ADHD, was suppressed for a while, and the entire army was silent at the moment.

They could feel the disappearance of the fallen Primarch belonging to the Lord of Joy.

After experiencing a great battle, the two beings finally merged into one body and turned into the man in front of them who exuded a disgusting aura.

"Are you still here, Fulgrim? Wake up and don't become a slave to the cursed again!"

The Hunt Queen loudly tried to regain the consciousness of the Daemon Primarch.

In its view, after a person has tasted the indulgence of his own free will, it is difficult to imagine that he is still willing to accept the constraints of such boring things as morality and honor.

"My consciousness is very clear now, Shalashi Demon Calamity, I have received so much care from you before, now it is time to give some [repay]."

Fulgrim clenched the black sword in his hand, and his eyes that exuded golden light were full of indifference.

The two brothers, one on the left and the other on the right, slowly came forward and assumed an encirclement and suppression posture towards the secret keeper.

Facing two Primarchs at the same time, no matter how skilled Demon Disaster is, there is no possibility of winning.

The Lord of Joy saw this scene through the eyes of the secret keeper, and became furious in the gorgeous and enchanting palace. Rich sadness spread throughout the six rings of desire, and the demons fell into wailing.

The decisive battle was a game in which the fate of the army was bet, and this time he lost the bet.

Not only did Slaanesh fail to win back Elsa and show off in front of the brothers, but he lost the precious demon primarch in his hand.

And if he does not withdraw his troops in time, the losses he will suffer will further increase. After all, the Emperor's Sword in Guilliman's hand is a weapon that can completely kill demons.

Shalaxi was feeling uneasy at the moment. He was afraid that his master would be angry, so he chose to let him go up and force him. The entire demon army shrank back, without any of the previous domineering arrogance.

The emergence of the Golden Legion was the last straw that broke the mentality of the demon army of Slaanesh.

Through the webway under the throne, a force composed of the Emperor's Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Silence descended on the battlefield. It was obvious that the Terra Palace was ready to respond.

"This is not over yet!"

Seeing that the situation could not be forced, after obtaining Slaanesh's consent, Shalaxi could only say a harsh word, and then led his subordinates to flee in anger.

The Dark Eldar led by Victor, the overlord of Youdu, also chose to withdraw all their troops after knowing that they had no chance to profit.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that no demons could be seen in the depths of the Webway, the power of Chaos retreated like a tide, and only the combined forces of humans and Eldar were left around, everyone heaved a long sigh of relief.

Fulgen, on the other hand, finally couldn't bear the exhaustion all over his body anymore and fell headlong towards the ground.

This sudden scene caused the Sons of the Phoenix to scream in surprise, and their mood suddenly became extremely tense.

Fortunately, Guilliman next to him had quick eyesight and quick hands, and helped his brother in time, so that the latter would not make a fool of himself in front of everyone.

"Are you OK?"

As early as when they hugged each other, Guilliman could feel Fulgrim's physical weakness. Just to prevent the enemy from finding an opportunity to take advantage of them, the two of them cooperated with each other to forcefully complete the scene.

"It's okay, I'm just a little too tired. I just need to take a breather." Fulgen's face was pale at this moment after his body was emptied by the self-inflicted internal friction, and he squeezed out a very forced smile, "You also know, we The body is not that fragile."

"But no one has ever experienced anything like what happened to you."

Guilliman still looked very worried and quickly called a medical vehicle and asked the pharmacist to treat him.

Fulgrim still wanted to persist, but was forcibly persuaded by Guilliman: "Now that the battle has come to an end, it would be better for you to take a good rest first, and leave the rest to us."

Just like that, the Space Marines of the Phoenix Sons picked up their exhausted father.

Watching Fulgrim being taken to the medical vehicle, Guilliman turned his attention to Wei Mu, who was the instigator: "It's all thanks to you this time."

Wei Mu smiled and waved his hand: "It's all for the empire, I'm just treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

However, Guilliman still solemnly saluted him with an eagle: "I am thanking you on behalf of my brothers."

The respect from the original body made Wei Mu feel a little at a loss, but the other party had already said it for this reason, and he had to accept it.

"I can understand your excitement right now, Guilliman, but this is not a safe place. We have to leave as soon as possible." Efrenie reminded at the side.

The enemy is only retreating temporarily and may come back at any time. The situation in the webway is in chaos. Only by arriving at a safe area early can we relax and rest.

After hearing this, Guilliman nodded, and then led the army, which came to support the Golden Army, to start moving in the direction of Karasta City.

Since they still had to carry Aisha in the cage, the coalition forces were not moving very fast.

The group of people didn't know how long they had been traveling in the Webway, but they were finally able to vaguely see the lost city through the fog.

Karasta City, a once extremely prosperous Eldar city.

However, the first cry of Slaanesh's birth killed all the natives inside, turning the place into a dead zone.

Later, the Emperor discovered this place and ambitiously launched his artificial webway project, trying to help all mankind completely get rid of the influence of the subspace and complete the ascension to a psychic race.

Later, the "Fool of Magnus" broke through the artificial webway, and countless chaos demons tried to use it to pour into Terra, leaving the Golden Legion with no chance of surviving the webway war.

Now that 10,000 years have passed, the city of Karasta has been roughly repaired - it is said that this is the result of the Forbidden Army cultivating the civil engineering skills of its members, and it finally has the opportunity to get rid of its desolation and regain its vitality.

Under the arrangement of Trajan, the commander of the Forbidden Army, the Sun Lord and his party, who were previously responsible for blocking Nurgle's reinforcements, have already settled in and are ready to meet the coalition forces.

After going through many twists and turns in terms of food, medicine, and accommodation, the coalition forces continued to take a good rest.

Of course, their preparations go far beyond that.

Before entering the city, a huge and gorgeous red carpet spread out from the main road. It was clear that it was specially laid to welcome everyone.

The petals all over the sky were fluttering in the wind, and the buildings were decorated with lights.

Upon seeing this, Wei Mu came to the side of the Goddess of Life, activated the green light ring on his hand, and forcibly changed the shape of the iron cage of Nurgle.

Subspace creation itself is changeable and easy to mold, and this change in appearance will not affect the actual essence of things.

"What are you doing!"

The elves all became nervous immediately, thinking that the humans were up to something.

If the allies in front of them launch a backstab, they will directly fall into a situation that is beyond redemption.

"Don't panic, isn't this coming to our territory soon? I know that Karasta City is a relic of your Eldar clan, but that was a long time ago. Now it is under the jurisdiction of the empire. Your The visit is always a diplomatic event, and the person visiting is a god-level figure, so it would not look very decent if we just go there like this." Wei Mu explained.

The majestic mother goddess of the Eldar was finally rescued from Nurgle's clutches, but was imprisoned in an iron cage and transported to human territory.

Those who knew it were forced by the situation, but those who didn't know thought they were escorting prisoners.

The scene in front of them really felt unseemly, especially since the Eldar tribesmen were all arrogant and arrogant. However, because the previous war was too urgent, they could not take care of this issue for a while.

"So what do you mean by doing this?" Thousand Faces Visage asked with a frown.

His right hand had already grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, still maintaining full vigilance.

"Do as the Romans do!" Wei Mu simply explained, "Before entering the industrial age, our big shots would ride on something called a sedan when they went out for a short period of time, and they would be carried directly by manpower."

Under his reshaping, the original cold black iron cage was transformed into a gorgeous red sedan chair.

The main body of the sedan is made of camphor wood, with various exquisite reliefs. The curtain is also embroidered with auspicious patterns such as rich flowers and red phoenixes and rising sun. It looks very gorgeous and matches well with other surrounding decorations.

Even though there are huge differences in culture between the two sides, the Eldar at least know that letting Elsa ride on such a fancy thing is more advantageous than being locked in an iron cage.

As for the issue of sedan bearers, ordinary people, no matter how powerful they are, are still not worthy of the Phoenix Lords' humble service.

They are people at the top of Eldar society, heroes among heroes, and will never tolerate the slightest humiliation.

However, the object of service this time is the creator of Ada in myth and legend, the mother goddess of all Eldar races. For them to carry Aisha's sedan chair is not an insult at all, but a supreme honor for shouldering the fate of the entire race.

To be able to notice such details and consider them so much.

This guy is quite nice and sincere.

Being able to tell that Wei Mu was not lying, the Phoenix Lords looked at each other for a brief moment and then gave Wei Mu a look of recognition. Then they lifted up the red sedan chair and walked onto the red carpet.

What greeted them in front was the playing of various musical instruments and the firing of countless salutes.

The best honor guards in the empire were summoned here, standing on both sides of the red blanket. They are all good at singing, dancing, and rap, and they are fully displaying their talents at this moment.

The welcoming team stretched across the entire road and reached the palace in the deepest part of the city - the sudden and huge formation made the visiting spirits a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"What on earth are these monkeys doing? Have you seen anything like this before?" The lord of the spirit clan frowned and asked in a low voice to his companions.

"It seems to be a welcome ceremony. When we met them in the past, it was good not to fight directly. It's normal for us to have never seen them before." The other party just shrugged and didn't care too much.

"In that case, what's going on with those religious lunatics? They all look excited. I remember that they should only worship their own emperor." The lord pointed to Walker Ma and others from the Empire's national religion.

"Maybe he was convinced after meeting the true God. He is already a religious lunatic, so his thinking will naturally not be normal." The other party replied.

In the eyes of the vast majority of the Eldar, this inexplicable set of human operations is just the confusing behavior of inferior creatures.

"Our empire is a country of etiquette, and these are all to show our hospitality." Wei Mu introduced to everyone.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Spirit Clan twitched their mouths.

Is it still a land of etiquette and hospitality?

Considering your empire's virtue of exterminating aliens if they are caught, how can you have the nerve to say such things?

But in order to welcome Elsa's arrival, these humans spent so much thought, it's hard to blame them for this.

Fighting side by side as allies, and welcoming the enthusiasm from the people of the Empire after winning a huge victory, the proud Eldar enjoyed themselves with confidence.

Just because the Eldar didn't understand the situation before them, it didn't mean that Guilliman didn't understand it either.

At this time, the leader of the Ultramarines felt his head hurt: "Are you really not afraid that after they react, they will become angry and hurt others?"

This boy was very excited to lead the people from the State Church to work as matchmakers for the emperor and find a stepmother for him, and he was not afraid of messing up the matter.

Wei Mu smiled without any panic on his face: "We have already passed through the door. Are you still afraid that they will turn against Tiangang?"

Guilliman asked seriously: "Honestly, what do you think? I have no objection to using Elsa's power to repair the Emperor's body. Strengthening the relationship with the Eldar is also in the interest of the current Empire, but this In my opinion, the extraneous and self-defeating operation is unnecessary - and even if it is really done, this is not a normal process, right?"

Guilliman always felt strange about finding an alien companion for his lonely, paralyzed father.

Wei Mu continued to say with a playful smile: "What I mean is to bring this matter up first so that everyone can be mentally prepared. Even if the situation is not right, you can push all the problems on me. It is easy to move forward or backward. As for If the development goes smoothly, then we can find a good and auspicious day to get married or something, and then send out invitations widely."

"Send invitations widely?" Guilliman seemed to realize something. "You mean, in the future, we can use the so-called [wedding date] as an opportunity to fight the traitors?"

"That's right." Wei Mu nodded, "We have made such a big fuss and have been in the limelight recently. It is impossible that the dark gods can't bear to come and cause trouble. It is estimated that the other fallen primarchs will also follow suit. Once they appear, they are cancers destined to be removed from the empire, and it depends on whether we can withstand them when the time comes."

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