I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 327 Otsutsuki Hamura is actually not in the ninja world

As a time traveler and a member of the Uchiha clan, how could Yuu Uchiha not pay attention to the clan-killing pervert Uchiha Itachi.

In fact, since this kid was born, Uchiha Yu has personally monitored him as a clone.

This matter cannot be left to others, because his father's identity is sensitive, and his knowledge can easily be misunderstood as surveillance of the Uchiha clan leader.

At the beginning, Uchiha Yuu was just an ordinary Uchiha clansman, and it was a big taboo for him to commit such a thing.

Later, he overthrew Uchiha Fugaku, but he still had to do it himself.

You know, Uchiha Yuu, the clan leader, was too lazy and scattered all the specific affairs. Therefore, there was no die-hard force within the family.

Even the most loyal young man in the Tiger Force is not his die-hard loyalist and will not do anything for him without thinking.

No matter any ninja of the Uchiha clan does this, they will be misunderstood as the current clan leader spying on the previous clan leader, which is detrimental to the stability of the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, Uchiha Fugaku possesses the Mangekyou Sharingan and is the second strongest ninja in the Uchiha family. No one can monitor his home at all.

So Uchiha Yuu could only do it himself.

So under his own eyes, he saw the whole process of how a child was slowly corrupted by his father using all kinds of hateful words.

Uchiha Fugaku was indeed lacking in brains. When the Third Hokage was in power, he felt strongly unsatisfied. He encountered many obstacles in all aspects and did not know how to break the situation.

The helpless Uchiha Fugaku complained at home, but at that time he was under great pressure and dared to complain alone but did not dare to discuss in a group.

He even had to try his best to appease his confidants and suppress the radical faction in the family to prevent the situation from getting completely out of control.

When he followed the Third Hokage to surround and kill Uchiha Yuu, he was violently overturned. Not only did he force the Third Hokage to death, he also knocked him to the ground and lost everything.

But Uchiha Fugaku felt that what Uchiha Yuu did was wrong, especially because he couldn't understand Uchiha Yuu's follow-up operations, and he felt that it was not Uchiha Yuu's ability, but a matter of luck.

It was because of his bad luck that Uchiha Fugaku encountered the combination of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, which made him suffer every day, and the entire family became increasingly depressed.

You must know that when he was the patriarch, various crises emerged one after another, forcing him to work overtime every day, worrying every day, and never having any time to rest.

At that time, Uchiha Fugaku was so busy that he couldn't even go home to eat. He even made a minifigure several years later than others, which shows how hard it was.

And Uchiha Yuu was so lucky that he met the broad-minded Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, who trusted Uchiha Yuu wholeheartedly.

In the eyes of the former Uchiha clan leader, the young new clan leader had done nothing but mess up the security department.

No one has been seen all day long, and the door to the security minister's office has not been opened for three or four months. This patriarch is so comfortable.

So Uchiha Fugaku will now gather his old subordinates to complain that God is unfair to him and allows Shuzi to benefit in vain.

Thanks to Uchiha Fugaku, he still remembered that he couldn't beat Yu Uchiha at all. He and his team just gathered together to complain without taking any substantive action.

But the more important reason is not because he can't beat him, but because the Fourth Hokage unequivocally supports Uchiha Yu.

His fear of the Fourth Hokage far exceeded his fear of Uchiha Yuu.

I don't know why, but Fugaku and his son Itachi are obsessed with the name of Hokage.

Any task issued by the Fourth Hokage, Fugaku would execute it honestly and diligently without any complaints.

As for Uchiha Yu, he would do the tasks assigned by him conscientiously and conscientiously, but every time he would complain at home and find fault with others.

Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yu have been inseparable recently, especially after learning the shadow clone technique. Even Uchiha Yu's wooden clone will have a long black loli hanging on it.

So she also saw Uchiha Fugaku's appearance and heard his unreasonable complaints.

The little Loli was very angry: "What kind of bullshit are you talking about? Yu, you just don't care about him?"

Uchiha Yu was very tolerant: "No matter what, I can control heaven and earth, but who has the ability to control people's shit and farts?"

"I have this spare time, I might as well use it to understand the rules of heaven and earth."

The little loli asked strangely: "Then you still use so many wooden clones to spy on Uchiha Fugaku. Isn't this a waste of time, nya?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and replied: "I don't care about Uchiha Fugaku. What I care about are his two sons, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke."

Miwa Masashi was surprised: "Could it be that their eyes..."

Uchiha Yu: "Well, these two are children who inherited their father's outstanding talents. They both have the potential to open the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Especially since there is a big shot living in Sasuke's soul, he should not be underestimated."

Miwa Masayo suddenly said: "I remember what you said, nya, the soul that will inhabit the Uchiha clan is Indra."

The little loli's beautiful eyes were wandering, and she said with a giggle: "So Yuu has found the chess piece laid by the Six Paths Sage, then the other Asura's host has also been found, nya?"

Uchiha Yu: "Well, it's Naruto Namikaze, the son of Minato Namikaze."

"But I have never found any traces of Otsutsuki Hamura. I have combed through the Five Great Ninja Villages, Amegakure Village, Kusanagi Village, etc. several times, but no suspicious children were found."

Miwa Masayo disagreed: "What does this have to do with it? You found two of the three people. How big of a storm can one fish that slipped through the net cause?"

Uchiha Yu didn't dare to be careless: "Asura and Indra are just two dead fish. They can only influence people's hearts subtly. Their influence is very limited. The biggest effect is to punch me in the face and disgust me."

"The one who really has full mobility is Otsutsuki Hamura. He can actively carry out various activities, so I am most concerned about his whereabouts. It is definitely the one Otsutsuki Hagoromo spends the most effort to hide."

"Only when I find him can I rest assured."

"The only thing that is certain now is that he is not in the Hyuga clan, not in the remnants of the Kaguya clan, or even in the known ninja village."

Miwa Masato scratched his head: "This is troublesome, Nya. The ninja world is so big and has such a large population. After excluding these ninjas, the number of ordinary people is like a vast ocean, and there is no way to find Nya."

Uchiha Yuu is also quite helpless. This is the real needle in the haystack, and there is nothing to be found.

He looked at Uchiha Sasuke who was babbling, and Uchiha Itachi who couldn't put it down while holding his brother, and murmured: "All I can do now is hide myself, and turn the situation where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark into the situation where both the enemy and the enemy are in the dark." of dark forest.”

"Time is on our side. Every minute and second that passes can make me stronger and shorten the gap between me and Otsutsuki Hagoromo."

"I have enough patience to wait for Otsutsuki Hamura to show his head."

Miwa Masato asked in a sweet voice: "Then we just wait like this, nya?"

Uchiha Yu smiled: "How is that possible? I'm the best at making trouble."

"I want to write novels, make up myths, make movies, and use various methods to rewrite past history so that the legend of the Otsutsuki brothers will be lost in the dust of history."

Miwa Masashi was confused: "Meow?"

Uchiha Yu smiled with eight teeth, which were white and seemed to be shining with cold light.

"I discovered last time that Otsutsuki Hagoromo's power is mixed with the power of faith. He seems to be using faith just like me."

"Considering that he is already a dead person and has no living body of his own, I think that for him, faith is probably not just for fighting strength, but the basis of existence."

"Otsutsuki Hagoromo may have walked the Shinto path, occupying some of the authority of the Shinigami or Reincarnation."

"By the way, his eye is called the Samsara Eye, and the place he lives in is called the Pure Land. Maybe the goal he pursues is the position of King Yama, or the status of the Bodhisattva, the Pure Land Bodhisattva."

Uchiha smiled ferociously and said: "No matter what he wants to be, as long as I wipe out his name in the world, I want to see what else he can accomplish."

Miwa Masashi said blankly: "What is King Yama? Who is Ksitigarbha? They all sound so powerful, meow..."

On the moon, the elder Otsutsuki, whose skin had become saggy due to aging, stretched out his hand, and his fingers like dry branches brushed the baby's skin, causing the baby to giggle.

The childish and vital laughter made the great elder smile unconsciously, and the wrinkles on his face bloomed like chrysanthemums.

When he saw the baby's shining white eyes, he smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his teeth.

"Okay, okay, that's great. I thought that my Otsutsuki clan would have children after we sacrificed ourselves. From now on, the crisis of extinction will surround us. It turns out that I was wrong. I was wrong. "

Behind the great elder, there were several not-so-old old men with white eyes who also looked at the newborn baby and smiled.

As for the child who was born last year and was named Otsutsuki Toneri, she has changed from the little Tiantian who attracted everyone's attention to Mrs. Niu.

Although Toneri has excellent qualifications and his body's chakra is extremely pure, he was born without eyes.

The elders originally thought that Toneri had no eyes, which were specially created to absorb the eyes of others, which was a prerequisite for awakening the reincarnated eye.

For this reason, they even began to pay attention to the Hyuga clan in the ninja world, looking for suitable eyes for Toneri and the girls needed for reproduction.

But you have to throw away when comparing goods, and you have to die when comparing people.

The baby just born this year not only has a pair of unprecedented pure white eyes at birth, but the purity and strength of the body are also unmatched by Sheren.

The first time the elder saw this child, he was stunned and blurted out: "This is simply the reincarnation of our ancestors!"

Yes, he was right, this child was really the reincarnation of his ancestor, Hamura Otsutsuki.

In short, Otsutsuki Toneri was disliked without eyes.

The elders unanimously determined that Sheren was a "minister" who was born in advance for the "king" and was born to serve the savior who was born later, otherwise the ancestors would not have deprived him of his eyes.

The Great Elder agreed very much with this: "The ancestors must have been worried that we had recognized the wrong savior, so they deliberately took away the eyes of the deceased to mark the master-slave relationship."

Another elder nodded and said: "The great elder is right. This child must be the savior specially born by the ancestors. What kind of name should we give him?"

"Should we just use the ancestor's name?"


"Ancestors are ancestors. How can the names of ancestors be used by descendants?"

"I suggest using a name with the word "moon" in it, which represents the Otsutsuki clan I guard the moon."

"Very good!"

After a heated debate, the great elder finally made the final decision: "Let's call it Otsutsuki Moon Wheel."

The great elder held up the child with his withered hands: "I predict that he will be the savior of our Otsutsuki clan and the ninja world, and the lord of resurgence who will lead our Otsutsuki clan to prosper again!"

After being lifted high, Otsutsuki Yuelun not only did not cry out in fear, but also giggled in the hands of the great elder, as if he was very satisfied with his name.

A group of old guys were extremely satisfied. They applauded and celebrated, and even fell to the ground in admiration with tears streaming down their faces.

The Otsutsuki clan is suffering. Ever since they broke away and rebelled and eliminated the clan, the entire clan has been declining step by step. There are fewer newborns each generation, and the population has shrunk from generation to generation.

As of today, the Otsutsuki clan has shrunk from tens of thousands before the separation and rebellion to less than 20 people, and is about to be exterminated.

As a divided family, they were already lacking in confidence, and the irreversible trend of genocide that lasted for hundreds of years only increased the psychological burden on the Otsutsukis.

Over the years, their thoughts have gradually become distorted, and their understanding of the so-called ancestors' mission has become even more distorted to the point where they concentrated on developing world-destroying weapons.

I have to say that this is really a hit and miss, and it just meets the needs of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura.

But no matter how crazy the world annihilation plan was, it could not overcome the fear of their own destruction. The elders of Otsutsuki gradually placed all their hopes on miracles.

They believed that a savior would appear.

This savior will cleanse the ninja world and rebuild a clean new world, and will also make the Otsutsuki clan prosper like the ancestors.

It even made the Otsutsuki clan the only clan in the ninja world, and this savior was the new ancestor of mankind.

With such a dream in mind, the Otsutsukis can temporarily forget their own disasters and despair.

But after all, they only forgot it temporarily, and despair still surrounded their hearts.

Therefore, the birth of a child with obvious disabilities like Otsutsuki Toneri would make them inexplicably excited and pin all their hopes on this child.

Of course, after Otsutsuki Tsukiwa was born, his perfect body, perfect chakra, and perfect white eyes instantly attracted all the attention and gathered all the hope.

Even when the mother who gave birth to Otsutsuki Tsukiwa died in childbirth a few days later, no elder showed concern, but indifferently ordered the puppet to bury her.

These Otsutsukis have gone crazy.

There is no doubt that Otsutsuki Tsukiwa is Otsutsuki Hamura.

This time, the birth was more fully prepared, and the chakra carried was more abundant. The body had been transformed since before birth, and only then did he have a perfect body at birth.

He also consciously tried to reduce the burden on his mother's body to prevent himself from being stillborn, but he failed to prevent the death of his physical mother.

A few months later, Otsutsuki Hamura's body developed very well, and he awakened his white eyes amidst the crazy cheers of the elders, completely confirming his title as the savior.

But Otsutsuki Hamura was also confused. He never expected that of the thousands of descendants he left behind before his death, only 16 tribesmen were left in the prosperous Moonlight City.

What's even more terrible is that 14 of the 16 tribesmen are old men over sixty years old. Including him, they only have two children, both boys.

This is the rhythm of genocide!

It is clear that 99% of the legacy he left behind is on the moon. How did he get to the point of annihilating his clan?

Hamura Otsutsuki couldn't understand, but no matter how brilliant he was, he couldn't speak due to the limitations of his physical development. No matter how crazy the elders were, they wouldn't tell history to a few-month-old baby.

Everything can only wait for time to pass slowly.

At this time, in the ninja world, the cultural undertakings funded by the Uchiha clan began to take off. Novels and myths had been printed into books and began to spread.

Uchiha Yu directly copied "Buddha is the Way" and presented a grand mythological system to the ninja world.

He borrowed the term "Three Thousand Worlds" and finally integrated the ninja world into the ancient mythology, skipping the deeds of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and others.

The neon spiritual words of ancient mythology to the ninja world are a proper dimension-reducing blow, comparable to the beating of a baby in a nursery by a world boxing champion.

Pangu's creation myth is true and magnificent, and his feat of sacrificing himself to achieve the world is even more touching.

It is far more real than Amaterasu creating the world for no reason, and brothers, sisters and children appearing for no reason.

The Great Tribulation of the Creation of Heaven, the Great Tribulation of Three Tribes, the Great Tribulation of Tao Demons, the Great Tribulation of Lich, the Great Tribulation of Human Emperor, and the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods are all imaginative and magnificent, with reasonable and novel settings.

Compared with such a complete mythological system, the eight million gods in Tianjin who mindlessly give birth to children and start fights seem so unreasonable and childish.

In just a few months, in the spring of Konoha 47, the prehistoric mythology system swept away all the monsters and monsters with an unstoppable momentum, defeating all the faiths in various places. They could only rely on the illiterate people at the bottom to maintain their shaky beliefs.

These magicians did not hesitate to take up arms and criticize heresy.

But the ninjas of the Uchiha clan immediately made them understand that they were no match for professional talents like ninjas when playing with weapons, and it was more suitable for them to find ways to win people's hearts with their words.

However, all those who could read betrayed their beliefs after reading the new mythical stories.

They even took it upon themselves to write fan stories for the prehistoric mythology, and then stuffed their personal belongings into it to connect their ancestors with the prehistoric human emperor.

Daimyos and nobles shamelessly claimed that they were descendants of the Human Emperor, or descendants of one of the Emperor's heroes.

In particular, Cangjie, who pioneered writing and was hated by ghosts and gods, was the biggest victim.

In view of the reality that the literacy rate in the ninja world is limited, Uchiha Yu also spent money to train storytellers and spread new myths among pubs and restaurants.

Even movies that haven’t appeared yet are in development.

A cultural wave is about to break out.

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