I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 328 The interrogation of the medical ninja is more terrifying than the torture department

After five years, Tsunade finally waited for the time to save Kato Dan.

In the past five years, she has not lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, but has been hiding behind the Thousand Hands Clan to establish connections.

The fact that there were two Tsunade was really unbelievable, which made Tsunade's job of persuading a lot more difficult, but it was not without its benefits.

As long as she convinces the other party to believe in herself, these Thousand Hands people's trust in her will be extremely firm.

You must know that after the Third Hokage came to power, he deliberately suppressed the remaining influence of the Senju clan.

Allowing the Senju Clan to die in the Kingdom of Whirlpool, intentionally or unintentionally assigning tasks with a high mortality rate, and depriving the Senju Clan of their financial resources for various reasons has long made the Senju Clan feel dissatisfied.

In the original history, after the death of Senju Tobirama, the backbone of the Senju clan died in the country of whirlpool, the rope tree died in a trap, and Tsunade was shocked and huddled in the hospital without showing up.

Because the Senju clan did not have a core leader who could unite the clan members, under the pressure of the Third Hokage and the Sarutobi clan, they lost all their interests and eventually died out.

Of course, although the Senju clan has disappeared, the blood of the Senju has been integrated into the Leaf Village.

A few decades later, even among the common people without surnames, there will be children like Menghuang who have awakened the Mudun blood inheritance limit. She obviously has the blood of Thousand Hands.

But with the emergence of the mature and extremely powerful Tsunade from decades later, the Senju clan had a real core, and they naturally reunited with Tsunade as their leader.

With the Senju clan organized, they could strongly resist the erosion of the Third Hokage. Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen was the Hokage, he was disgraced and could not step down several times.

Even if the black-glove Shimura Danzo secretly took action, he was beaten to pieces by the Senju clan, and he even almost caught Danzo's real evidence of murdering Konoha ninjas.

The reputation of the Senju clan is much stronger than that of the Uchiha clan.

The same evidence fell into the hands of Uchiha, and the Third Hokage could reject it with just one sentence, but in the hands of the Senju clan, even the Third Hokage had to walk around without it.

After several attempts, the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo finally gave up.

After all, it is now during the Second Ninja War. Their biggest pressure is the siege of the four major ninja villages from outside. They also need the support of the Senju clan and cannot really engage in internal fighting wholeheartedly.

In February of the 37th year of Konoha, the northwest of the Country of Fire was close to the junction of the Country of Rain and the Country of Kawawa, and the melee between the four major ninja villages reached a climax.

Chiyo from Sunagakure Village carries a one-tailed chakra sealing device to deter the enemy, Iwagakure Village invests mature four-tailed Jinchūriki Lao Murasaki to fight against it, and Hanzo, the demigod of Amegakure Village, leads the Sansho Fish across the battlefield.

Only the Third Hokage of Konoha Village remained standing still in the village, only allowing more young students to graduate early and join the battlefield as genin, consuming the enemy's vitality.

However, Konoha Village also wanted to send out capable and powerful ninjas, so more than thirty jounin teams came to the front line, including the jounin team composed of Tsunade, Kato Dan, and Mumu Koutana.

Their mission is to scout the battlefield, especially to track down important enemies such as the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Chiyo, and Hanzo.

During the mission, the ANBU ninja reported information to them. Iwagakure Village and Amegakure Village seemed to have the idea of ​​​​joint operations. The envoys of Iwagakure Village had entered Amegakure Village.

The ANBU ninja wore a mask and said in a sullen voice: "Ame Hidden Village is heavily fortified. We can't sneak into the village at all, and Demigod and Hanzo are also in the village, so we don't dare to attack directly."

"According to the mission order, we specially informed Kato Jonin of this information, and I leave everything to you."

As the leader of the team, Kato Dan smiled confidently: "Okay, this task is suitable for me, so I will perform the task of sneak investigation."

The ANBU ninja nodded and left.

Kato's team, led by Kato Dan, approached Amegakure Village.

No one expected that the ANBU ninja was intercepted by a man not far after he left.

The ANBU ninja looked at the person blocking the road, and his jaw dropped in surprise: "Tsunade-sama, you, didn't you go on a mission?"

Unlike the Tsunade who was wearing a vest and a forehead protector who just set out for the Hidden Rain Village, this Tsunade did not wear a forehead protector and was also wearing casual clothes, with a pair of shiny stiletto heels on her feet. High-heeled sandals.

The most important thing is that this Tsunade is extremely fierce. Although her skin is as delicate as that of a 16-year-old, her mature temperament cannot be concealed at all, and she is full of the flavor of a royal sister.

She ordered unceremoniously: "Take off your mask, stick out your tongue, and let me see who you really are."

The ANBU ninja's face was obscured and no expression could be seen, but Tsunade saw through the small hole that the pupils suddenly shrank, and a murderous aura was ready to strike.

Tsunade smiled: "It turns out that I guessed it right. You are really an ANBU ninja in disguise. Do you still have the 'Tongue-eradicating Seal' on your tongue?"

At this point, a snow-white sword light shone, and the ANBU ninja drew his sword and struck Tsunade without hesitation.

But Tsunade, who came from Konoha in 46 years, was so powerful that she punched him back with a casual punch and was defeated with the sword and the person.

The Ninja Sword shattered into fragments on the spot, and the person turned into a rag bag with broken bones. His body was pricked with holes from the Ninja Sword fragments, and blood flowed out from the wounds.

This is a fatal injury. The ANBU ninja who revealed his true appearance exhaled. His jaw was also broken. There was no way he could bite his dentures and take the poison. But with such a serious injury, he should die immediately. He would not suffer too much. .

But in front of this fully mature Tsunade, even if she had just died, it didn't matter. Life or death was up to her.

So the ANBU ninja was saved.

Although his bones were not corrected, they just healed crookedly, and the fragments of the ninja sword were not removed, they just grew in his flesh.

But he survived, his jaw grew, and he could talk.

Tsunade reminded: "To save trouble, I didn't take out the poison from your teeth. As long as you think the medicine can poison yourself in front of me, you can take it if you want."

She looked at the repaired face carefully and marveled at the almost fixed smile on this face.

Tsunade nodded and said: "This weird smile is really a ninja at heart. Let me see your tongue."

The ANBU ninja didn't hesitate, biting the last denture to pieces and swallowing the poison in it.

However, his stomach didn't hurt, his blood didn't coagulate, and nothing happened at all.

Tsunade curled her lips and sneered: "I told you that there is no use in taking poison in front of me. You just don't believe it."

"Speaking of which, I prepared your poison. I don't know who was clever enough to mix several poisons together. Not to mention it was a waste, but it also left a lot of holes."

"I don't need to prepare an additional antidote to detoxify this crude mixed poison. I only need to slightly disturb the components of a few poisons to make it harmless."

Tsunade reached out and pulled off the ninja's jaw joint, and then inserted two senbon into the neck. The ninja's tongue spit out involuntarily, and it was half a foot long.

The blue-black seal pattern under the base of the tongue was extremely distinct, and Tsunade recognized it at a glance. This was the immature tongue-eradicating technique.

She raised a finger and gently tapped it on the tip of her tongue, using her strong point to break through the sealing node and destroy this imperfect sealing technique.

Tsunade then inserted more Senbon into the ninja's head, and green healing ninjutsu light appeared on his hands. In an instant, the root ninja's eyes turned white and his body began to twitch uncontrollably.

At this time, the irregular bone stubble in his body and the fragments of the ninja sword that had not been taken out became deadly weapons, cutting scars in his body.

Tsunade is no ordinary medical ninja. She is the strongest medical ninja who can heal the damage caused by the kaleidoscope genjutsu Tsukuyomi. Of course, she can also perform powerful hypnosis with medical ninjutsu.

Compared with Tsunade's hypnosis, Root's brainwashing is simply a child's play.

Tsunade soon squeezed the information she wanted from the brain of the root ninja, but the plea from this ninja moved her even more.

The powerful hypnosis broke the shackles of the ninja's thoughts after being repeatedly brainwashed, giving his soul the opportunity to think freely.

And this poor ninja had only one request: "Let me die, let me die."

"I can't stand it anymore. It's too dark. I don't want to go back."

Under his endless prayers, Tsunade couldn't help but shed tears, and then gently sent him to the Pure Land.

Tsunade's silver teeth clenched with such force that her gums bleeded: "Shimura Danzo, you really deserve to die!"

"Sarutobi-sensei, you don't deserve to be Hokage!"

Although Tsunade knew how dangerous and disgusting Shimura Danzo was, the difference between hearing about this man's danger and seeing his evil deeds with her own eyes was huge.

Just like Confucius, who "does not eat meat unless it is cut right", he also says "a gentleman should not go near the cook".

This is not pretentious, but really makes sense. The bloody pig killing scene and the slaughtering of cooked cold pork give people a completely different feeling.

One is an extremely cruel massacre. The scenes of shrill screams and flying flesh and blood can dehumanize you if you watch it too much. For scholars, it may even kill you.

The other is the division of interests. Gentle division can train people's sophistication and discern people's needs. It is the best training for scholars.

Tsunade was well protected by the First Hokage and the Second Hokage, and she was somewhat unworldly, otherwise she wouldn't have suffered from hemophobia after her brother and lover died.

Now that her mental illness has been cured, Tsunade saw for the first time the misery of the root ninja and the inhumane behavior of Danzo Shimura. Her feelings for Hiruzen Sarutobi were instantly wiped out.

It can't be said that it is gone, but the remaining feelings cannot influence Tsunade and make her change her decision to overthrow the third generation.

[Anyway, I think Orochimaru is doing a good job as the fourth generation, so there should be no problem in replacing him ten years in advance. 】

[It’s not without problems. It’s incredible that there is no Uchiha Yuu at this time. Without this powerful Uchiha, how can we keep the Uchiha clan quiet? 】

Suddenly, Tsunade smiled and said with a bright smile: "Come out, system!"

[Host, I am here, you want to ask how to deal with the Uchiha clan? 】

"Yes, what should I do?"

[It's very simple. You just need to find Uchiha Fugaku and tell him directly. At most, he will be granted to the Uchiha clan with the qualification to run for the Sixth Hokage. 】


It was hard for her to understand, could it be handled so easily?

[Host, please trust the system’s judgment. The Uchiha clan may seem unruly, but in fact they are all arrogant babies. 】

[As long as the host can defeat them, or make them recognize that you are powerful, and then give them a little care and recognition, they will immediately transform into good brothers, the kind who can help you. 】

Tsunade was stunned and couldn't help but ask: "Is it so simple? But why is my second grandfather so wary of the Uchiha clan?"

[Senju Tobirama's problem is that he lacks strength and cannot complete the first step of intimidation, so this control freak doesn't want to proceed further, and simply uses conspiracy and tricks to control the Uchiha clan. 】

[The Uchiha clan is not only arrogant, but also stupid. They can easily be tricked to death by conspiracy. Senju Tobirama is actually using tricks. 】

[Although Senju Tobirama's behavior is problematic, he has laid the foundation for the host and lowered the expectations of the Uchiha clan. The host does not need to really crush the Uchiha clan, he only needs to show enough strength. . 】

Tsunade was still in disbelief: "Why do I feel so unreliable?"

"If it was so easy to defeat the Uchiha clan, how could the last two of Konoha Village be so messed up that it would develop into such an extreme situation that the Uchiha clan counterattacked and killed the Third Hokage."

[Because the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is too selfish, too unsure of his own strength, and superstitious about the power of conspiracy and evil, as the top leader of Konoha Village, he blindly plays with the yin and yang game and is obsessed with suppressing the people of Konoha Village. Rising stars such as Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru. 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen's failure is doomed, and standing on his corpse, the host's success is also doomed. 】

Tsunade shook her head: "I can't understand your analysis anymore, but your analysis has always been correct in the past five years. I can't help but believe it. Make a plan for me."

[Thank you, host, for your trust. What is your goal? 】

"Let the Third Hokage step down, let Orochimaru ascend the throne of the Fourth Hokage, let the Uchiha clan stay in peace, and let the Senju clan reunite."

[The mission has been clarified and plans have been made. Please wait patiently, host. 】

Tsunade waved her hand and said: "System, please take your time and save some chakra for me. I have to save him next."

[Understood, enter the lowest consumption mode immediately. 】

Kato Dan is a weirdo. The ninjutsu he practices is called the Spiritualization Technique, which comes from the forbidden techniques in the Sealed Book.

Even the developer, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, did not practice this technique because the effect was too extreme.

Using the art of spiritual transformation, the ninja's soul can be condensed into shape, separated from the body and flying at will regardless of gravity and distance. It can kill people directly with the power of the soul, enter the enemy's body to fight for control of the nerves, and enter the enemy's spiritual world. Gather information.

The vast majority of ninjas cannot even detect the invisible soul, let alone defend and counterattack. Facing the attack of spiritual transformation, they can basically wait for death.

But compared with the invincibility in attack, the body of a ninja after the soul leaves the body is too fragile, and a thousand pieces of it can take away a person's life.

Moreover, the soul itself is not invincible. Once he encounters an enemy who can use the power of the soul, Kato Dan will only die.

But Kato Dan is not afraid of the Rain Hidden Village, because his soul is not afraid of the poison of the Sansho Fish. As long as he hides far enough, his soul can enter and exit the Rain Hidden Village at will and gather information unscrupulously.

However, searching for information is not just wandering around without a purpose. Kato Dan's choice is to invade the minds of Amegakure ninjas, plunder enough information from them, and control the ninjas to find their next target in Amegakure Village.

After changing targets three times in this way, Kato Dan was able to control a jounin from Amegakure Village from the genin guarding the gate, and also learned that Hanzo had returned to Amegakure Village.

He dug out the information in the mind of the fourth Amegakure ninja that Hanzo was having a secret conversation with the envoy from Iwagakure Village, so he went to the meeting place without any hesitation.

But this time Kato Dan miscalculated, because the envoy from Iwagakure Village who was in charge of the negotiations turned out to be the four-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki. The tailed beast can directly observe the existence of the soul, and the leader's chakra can directly attack the power of the soul.

So as soon as Kato Dan flew into the conference room, Lao Zi saw him clearly and even recognized his identity as a Konoha ninja.

Kato Dan's reaction speed was very fast. He turned around and ran away as soon as he recognized Lao Zi, narrowly escaping Lao Zi's tailed beast's claws.

The leakage of intelligence made Lao Zi and Hanzo furious. They had just agreed on the terms of cooperation and were ready to join forces to attack Sunagakure Village and drive this enemy out of the Rain Country first.

But Sunagakure Village is not simple. The plans of Amegakure Village and Iwagakure Village are also unexpected attacks. The most feared thing is the leakage of intelligence. Even if it is leaked to Konoha Village, the plan will completely fail.

Hanzo and Lao Zi both ordered: "Seize the Konoha ninja and don't let the information leak."

Lao Zi even said: "That is the spiritual transformation technique of Konoha Village. I will go after that ninja's soul. Hanzo, you arrange for the Amegakure ninja to search nearby and find his body. You can also kill him."

Hanzo nodded in agreement. Not only did he mobilize all the power of the Rain Hidden Village, he also personally led the Rain Hidden Ninjas to launch the search.

The commotion in the Rain Hidden Village was quickly noticed by Mumu Koutana and young Tsunade. They immediately responded and intercepted the approaching Rain Hidden Ninjas.

This is a difficult job, because they have to not only intercept, but also try to kill the enemy and prevent them from returning with intelligence.

Because Kato Dan's soul was out of body and unable to move, he had to wait for his soul to return so that the three-person team could deal with the enemy more flexibly.

The strange thing is that although the two of them killed all the approaching enemies and ensured that no information was sent back, the ninjas from Yuyin Village kept coming closer.

The battle quickly escalated. In order to prevent the battle from spreading to the Kato section, the young Tsunade and Mumu Gongdao had to go further and intercept the enemy further away.

As the two of them moved away, Kato Dan's Touki lost its most direct protection.

At this moment, a figure quietly approached Kato Dan, holding a detonating talisman in his hand.

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