I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 342 The cause of the second time-space tear was found

Gamamaru took off the doctor's hat on his head, put it on his legs, touched the huge crystal ball on the hat with both hands, opened his eyes slightly, and stared at the blurry mist in the crystal ball.

Suddenly, Gamamaru let go of the crystal ball and gasped for air, as if he was frightened out of his wits because he saw something terrible.

Fukasaku Sennin was greatly surprised, but even if he was running around anxiously, he did not dare to disturb Gamamaru, for fear of affecting its ability to see the future.

After breathing for a while, Gamamaru put the hat back on his head tremblingly.

It looked into Fukasaku Sennin's expectant eyes and said tiredly: "Fukasaku, I have seen the future, and the crisis in Mt. Myoboku has not been resolved."

Fukasaku Sennin's face changed drastically, and his voice became hoarse due to fear: "Could it be that Miaomu Mountain..."

Gamamaru's fear was filled with indescribable numbness, and he said calmly: "Mt. Myoboku was destroyed, and all my children, including you Fukasaku, are gone."

It had seen destruction countless times just now. No matter how strong the anger and sadness were, it would become numb the more times it happened, and eventually turned into deep hatred, engraved in its bones.

Gamamaru said: "I saw that the enemy was approaching step by step. I saw that the crisis facing Myoboku Mountain became more and more dangerous day by day. I had to tolerate the long worms in Ryūchi Cave. Can you understand?"

Fukasaku Sage nodded: "I understand, Big Toad Sage. Facing the huge crisis of the entire family's demise, we need the power of Ryūchi Cave."

"Compared with the survival of the toad clan in Mt. Miaomu, the lives of a few children are not worth mentioning. Anyway, those real giant snakes can control themselves and will not attack our backbone."

Gamamaru nodded and said: "That's right, we must now face the terrifying threat of Uchiha Yuu together with Ryūchidō."

Then it smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know whether it's a good or bad situation. Uchiha Yu is very impatient. He won't leave us too much time. We don't have to endure Ryūchi Cave for a long time."

Fukasaku Sennin opened his mouth wide, and after a long pause, he said, "It should be considered good news. Even if you lose, you won't have to suffer for a long, long time."

The Toad Sage didn't notice that after hearing its words, a trace of disappointment flashed through Toadamaru's narrowed eyes.

Of course Uchiha Yuu is scary and dangerous, but in Gamamaru's opinion, he is still far less dangerous than Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

The most important thing is that Gamamaru didn't know that Uchiha Yuu had grown up, and he still thought that in a hundred years at most, Uchiha Yuu would die at the end of his life, and all dangers would disappear naturally.

Therefore, it was very disappointed with Fukasaku Sennin, who showed an obvious desperate attitude. This powerful child had a very weak character and was not a suitable successor.

Miaomu Mountain has been passed down for an unknown number of years, and it is unknown how many dangers it has faced during this period. However, after countless immortal tribes perished, only Miaomu Mountain, Ryūchi Cave, and Shigu Forest have persisted to this day.


Because he is lucky enough and strong enough.

But the most important thing is: be patient!

It is because the three great immortals have incomparable patience, remain calm in huge crises, and can quietly huddle in their lairs, quietly waiting for the enemy to reveal their flaws.

Fukasaku Sennin, a toad who gets discouraged and despairs whenever there is a setback, is definitely not a qualified leader.

[I don’t know if this child Shima is suitable. 】

[Forget it, I still have a long, long life left, at least long enough to wait until the son of destiny decides his destiny. There is no rush in choosing a successor. 】

Gazing into the future, talking at length, and thinking deeply all made Gamamaru feel deeply tired. It closed its eyes again and fell into a drowsy state.

Fukasaku Sennin saw this, closed his mouth, and quietly retreated.

In his dream, Gamamaru was still exploring future trends, spying on scenes closely related to himself, but everything seemed so blurry, unprecedentedly blurry.

Destiny and future seem to have undergone tremendous changes, and it seems that everything is no longer destined.

Gamamaru's heart was in an unprecedented panic. If everything was unpredictable, how could he lead Miaomu Mountain through the many disasters?

[Why is the future so vague? 】

Gamaru from Miaomu Mountain was puzzled, and Yuu Uchiha from Loulan was also thinking hard.

More than a month after confirming the alliance contract with the Great Immortal of Shigu Forest, Hao finally returned from the past ten years ago.

Uchiha Yu therefore knew the cause of the accident, and the boy Hao met Uchiha Madara.

When Hao finally sneaked into the Snow Clan's territory and obtained the secret skills of ice escape, he unexpectedly discovered that the most essential secret skills were not among them.

It took him a lot of time to determine that these secret techniques were preserved in the hands of the contemporary leader of the Snow Clan, the third generation Mizukage of Kirigakure Village.

So, Hao tried his best to sneak into the Shuiying Building and tried to steal the secret technique.

He didn't even consider communicating with the Third Mizukage because the previous head of the Snow Clan, Ying, had told him that the Third Mizukage was unreliable.

As a Mizukage, the Third Mizukage failed to manage Kirigakure Village well and failed to fight the Second and Third Ninja War well.

At the same time, as the leader of the Snow Clan, he did not take the interests of the Snow Clan at heart. During his tenure as Mizukage, the Snow Clan actually showed a decline.

Even if the third Mizukage is in poor health and cannot devote himself to work, his incompetence is enough to make people resentful.

No matter what you do, the most important thing is to never cooperate with incompetent people.

That's why Haocai chose to sneak into the Water Shadow Building quietly to steal instead of communicating with the contemporary leader of the Snow Clan.

The problem is that Hao's luck is really bad. When he sneaked into the Mizukage building, he happened to meet Madara Uchiha who came to hunt the third Mizukage and regarded him as a member of the Shadow Guard who protected the Mizukage.

Although Uchiha Madara is old and frail, the gap between his strength and Hao is too great, leaving no room for resistance.

The battle lasted only a few rounds, and Hao didn't even have a chance to use the Ice Crystal Mirror before he was defeated by the Mangekyō Sharingan with just one look.

Uchiha Yu pinched his forehead and asked, "You don't even know what happened next?"

Hao said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Lord Uchiha Yu."

Uchiha Yu shook his head: "No need to say sorry, this failure is a matter of luck and has nothing to do with you."

The thing is actually very clear. The unlucky Hao met Uchiha Madara and was subdued by Mangekyou without any resistance.

Being controlled by hypnosis was a triggering condition, which activated the time seal attached to Uchiha Yuu, instantly consuming all his stay time and starting the process of return.

But now it seems that this method of returning to save his life is not perfect. After catching Uchiha Madara's attention, he should have used the short return process to do a lot of things.

After Uchiha Yu's inspection, he quickly determined that in that short period of time, Uchiha Madara had dug into Hao's memory and obtained very critical information.

He began to question Hao carefully to find out in detail how much information Hao knew about him.

While questioning, Uchiha Yuu also touched Pai Hao's memory bit by bit, checking for signs of being spied on to determine what information was obtained by Uchiha Madara.

The results of the examination were shocking. Uchiha Madara almost ran through Hao's brain in a few seconds.

When Yuu Uchiha knew that Hao actually knew a lot of information about him, including that he had mastered the Wood Release of the Senju clan, the Kaleidoscope of the Uchiha clan, and celestial arts different from those of the three holy places.

He knew what happened, causing a new parallel space-time tear.

In the original history, the five great ninja villages were the stage, Uzumaki Naruto and his beloved concubine were the protagonists, Otsutsuki Kaguya was the final BOSS, Black Zetsu was the director of history, and the Sage of Six Paths was the controller behind the scenes.

But the core of the history of the ninja world is not them, but Uchiha Madara.

It was Uchiha Madara who gave birth to the Rinnegan Eye, it was Uchiha Madara who shaped the Nagato and Akatsuki organizations, it was Uchiha Madara who created Uchiha Obito, and it was Uchiha Madara who suppressed the Five Shadows and the Ninja World and completed the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Prepared for Kaguya Otsutsuki's escape.

As long as something goes wrong with Uchiha Madara, the history of the ninja world will have to change fundamentally.

There are only three factors that can affect Uchiha Madara.

The first factor is undoubtedly Senju Hashirama, but Hashirama's influence has greatly declined after the Battle of the Valley of the End. He can only interfere with Uchiha Madara's emotions, but can no longer influence his decision.

The second factor is for the peace of the ninja world, but Uchiha Madara's thinking in this regard has long been locked up due to the long-term misdirection of Black Zetsu.

In order to achieve peace in the ninja world, Uchiha Madara abandoned his family, fought with his beloved, swallowed his flesh and blood, and hid in the dark underground to brew the reincarnation eye.

The sunk costs he paid were too high and there was no turning back.

The third factor is the power necessary to achieve peace in the shinobi world.

Uchiha Madara is very confident in his power, and at the same time he is crazy in his pursuit of power. On the basis of not rejecting anyone who comes, he keeps his eyes firmly on the strongest power.

Why Madara Uchiha desperately pursues the Rinnegan Eye is because he believes that the Rinnegan Eye of the Sage of Six Paths is the pinnacle of power in the ninja world.

If you seal the Ten-Tails again and become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, you can master the power to change the ninja world at will, surpass the legendary Sage of Six Paths, and become an omnipotent god.

As a key link in the history of the ninja world, and also the most powerful BOSS in the ninja world, as long as Uchiha Madara does not encounter Senju Hashirama, his brain is qualified.

After receiving information from future generations, Uchiha Madara will know that among the descendants of his family, there are actually people who have achieved greater strength than himself and are compatible with the two blood inheritance limits.

Moreover, Uchiha Yuu still used natural energy as his core and climbed to a height higher than himself.

The information about Uchiha Yuu will definitely shock Uchiha Madara, causing a big change in his perception of power.

At the very least, Uchiha Madara's vision will no longer be limited and only focus on the combination of the Samsara Eye and the Heretic Golem. He will definitely re-examine the so-called senjutsu and try to pursue the power that Hashirama once mastered.

Whether Madara Uchiha succeeds in practicing senjutsu will have a huge impact on the historical process promoted by Black Zetsu.

If Ban Uchiha successfully masters natural energy, as a force that has nothing to do with chakra, it is not controlled by Kaguya Otsutsuki.

So when Hei Zetsu takes out his heart behind his back, Uchiha Madara will not be completely locked up, and he still has a strength that he can use to resist.

Although in terms of power level, the natural energy is far inferior to the chakra controlled by the blood successor net, and the influence it can produce must be very weak.

But for Uchiha Madara, the strongest BOSS in the ninja world, a glimmer of a chance is enough.

No matter how weak the chance is, Uchiha Madara can rely on this glimmer of hope to counterattack Black Zetsu at the last critical moment and escape the fate of becoming a sacrifice for Otsutsuki Kaguya.

As long as he thinks that Chiha Madara may have escaped the plot kill, Uchiha Yu will feel that it must be fun to cross this node in the ninja world.

This ancestor of his was killed from the sea of ​​​​blood from the Corpse Mountain. Even if his power level is only the Sixth Level, it is not comparable to Kaguya Otsutsuki who was captured by the Blood Successor.

Uchiha Yuu had fought against the weak Uchiha Madara, and also fought against the Six Paths Sage who came to the ninja world. He believed that the power that the Six Paths Sage could project in the ninja world could not defeat the full form of Six Paths Madara.

By that time, Kaguya Otsutsuki could not be resurrected and continued to sulk in the moon. The Sage of Six Paths could not defeat Madara Six Paths, so he could only hide in the Pure Land and wait for the next opportunity.

So Uchiha Madara really became the master of the ninja world.

Uchiha Madara, who was deceived by Black Zetsu and became lame, will send all the creatures in the ninja world into cocoon brains, allowing them to immerse themselves in their own wonderful dream paradise and enjoy unlimited happiness and peace.

In this super large online game, the creatures immersed in paradise will slowly age and become white Zetsu with the loss of spirituality.

As all intelligent creatures die or become White Zetsu, the ninja world will lose its last spirituality and stride towards the end of destruction.

Whether it is the Sage of Six Paths or Kaguya Otsutsuki, all their plans will collapse as a result.

With the attacks from the Otsutsuki clan coming in the future, all existences in the ninja world will be in despair and move towards unstoppable death.

Uchiha Madara's success in cultivating natural energy had a huge impact, but the impact of his failure in cultivating it was certainly not much smaller.

As an impetuous Uchiha, Madara never knew what it meant to be cautious. No matter what enemy he faced, he was always reckless.

After seeing the power of natural energy, he will inevitably recall the sage mode that left a deep impression on him when he was defeated by Senju Hashirama.

Then, Uncle Uchiha Madara will be determined to succeed or succeed, and will do his best to rush forward.

It is a very risky act to attack the natural energy without leaving any room.

The failure probability of this kind of adventure is very high, and the consequences of failure are even worse. Uchiha Madara will inevitably die from the backlash of natural energy and become a hard stone statue.

In short, regardless of failure or success, Uchiha Madara's destiny will inevitably undergo huge changes, which will eventually lead to a huge deflection of the historical process, thus tearing apart a new parallel time and space.

After confirming the changes that occurred during this time travel, Uchiha Yu sent the unhappy Hao away.

Before Hao left, he made an agreement with Uchiha Yu that when the time and space fluctuations in his body completely disappeared, he would be arranged to travel through time to retrieve the three lost secrets of ice escape.

Fluctuations in space and time are one of the results of the time seal being activated.

The principle of the time seal to protect the traveler is to quickly consume the dragon vein power accumulated in the body, triggering the repulsive force of different time and space, and sending the traveler back to the original time and space.

The safety factor of this operation is very high. Unless the other party also masters the power of time, don't even think about encountering the time traveler inspired by the time seal.

But the consequences are also very serious.

A traveler who activates the time seal is like a ship that sank under the water after opening the floodgates in an emergency to avoid aircraft bombing.

The seawater shielded the bombs falling from the sky, but it also flooded the internal space of the ship. Not only did it require a huge effort to salvage and drain the water, but it also took even greater effort to repair the corroded internal structure.

For Hao, he had to spend time slowly draining away the power of time and slowly repairing the body's microstructure through metabolism. Without ten years, it would be impossible for him to enter the dragon's veins again.

Of course, if his strength improves rapidly, this time can be greatly shortened.

If he can be promoted to the shadow level within five years, he will be able to fully recover soon after the promotion and immediately carry out the next time travel activity.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu warned him sincerely: "I think this failure is not just a matter of luck, but more importantly, your lack of strength."

"Hao, I hope you can wait with peace of mind for a few years, work hard to improve your strength, and be promoted from a Jonin to a true Kage-level ninja."

"The improvement in strength will not only speed up the recovery of your body, but also effectively digest the results brought back from this time travel. When you go on the next adventure, even if you encounter Uchiha Madara, you will not want to cause the same huge disaster this time. Shocked."

"The time seal I carved is very protective, but it has an upper limit after all."

"If the person you encounter this time is stronger than the old Uchiha Madara, he may trigger the time seal. Although it will not harm your life, it can cause huge changes in your return process."

"We traveled through time twice, and although there were accidents each time, there were no problems in the journey to and back."

"If there are no problems, I can't grasp the specific return time, haha."

Uchiha Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, and continued: "Time is the biggest mystery in the world, far more mysterious than space. If you encounter an accident while traveling and returning, I don't even know what will happen to you. "

"Maybe you will never go back to your own time and space, maybe you will go back hundreds of years later..."

Uchiha Yu looked at him and said: "You faced Uchiha Madara and were controlled by him with the Mangekyo Sharingan. Although he robbed a lot of information, you were not fatally injured. In fact, you are very lucky."

In Uchiha Yu's description, Hao gradually realized that his unfortunate encounter with Uchiha Madara this time was actually very lucky, at least he was not lost in the infinite world.

Fear made his face turn pale, and his already fair skin became almost transparent.

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