I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 343 The third time traveler Senju Tobirama

Chapter 343 The third time traveler——Senju Tobirama

Hao was shocked by Uchiha Yu's analysis.

This beautiful boy's lips trembled slightly because of fear, and his small fan-like eyelashes trembled up and down, contrasting with his big wet eyes, making him look particularly weak and pitiful.

Uchiha Yuu looked at this beautiful young man. His face was pink and white, his features were soft and clear, and his color was even better than Masashi Miwa's.

He secretly sighed in his heart, what a beautiful beauty.

During Hao's return, Uchiha Madara briefly controlled him through the Mangekyō Sharingan and quickly obtained a large amount of information.

But Uchiha Madara did not leave any illusion bombs or traps, which was not in line with Uchiha Madara's style.

Uchiha Madara, whom Uchiha Yu learned through the plot, is an extremely arrogant and arrogant guy. His majesty has not diminished as he grows older, and he was even more domineering during the Fourth Ninja War, facing tens of thousands of ninjas. Not caring at all.

But when he beat Uchiha Madara to death with his own hands, Uchiha Yu learned that Uchiha Madara was a proud, cunning and cunning character.

Since the two met face to face, they have been engaged in illusion confrontation all the time, including suggestion, hypnosis, common sense substitution, logic bombs, etc. Various Mangekyo Sharingan attack techniques emerge in endlessly.

Uchiha Madara's skills were extremely proficient, and his attacks were endless and continuous. At one point, Uchiha was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe.

If it weren't for Uchiha Yuu's pupil power being stronger, and Uchiha Madara's eyes not being original, and his broken body severely affecting his chakra capacity and pupil power, he really wouldn't have been able to turn the tables so quickly.

Madara Uchiha accidentally let Hao go, and he didn't know whether it was because he saw this beautiful face or thought that there was a junior behind the boy who sent him here, that he gave up the idea of ​​planting dangerous hints.

After Hao left, there were only two immortals left in Loulan Secret Realm, and some topics could be discussed openly.

Miwa Masashi asked: "How does Yu feel about the second time traveling, nya?"

Uchiha Yu grinned and said: "Both times, there were accidents. I have begun to feel that there is something unusual in this."

Little Loli covered her mouth and smiled: "Hehe, if something happens again the third time, will it be confirmed that Meow?"

Uchiha Yu replied matter-of-factly: "Of course, if there are accidents three times in a row, I can be sure that there must be some force against my time travel."

"Maybe... it's the legendary power of historical correction."

Miwa Masato said excitedly: "I'm really curious, nya, let's start the third time travel as soon as possible, nya!"

The little loli jumped up and asked: "Yu, Yu! Have you chosen the third time traveler, meow?"

Uchiha Yu nodded: "You have chosen, this time the time traveler is not a living person."


The Kingdom of Ghosts, the Shrine of the Witch Goddess.

The newly built Hall of Valor is being devoured and digested.

In fact, this is the result of Uchiha Yuu's Shifu world expanding in higher dimensions.

Zifu has been open for many years, and its degree of freedom in the universe has become greater and greater. At the same time, the six directions of space, up, down, front, left, and right, have also continued to expand in order to adapt to the increasingly larger five heart shapes.

Now the Purple Mansion World has finally extended to the Kingdom of Ghosts, overlapping with the Hall of Heroes of the Witch Goddess Shrine. Therefore, it has begun to devour this sealed space that can accommodate souls, and absorb the souls residing in it into the Purple Mansion World.

At the same time, the Hall of Heroes in the Kingdom of Ghosts was transformed into a soul gate, which can admit the souls of believers in the Kingdom of Ghosts into the world of Zifu.

Just like the gate in Fengdu where souls can enter but cannot exit, the soul gate of the Kingdom of Ghosts also has entrance but cannot retreat.

In fact, there is no way to retreat, otherwise the pure land aura of the ninja world will follow the scent of the soul and spread over unconsciously, and the six path immortals hidden in the pure land will naturally penetrate in quietly.

In the world of Shifu, heroic spirits such as Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Mito, Hatake Sakumo, Nawaki, and Kato Dan are all observing this vast world in surprise.

Rope Tree is still the same 12-year-old child, still out of character, jumping and running wildly on the endless grass, and yelling happily.

He was really holding it in.

When in the Pure Land, only Uzumaki Mito and Senju Hashirama can always remain awake, while Senju Tobirama and Hatake Sakumo can remain half asleep.

Even the elite Jonin Kato Dan could only sleep as if frozen, let alone the weak Nezuki?

Being brought to the Hall of Valor by Uchiha Yuu, the rope tree was able to stay fresh under the nourishment of endless divine power, but the Hall of Valor was pitifully small, and there was no scenery like the Pure Land.

For Roeshu, who has an out-of-touch personality, the two years in the Hall of Valor were almost suffocating.

Senju Hashirama clapped his hands, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He tried to clasp his hands together and shouted softly: "Wood Release: House and House Linking Technique!"

There was no chakra fluctuation, but the divine power actually moved with it. Amidst the slight tremors of the ground, luxurious and spacious three-story wooden villas rose from the ground.

The villas are of various shapes, with hundreds of them in number, and streets and park spaces are also planned.

In the blink of an eye, a small city appeared in front of many heroic spirits.

The Konoha ninjas were stunned. Except that there was no Hokage Rock, wasn't this what Konoha Village looked like when it was first built?

After Senju Tobirama was in a trance, he grabbed his brother and asked loudly: "Brother! How do you control such power?"

"Ah? How do you control it?" Senju Hashirama scratched his head, clasped his hands together, and gave a clear high-five: "Just one shot like this, and then it will be fine..."

Konoha Heroic Spirits: "..."

Senju Tobirama sneered: "This familiar feeling of suffocation and powerlessness, yes, this is really my brother, not an illusion or fake."

Hatake Sakumo's eyes sparkled with gossip: "It turns out that the first Hokage is such an outrageous genius. It's really unexpected."

Kato Dan had a gentler personality. He raised his hand and scratched his hair, covering up his embarrassment with a chuckle.

The image of Uzumaki Mito is not that of aging at the time of death, but of the splendor and grace at her peak. She pursed her lips and smiled, looking at her husband, brother-in-law and grandson with infinite tenderness.

The red-haired first-generation Kyuubi Jinchuuriki felt the gentle wind and said to himself: "Ah, life here seems to be very good. Finally, all the hardships are over."

This was the first time Naoshu saw his grandfather's natural and stupid look. The collapse of his idol's house made him dumbfounded, and he shed anxious tears.

"This is not my grandfather, my grandfather is not like this!"

Of course, he didn't dare to say this.

In Naoshu's heart, his grandfather and grandma were very gentle and would never beat him, but the second grandfather Qianju Tojian was different. He could really hit people.

Just as they were shouting and making a fuss, Uchiha Yu quietly appeared here.

He came behind Senju Tobirama and asked, "Nidaime, I'm ready. Do you want to leave now?"

Senju Tobirama nodded: "Of course, I can't wait."

Senju Tobirama is the candidate for the third time travel. He doesn't have any regrets that he wants to make up for, but he is very interested in Uchiha Yu's time travel.

The Second Hokage was a very calm ninja. Even for his own death, he felt that there was nothing to make up for it.

From Senju Tobirama's point of view, peace talks are his own choice, and separation is also his choice. Death is the result of his own choices, and it is natural and does not need to be compensated.

Of course, Uchiha Yuu would not allow him to save his past self.

Senju Tobirama is different from Nasuki and Kato Dan. He is one of the founders of Konoha Village and the actual designer and builder of Konoha Village's power system.

The life and death of the Second Hokage is directly related to the historical trend of the ninja world. Any interference with him will inevitably have a huge impact.

The change of life and death in Senju Tobirama will inevitably tear up a new parallel time and space, which is completely unacceptable to Uchiha Yu.

Fortunately, Senju Tobirama doesn't care about the past and can face everything in the past calmly.

This time traveling through Senju Tobirama is an experiment, a pure verification of time and time travel.

Through the reincarnation of the dirty earth, Senju Tobirama once again obtained a body, which was specially prepared by Uchiha Yu and was very powerful.

The materials used for the sacrifice of the dirty soil were the best White Zetsu, and Hashirama cells were added in advance. In the nutrient-rich nursing tank, sufficient nutrients were absorbed, and enough chakra was accumulated for the first Hokage to squander for a period of time.

After Senju Tobirama completed the reincarnation of the dirty land, he was also very satisfied with his body, which was even stronger than his previous body.

Just when everything was ready, Senju Tobirama said: "Okay, send me to a thousand years ago."


Even Uchiha Yuu was stunned for three seconds and subconsciously asked, "How much?"

Senju Tobirama repeated without changing his expression: "A thousand years."

Uchiha Yu looked up and down carefully, and then asked: "Nidaime, is there something that you can't think about?"

Senju Tobirama: "No."

"I know it is difficult and dangerous to jump for thousands of years in one breath, but I am already a dead person, and dead people cannot die again. What do I have to fear?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head repeatedly and said: "Nidaime, you really underestimate death."

"Haha, no wonder you misunderstood, death in the ninja world is really not serious."

"Real death should be a complete disappearance, just like when ordinary people die, they all disappear and no traces are left."

"Just like your nephew and nephew-in-law, Tsunade and Naoki's parents, no matter whether they are reincarnated in the earth or other forbidden techniques, they cannot be resurrected, and there is no trace of the soul at all."

Senju Tobirama was horrified, and the Earth Reincarnation was developed by him for Susanoo of the Uchiha clan.

But after it was developed, in order to comfort Tsunade and Naoki who lost their parents, he tried to communicate with his nephew and his wife who died young, but the result was nothing.

Senju Tobirama always thought that the failure of the reincarnation of the dirty land was because his skills were not good enough and the forbidden techniques were still not perfect. He never thought that the souls of the children had completely died.

He looked at Uchiha Yu and asked: "You mean, a dead person like me will die further?"

Uchiha Yu counted the names of the dead people in Konoha and said: "Your current state, Nidaime, is completely different from the souls of ordinary people. You may be able to last for thousands of years, so it is more appropriate to call them heroic spirits."

"But nothing is eternal. Even the seemingly eternal sun will burn out one day."

"Since it is not eternal, it will be hurt, and it will collapse and die because of the injury."

"Time is the most powerful force of destruction that I know. It is too dangerous for you to travel through the millennium. I can say with certainty that you will completely perish before you reach the millennium."

"Nidaime, do you want to go to a thousand years ago now?"

Qianju Tobirama shook his head heavily: "I'm not stupid, I won't go!"

"What a pity. A thousand years ago was an era before ninjas were born. The ninja world at that time was completely different from now."

"I want to see Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, and... that mythical war, and what the ninja sect looks like."

He rubbed his hands with regret: "The time gap of a thousand years should bring a lot of precious data to the experiment. It's such a pity."

"That's right!" Senju Tobirama suddenly remembered. When Uchiha Yuu counted the heads and said that the dead people of Konoha were heroic spirits, he skipped the name of the rope tree.

"Do you think Rope Tree is not a heroic spirit?"

Uchiha Yu didn't hide anything and answered directly: "The rope tree is indeed not a heroic spirit."

Senju Tobirama frowned: "The rope tree is also a direct descendant of the Senju clan, why is he not a heroic spirit?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Because the rope tree is too weak."

"According to my research, the transformation of the soul into a heroic soul is related to two aspects. The first is that one's soul must be strong enough, and the second is that the amount of chakra must be large enough."

"The knowledge, firm will, rich insights, great ideals and achievements accumulated during life determine the strength of the soul after death."

"But the real key is chakra, the wonderful omnipotent chakra."

"Because of the combination with chakra, the soul of human beings after death will stimulate abnormal activity, and it is possible to become a hero, channel, reincarnate, and resurrect."

"Ordinary people live their lives in a state of confusion. The total amount of chakra is very small. The soul after death cannot last long before it completely disintegrates and dissipates completely."

"The ninja who can become an elite jounin is different. With rich knowledge and tenacity combined with enough chakra, he will transform into a heroic spirit after death."

"As long as there is an environment similar to a pure land, heroic spirits can be maintained for a long time."

Uchiha Yu looked at Tobirama and said: "The problem with the rope tree is that his soul is too weak. He can't last many years in his current state before he returns to nature."

"In the final analysis, it was because he died too early, and his soul was not mature at all. The huge chakra from the Senju clan was almost wasted."

Qianju Tobirama sighed and said: "Brother and I have discovered the problem with the rope tree. Bear Claw also specifically asked me to take the time to study why the rope tree is so weak."

"Listening to what you said, I know what the problem is."

He looked at Uchiha Yu and asked, "Is there any way to make up for it?"

"Resurrection, and then grow up step by step, experience everything that one should experience in life, so that his soul can grow, and the problem can be solved."

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Of course, reincarnation in the dirty land is not enough, it must be a true resurrection."

Senju Tobirama's expression was gloomy: "The real method of resurrection... Where should I go to find a method of resurrection? Have you heard of it?"

Uchiha Yu looked at him, thought for a moment and said, "Actually, there are ways to resurrect the Ninja world now, and there are two of them."

Senju Tobirama's eyes lit up, and his face showed an uncontrollable expression of excitement, but in just a second, he regained control of his expression and restored his permanent poker face.

After controlling his expression, the Second Hokage slowly said: "You are right, it is impossible for me to travel to a thousand years ago. The coordination problem of the dirty earth body cannot be completely solved. From your previous two time travels, According to the data, a time difference of more than a hundred years would make me completely lose control."

Senju Tobirama looked at Uchiha Yu and said calmly: "Maybe you can give me a suggestion on a suitable time?"

Uchiha Yu didn't expect that Senju Tobirama would change the topic a little abruptly after hearing that there were two methods of resurrection in the ninja world.

He curled his lips and muttered: "As expected of the Second Hokage, his style of seizing the upper hand at any time is so strong that it gives people a headache."

Qianju Tobirama chuckled and said, "If it were someone else, I wouldn't be so aggressive."

"My experience tells me that when talking to an Uchiha ninja with the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is absolutely impossible to lose the initiative."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Haha, so it's not your problem that I was targeted by the second generation?"

Senju Tobirama: "Of course it's not my problem, but the problem of these two psychopaths, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna. If it weren't for them, why would I not know until I met Uchiha Mirror, and the Uchiha clan wouldn't know either They are all perverts.”

As the topic changed, the urgency disappeared, and Senju Tobirama asked calmly: "You said that the ninja world now has a real method of resurrection, and there are two kinds of it?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "Yes."

Senju Tobirama asked: "What can I exchange for this information?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Travel to the time node designated by me, try to hold on for as long as possible, and try to collect as much information as possible at that time."

This is not an easy matter. Senju Tobirama can be called the most comprehensive ninja, but at a strange time, without his own followers, it is definitely very dangerous to rely on himself to find out information.

But Qianju Tojian nodded without any hesitation: "Deal!"

Uchiha Yu also did not hesitate: "Okay, I will tell you the information about the resurrection when the second generation comes back, or if he doesn't come back, I will tell the first generation Senju Hashira..."

Senju Tobirama stopped Uchiha Yuu directly: "Don't! Don't tell my brother! If I can't come back, tell the information to my sister-in-law Uzumaki Mito."

Uchiha Yuu was stunned for a moment, but then he understood what Senju Hashirama meant. If this information was harmful to Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama might object, but Uzumaki Mito would definitely not object.

Of course he agreed.

Senju Tobirama felt relieved and asked: "So when do you want me to go? What information do you want?"

Uchiha Yu said: "I want you to go to Konoha for 63 years..."

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