I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 408: After thousands of years, he still became a cook

"I find that I can't blend in with you because I'm not perverted enough, meow."

Miwa Masayo looked at Uchiha Yu, then at Otsutsuki Kaguya with a big belly, and finally at the cheering humans around the big house, she closed her eyes helplessly.

"Crazy, everyone is crazy, this world is crazy!"

Miwa Masayo sighed deeply and gave up ineffective attempts such as persuasion in a decadent manner.

Kaguya Otsutsuki was pregnant, but what the kitten didn't expect was that she could actually become pregnant with her strong expectations.

This is so unreasonable.

This child has been gestated for 16 months, but it is not yet mature. It is like Nezha from the myth told by You.

No wonder this era is later called the Age of Mythology. There are indeed gods.

Uchiha Yuu came over and patted her head: "Don't apply human knowledge to the Otsutsuki clan. They are not the same species as us."

Miwa Masato took a few deep breaths to stabilize his emotions, and then asked curiously: "Yu, is that Otsutsuki Hagoromo, or the Six Paths Sage Nyan?"

Uchiha Yu thought for a while and replied: "Probably."

"Although the time of his birth has been greatly deviated under our influence, Kaguya Otsutsuki was conceived through asexual reproduction, and the basic conditions should not have changed much, so he is still the same person."

"At least Otsutsuki Hagoromo won't turn into a woman."

Miwa Masashi smiled meowly.

Uchiha Yuu continued: "Judging from the current progress of Otsutsuki Hagoromo's pregnancy, he cannot clear out all the 'impurities' of Kaguya, so Otsutsuki Hamura will also be born."

"This is good. We have deeply affected history, but we have not changed history significantly. I still have time to prepare for the changes that are bound to come."

Miwa Masashi asked: "How is your power of time, Yuu?"

"The effect is excellent!" Uchiha Yu raised his hand to show it to the Taoist companion: "Look, the white light has been completely suppressed. The anchor dropped this time has full pulling force."

Miwa Masashi smiled happily: "Great, this proves that our plan is feasible, there is no need to change the plan anymore, nya."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "Yes, when Otsutsuki Hamura is born, the population here should also reach the standard. After helping Kaguya build a country, we can practice with peace of mind."

Miwa Masashi rolled his eyes and asked, "Then what should I do with Tomamaru, nya?"

Uchiha Yuu was stunned: "Yes, there is this guy. This is very simple. When Otsutsuki Hagoromo is born, I will go and destroy Miaomu Mountain."

"I'll give it to him in advance."

Miwa Masayo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, meow, you have the final say, meow."

At this time, no one thought that the emotion in Miwa Masashi's mind would turn out to be a prophecy.

After another 12 months of pregnancy, Kaguya Otsutsuki really gave birth to an egg, not a crying child, which shocked countless people's jaws.

This is a miracle!

So a grand celebration began.

It has been two years since Uchiha Yu came to the Kingdom of Wind. With his participation, human productivity has increased dramatically.

Not only did they learn to grow more types of food, they increased food production several times.

The increase in food production is still relatively short-lived, and the increase in population cannot be seen for the time being, but humans have already learned to grow vegetables, domesticate animals, and enjoy the luxury of making wine.

Therefore, this celebration was particularly lively. Fine wine, fresh vegetables, and fragrant barbecue pushed the joyful atmosphere to a higher climax.

But while humans were celebrating, Otsutsuki Kaguya worriedly invited Uchiha Yu.

"Dear Uchiha Yu, can you confirm that there is nothing wrong with my child?"

Yuu Uchiha was of course very curious about Dansheng's Otsutsuki Hagoromo. He used all his skills to examine it, and then referred to the previously disassembled Hagoromo's soul to infer the cause based on the results and draw a clear conclusion.

He smiled and said: "Mother Goddess Temple, please rest assured, there is nothing wrong with your child."

Otsutsuki Kaguya felt a lot more relaxed when she heard this, but she still asked anxiously: "But why is my child born in an egg different from others?"

Uchiha Yu explained: "What's so strange about this? They are humans, and you are from the Otsutsuki clan. You are originally different lives."

"It's strange that the Otsutsuki clan looks similar to humans. The gestation period is different and the birth method is different. This is a natural situation."

Otsutsuki Kaguya was convinced, she sat softly next to the egg, gently stroked the egg, and asked softly: "Uchiha Yu, can you tell me why my child is inside the egg? The most important thing is what do I need to prepare for him? How long will it take for my child to come out of his shell?”

The purpose of Kaguya's pregnancy was to solve the hidden dangers of her body, but life is so wonderful, and 28 months of pregnancy changed her.

Now Otsutsuki Kaguya's view of children has changed. He is no longer regarded as a tool to solve problems, but as a child who truly inherits his own blood.

Uchiha Yu explained: "Does Otsutsuki Kaguya still remember the purpose of her pregnancy?"

She nodded: "Of course I remember, it's to get rid of those parts that can't advance with me."

Uchiha You nodded: "Yes, this child is indeed the continuation of your bloodline, but only a small part, far less than half, and there is no father who can make up for his missing part."

"As a life, it is necessary to complete its own existence in order to continue its survival instinct, so he is using everything around him to supplement himself and perfect his existence as an independent life."

"I can be sure that the nutrition in this egg is sufficient, and the amount of chakra is even more, enough for your child to perfect his own life."

"There is not much you can do for him now, just put this egg in the place with the most people, let him receive as much as possible. If it touches humans, it will hatch quickly and become a powerful hybrid Otsutsuki." Kaguya frowned: "It is not difficult to have more contact with humans, but how can my child be a hybrid?" "He has no father. He is a child I conceived alone. How can he be a hybrid?" Before Uchiha Yuu could speak, Miwa Masayo jumped out to explain: "Yuu said that this child inherited the part that cannot be promoted from you, and it is not a complete life at all." "So he must learn from the life that can be contacted, and use the incomplete blood you inherited to him as the skeleton to re-form a complete life. " Kaguya Otsutsuki frowned and said: "Since this is the case , can't I bring him with me and let him learn from me?" Uchiha You replied: "Kaguya Otsutsuki, your life level is too high. Even if your child learns from your body, he can't form a complete life. I'm afraid he won't have a chance to be born." Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly realized: "So that's the case. So he will be the child of me and this world. Such a hybrid seems not bad." Uchiha You explained: "You are right. It is indeed the child of you and the world. Such a hybrid has both good and bad aspects, but generally speaking, there are more good aspects." "He must be a male, born with strong physical strength, with the blood limit of the Byakugan and an extremely sharp Perception, and can even combine with ordinary humans to give birth to children who are excellent in all aspects. "

"The disadvantage is that he is a first-generation hybrid. Genes that have not been tested for a long time are bound to have unstable characteristics. His offspring will be very prone to blood mutations, and it will take more than ten generations of reproduction to be stable. "

Otsutsuki Kaguya has been completely relieved. She even smiled and said: "This is not a problem. No matter what kind of blood mutation the children have, they are my children's children."

"I will not die. As long as they have my protection, they can live a stable life without any problems."

Uchiha You did not speak, and did not even look at Otsutsuki Kaguya.

What can he say?

Say that this child will be fooled by outsiders, suddenly rebel against you, and seal you into the moon?

Forget it, the estranged ones cannot separate the relatives.

Between Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Hagoromo, he, Uchiha You, is an out-and-out outsider. How can he say that other people's children will beat their old mothers without any reason?

Besides, with the addition of himself and Miwa Masayo, the child should not be deceived by Gamamaru, and those bad things will naturally not happen.

Uchiha You secretly made up his mind.

He will go to Myoboku Mountain later and smash Myoboku Mountain into a deep pit, completely ending the possibility of a civil war in Kaguya Otsutsuki's family.

Isn't it just not eating toad meat for a thousand years, what's the big deal?

Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was completely relieved, finally had the mood to check herself. She was surprised to find that her strength had made a huge leap.

Obviously, she gave birth to a child and inherited a huge amount of chakra, but Kaguya's chakra became more.

A little test found that the reason for this situation was that her body's capacity for chakra increased, and it could automatically absorb chakra from the world.

With such a large amount of chakra in her body, Kaguya Otsutsuki did not feel any pain of "indigestion", and even had some unsatisfied hunger.

What made her even happier was that the discomfort that had troubled her for decades was also reduced by more than half.

She said happily: "Uchiha You's suggestion is great. Having a child can really solve my problem. Now there is only one problem left. One more time will completely get rid of it."

Uchiha You nodded and said: "Your idea is the same as mine. If you have another child, there will be no problem."

After the celebration, Uchiha You took Miwa Masayo to Myoboku Mountain.

But to their surprise, Myoboku Mountain is still Myoboku Mountain, and the barrier is still the same barrier, but the immortals living here are not toads, but the mountain master wild boars.

Miwa Masayo asked: "If the toads are not here, why do you want to destroy Myoboku Mountain?"

Uchiha You replied helplessly: "Of course not, I am a bloodthirsty demon, let these pigs live here peacefully."

"Today is not without gain, at least we know that Myoboku Mountain does not belong to the toad clan now, and..."

Miwa Masayo replied strongly: "And the pigs here look round and plump, maybe they are very fragrant and delicious?"

Uchiha You nodded: "Yes!"

He lifted the little loli, put her on his back and turned away: "When I have time, I will come back here and find a way to make a hole, and then there will be delicious pork to eat."

Miwa Masashi asked: "Yu, you are not looking for the toads anymore?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "I won't look for it anymore. It's not like I haven't looked for it before. It's a complete waste of time."

"Although it is a pity that the problem cannot be solved once and for all, the toads are not in Mt. Myoboku."

"We can only wait patiently for brothers Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura to grow up, wait for Gamamaru to jump out on his own, and then find a way to solve it."

When Uchiha Yuu walked 200 meters away from the barrier of Mt. Myoboku, as he raised his foot and stepped out, the chakra in his body fluctuated slightly, outlining the spatial vibration frequency of the Flying Thunder God.

When his raised foot landed on the ground, the man had already crossed thousands of miles and stepped on the land outside the big house where Otsutsuki Kaguya lived.

Miwa Masashi said with emotion: "No wonder Yu refuses to give up chakra and ninjutsu. It is indeed very convenient to use them, nya."

Uchiha Yu nodded: "Yes, chakra is indeed more convenient than natural energy, as long as the side effects of chakra's life-span can be avoided."

"Speaking of which, Kaguya Otsutsuki is so strong. The maximum damage her chakra can cause is meaningless to her. I really envy her."

Miwa Masashi asked curiously: "Yuu wants to change in Kaguya's direction, nya?"

Uchiha Yu refused: "No, an overly powerful body is not without its disadvantages."

"The reason why I developed in the direction of World Body is to avoid Kaguya Otsutsuki's fatal weakness."

Miwa Masashi asked in surprise: "Kaguya Otsutsuki, a powerful blood successor, actually has a weakness, nya?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "Hey, being too physically strong is a weakness in itself."

"Otherwise, with Otsutsuki Hagoromo's mere six-level strength and the power of senjutsu, he can seal the powerful Blood Successor Snare?"

"It's not that Kaguya's body is too powerful, which oppresses her relatively fragile soul. The tendency of separation caused by the oppression is exploited, and it is possible to be sealed by the Earth Blast Star."

Miwa Masayo suddenly realized: "So, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who transformed Otsutsuki's body based on Liudou Madara's body, is actually very weak?"

Uchiha Youdao: "Of course it's not that it's weak, at least it's still at the blood successor snare level, but Kaguya's power has obviously been weakened a lot."

He took a look at the big house where Otsutsuki Kaguya lived and said with emotion: "I have never seen Kaguya escape from the seal with my own eyes. It is difficult to determine how powerful she is in that state."

"But judging by today's Kaguya, even if she still has some flaws that have not been resolved, the power she can exert is extremely terrifying."

"She only needs to launch a serious attack to make any six-level person struggle repeatedly on the edge of death, including me before the last tribulation."

What Uchiha Yu didn't say is that although Kaguya Otsutsuki's power has flaws and is too tough and lacks buffer margin, it is really powerful.

When he faced Kaguya Otsutsuki, he felt like he faced the school beauty of Lanxiang School in Shandong.

Kaguya is protected by a big iron shell. Although the huge iron hand she controls is not flexible enough, it is really invincible.

Anyway, Uchiha Yuu didn't have the slightest confidence to beat her.

Fortunately, Kaguya is really innocent. After three years of getting along, not to mention Yuu Uchiha is no longer worried about Kaguya, even the extremely wary Miwa Masato is no longer worried.

Who doesn't know yet, as long as Kaguya accepts it, this simple goddess will obey your words, and there is absolutely no need to worry about her targeting.

Of course, if Kaguya is considered an enemy, she will remain hostile to the end.

When Yuu Uchiha and Masato Miwa stepped onto the steps of the big house, the creaking sound of the wooden steps let Kaguya Otsutsuki know that they were back.

The goddess of Uzuki jumped up without any image, walked to the door in one step, opened the sliding door and said happily: "Mr. Yu, Miss Masashi, you are back!"

"I'm pregnant again and I want to eat Buddha and jump over the wall."

Uchiha Yuu \u0026 Miwa Masashi: "Huh?"

What does pregnancy have to do with Buddha jumping over the wall?

Miwa Masashi suddenly got more crucial information: "Wait, Kaguya, are you pregnant again?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya patted her flat belly gently: "I'm pregnant, isn't it very simple?"

"This kid is awesome. He took away all my problems at once. I like him so much."

"By the way, cook for me quickly, I'm starving!"

Yes, Otsutsuki Kaguya was led bad by Uchiha Yu. She became a hopeless glutton, the kind of glutton who has no resistance to delicious food.

However, Otsutsuki Kaguya is not a gourmet. She is not only addicted to the food cooked by Uchiha Yu, but also the simple cat rice made by Masayo Miwa.

As long as it's delicious cooked food, or even dark dishes that aren't pitch-black, blue or green, she can show off her skills.

Not only does this goddess eat enough, but because of her perfect Otsutsuki body, she doesn't have to worry about fattening or excretion at all, making Miwa Masayo envious of her.

Facing such a customer who brought him great psychological satisfaction, Uchiha Yu couldn't refuse her request. He could only look at Miwa Masashi with a wry smile for help.

The little Loli jumped off him immediately: "Don't expect me to help you, meow. The taste of the food I cook is much worse than yours, meow."

"Besides, I'm hungry too, meow."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it."

Despite spending two years accumulating, Uchiha Yu still couldn't get a complete set of spices, so he could only win on the ingredients.

Fortunately, in this era, the population is sparse and there are vibrant primeval forests everywhere, so there is absolutely no shortage of food ingredients.

Uchiha Yu ordered some of the game he had reserved, and decided to cook some of the toughest dishes in Northeastern cuisine: braised bear paws with honey sauce, Shiquan Feilong soup, braised deer with ginseng, fried roe deer meat, and steamed wild boar trotters.

To prepare so many hard dishes, side dishes are needed to relieve fatigue. He used wild fungus, white fungus, and Hericium to make black and white cabbage, cold white fungus, and Hericium tofu and Chinese cabbage.

Wanwan never expected that even after traveling through a thousand years, Yu Uchiha would still be destined to be a cook.

How miserable.

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