I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 409 The growth competition between furry kids and naughty kids

The passage of time is constant within space and time, but it is completely different in terms of feelings for different people and at different times.

For normal people, time always passes so quickly, and it is easy to have questions such as "Did this happen ten years ago?" or "It has been eight years since I graduated?"

But when faced with the time to work hard in the future, people will have a sense of despair: "How many more years will it take to complete the project?"

At a reunion of old classmates, those who have not yet been in love will even blurt out in surprise: "Has your son/daughter been admitted to college?"

The mothers/fathers of those children would say with a face full of vicissitudes of life: "The past 18 years, I feel like a full 30 years have passed, half a lifetime has passed."

This is the difference in speed that time brings to human feelings.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo's incubation and Otsutsuki Hamura's pregnancy both lasted exactly 20 months. Half an hour after Hagoromo broke the eggshell, Hamura was born as a normal baby.

However, Dansheng's feathers grew quickly after hatching, and in just two days they grew to the size of a one-year-old child, so there was no need to worry about the age of the two brothers.

Over the past year or so, influenced by the appetites of Yuu Uchiha, Masato Miwa and Kaguya Otsutsuki, the beasts of the Kingdom of Wind have suffered great misfortune.

All kinds of delicious beasts were killed in the process, and the smarter ones migrated their families in time, fleeing far away to relatively barren remote areas, freeing up a huge living space for human beings.

So humans who once lived in the cracks and heard about the existence of the Goddess of Mao but were unable to go there noticed the changes in the environment and naturally migrated to the core area of ​​the Kingdom of Wind.

The population continues to gather, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Last year, the population in Kaguya's territory increased from 8,000 to 12,000, and this year it exceeded the 30,000 mark in just the past four months.

By the way, the concepts of years and months were taught by Uchiha Yuu when he was guiding humans in their cultivation.

But he did not talk about the concept of solar terms, because the Kingdom of Wind in this era did not have four seasons, and the whole year was divided into two seasons: dry season and rainy season.

Fortunately, the Country of Wind, like the Indian subcontinent of Blue Star, has a hot and rainy climate that is very suitable for farming, and it naturally has the capital to become a civilized country.

If the climate of the North Mediterranean is characterized by high temperatures in the dry season and cold rain and heat in the rainy season, there will not be much potential for planting.

However, the population that can be supported by the development of animal husbandry is not large, and it is simply not enough to form the basis for the existence of a thousand-year empire.

Thirty thousand people were not even one-tenth of the population of Konoha Village in its heyday, but in this barbaric era, it was enough to promote human civilization from a tribe to a country.

Because of the existence of Otsutsuki Kaguya, this new country can be unparalleledly simple.

Otsutsuki Kaguya is the god that humans believe in. As a living god, she has powerful power, enough to generate sufficient centripetal force.

She is also the most powerful representative of force, enough to protect the newborn country from external threats.

Therefore, only a few people need to be selected to enrich the ruling class. Whether it is officials to maintain order or priests to spread faith, there is no need for so many.

This can greatly reduce the burden on the country and provide a stronger ability to resist risks.

In order to commemorate the birth of the two divine sons of the goddess Kaguya, humans held a grand party.

Thirty thousand people gathered together, lit a huge bonfire, and took out the stored food and precious wine. The unprecedented excitement made Kaguya very happy.

She held two children with small horns on their foreheads, which made the people at the scene cheer louder and made the atmosphere of the party even more lively.

People believe that after God has the Son of God, he will become gentler and be able to protect them for a longer period of time.

So humans are full of hope for the future.

The atmosphere of the party reached its climax when Uchiha Yu raised three living giant tree palaces as gifts on the spot in the name of celebration.

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at the three palaces, and she was surprised but also felt something in her heart. She felt that this power was very familiar, just like the sacred tree she controlled.

However, the wood escape used by Uchiha Yuu is more sophisticated. The giant tree palace created is not only strong and huge, but also integrates many special plants, which can ensure that the palace is always bright, warm in winter and cool in summer.

This was a delicate operation that even the sacred tree couldn't do, and Kaguya couldn't help but marvel.

She liked these three palaces with comfortable living conditions, strong defenses and self-repairing properties very much, and asked, "Is this a gift for me?"

Uchiha Yu confirmed: "The tallest palace is for you, and the shorter palaces on both sides are for the two gods."

Kaguya asked: "Mr. Yu, I think you can also build a palace here for yourself and Miss Miwa Masashi."

Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi looked at each other and said with a smile, "Okay."

He stretched out his hand and pointed. On the other side of the gathering crowd, two big trees rose from the ground. They intertwined and grew into a new big tree palace.

At the same time, more big trees rose up around the crowd. The thick branches of the big trees were connected to each other, and then reinforced with vines to form slings, forming a circular corridor in the air, connecting the four giant tree palaces.

The big trees also naturally surrounded the open space where people gathered, forming an obvious square.

Otsutsuki Kaguya was very satisfied with Uchiha Yu's design and happily announced: "Everyone gathered here today will be protected by me. You can come here to pray for help from me."

Human beings gathered around Otsutsuki Kaguya for safety. Although Kaguya, who was revered as the goddess of Uao, protected humans with practical actions, she never made a formal commitment.

Today, the goddess publicly promised to protect mankind, and everyone went crazy with joy. They chanted various slogans to vent their emotions.

"Long live!"

"Long live the Goddess of Mao!"

Compared to the madness of ordinary people, some elites among humans have realized that with the promise of the Goddess of Mao, this largest human settlement will usher in a leap forward.

Although they did not know that this leap would be the birth of a nation, they all realized in their own minds that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as they can seize this opportunity, they will definitely be able to obtain huge benefits, and even their children will benefit endlessly.

They not only thought in their heads, but also discussed and conspired with each other, intending to achieve greater benefits in the next leap.

Although these people lived near Kaguya Otsutsuki and were deeply infiltrated with chakra, and thus became stronger and more agile, they were still far from the extraordinary level of ninjas.

They didn't know that their conversations and activities were heard and seen by God, and even the thoughts hidden in their hearts were clearly heard by Uchiha Yuu.

Immortal Law·Thunder Spirit·All Heart Networks are Connected

As this magical technique is used more and more often, it has gradually evolved into a kind of instinct, and no longer requires deliberate casting.

Not only are there no need for complicated hand seals, but the natural energy of the thunder spirit does not need to be deliberately gathered. It can be activated silently with just a thought from Uchiha Yuu.

Because it was supported by pure natural energy, even Otsutsuki Kaguya was not aware of it.

Of course, Uchiha Yu couldn't peek into Kaguya's heart, because her presence in the field of electromagnetic waves was too strong, just like the sun hanging high in the sky, its own presence covered up all inner fluctuations.

Uchiha Yuu has long expected these human activities. Doesn't he still understand the nature of human nature?

Everyone is selfish. Uchiha Yu doesn't dare to use people who are not selfish. These are the keys to human beings' transformation from tribal times to primitive countries, which are the future national aristocrats. The more the better. .

Human activities also fall into Kaguya's perception, but she does not care about these human activities. As long as humans can live well and provide her with emotional value with lively activities, she does not care about what specific human beings want. do what.

Just like some people like to raise ants and keep them as pets.

They will gain happiness by watching ants hunt and kill insects, carry the grain they scatter, and even watch different ants break out into battles.

But when several ants in an ant colony come together, the humans who raise them will never care about what information these ants are communicating.

Uchiha Yu didn't directly stand up and do anything. He just slightly stirred up the emotional ups and downs of these humans when they were thinking and discussing, and basically achieved his goal.

Thirty thousand humans naturally built a feudal country. Although Uchiha Yu spread certain farming techniques, the manufacturing of agricultural tools could not keep up at all, so for the time being, they could only adopt the economic basis of primitive communism.

Those primitive nobles could not enjoy much, which was to eat one more mouthful of food and decorate their hair with a few more feathers than others.

But after the establishment of such a simple national system, the most powerful power of mankind finally came into play, which is the organizational power based on language and imagination.

A country is not an individual person, but a super being composed of human cells.

This super life soon showed its formidable power, and the beasts that fed on humans were hunted down by humans organized on a larger scale, and were eventually exterminated.

What's even worse is that humans organized by the state are good at clearing out wasteland, and they also set fire to the mountains to clear up wasteland.

At the end of every dry season, when psychic onmyojis predict that heavy rains are coming, fires will be lit at the borders of human countries, allowing the flames to burn away the lush vegetation until the heavy rains of the rainy season arrive.

As a result, those powerful beasts that could not be dealt with by a hundred and eighty people also suffered. After the drastic changes in the environment, they were unable to gain a foothold and had to migrate away from humans.

Those ferocious beasts that are not even afraid of fire must have absorbed powerful natural energy and possess extraordinary abilities.

But it has to be said that when a beast contains a lot of natural energy, its meat will inevitably become very delicious.

Under Uchiha Yu's cooking, it is even more delicious and makes people go crazy.

Therefore, these extraordinary beasts no longer move around humans. Every time Yu Uchiha gets greedy, he has to go far away to find them.

The human country successfully passed its immature development period and began to actively expand.

Some nobles who were disadvantaged in the competition, as well as the children of those nobles, took a small number of tribesmen and headed for farther and more wild lands.

They burned mountains to cultivate land, built cities, and expanded the scope of the human kingdom.

At this point, Uchiha Yuu has successfully pushed the new country to the expansion stage of healthy development, becoming the strongest anchor for his stay in this time and space.

After achieving all their initial goals, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato also felt that they had had enough fun, and began to immerse themselves in training and work hard to enhance their own strength.

At this time, Uchiha Yu discovered that being a neighbor with Otsutsuki Kaguya was his wisest decision.

Because Otsutsuki Kaguya's power comes from the sacred tree and was promoted after eating chakra fruit, rather than through hard training, she does not have enough control over her own power.

There is no need to even enter the battle. In daily life, Otsutsuki Kaguya often touches the laws of the world due to poor control, causing disasters that cannot be underestimated.

This is one of the reasons why the large houses built by humans for her are simple in structure and small in scale.

After all, with the current productivity of mankind, all the energy has been exhausted just for maintenance, and there is really no ability to expand the scale.

The giant tree palace built by Uchiha Yu using wood escape can not only fully absorb the damage caused by Kaguya unintentionally, but can also quickly heal itself and repair the damage.

Coupled with the rapid increase in population, the country's organizational capacity has increased dramatically, and the labor force that can be used to serve Kaguya has greatly increased. Many new buildings were built around the Giant Tree Palace, forming a palace complex.

Those humans who hold national power live here, relying on the authority of the goddess Mao to increase the sanctity of their power.

The embryonic form of state power and capital was born.

However, Uchiha Yuu is also troubled. Whenever Kaguya's power goes out of control and touches the laws of the world, her two little cubs will run along the big tree corridor for refuge.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura are five years old. They have reached the age of naughty children that are hated by people and dogs, and they are still two naughty children with super destructive power.

The existence of the Otsutsuki brothers is the biggest crisis for Uchiha Yu's palace. It may be demolished by naughty children at any time. It is difficult for him to concentrate on observing the manifested laws.

At this time, it's time for Miwa Masayo to step forward and exert her huge deterrent power against naughty children.

Who is not a child anymore?

Although she, Miwa Masayo, has lived for many, many years, she is still so simple and a child!

You guys are naughty kids, and I’m still a naughty kid, nya, whoever is stronger and who is weaker will see the real chapter on his paws, nya!

Obviously, the naughty kid couldn't beat the furry kid. Every time he was hit, Brother Otsutsuki's face was scratched and he ran back crying.

However, the wounds on their faces will heal quickly as soon as they are removed, and will be completely healed before returning to their mother. Even the complaint lacks evidence.

Otsutsuki Kaguya trusted Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato very much. Without any wounds, it was impossible to accuse Uchiha Yu because of the words of the two children.

Without a bear mother, a bear child will not be so bearish as to be intolerable.

The Otsutsuki brothers had no choice but to swallow their tears. They encouraged each other and worked hard to build their bodies and strength.

As the sons of Kaguya Otsutsuki, they are destined to become powerful beings.

In their understanding, their inability to defeat Miwa Masayo is only temporary, and they will one day surpass her and leave her far behind.

But now it is really uncomfortable to hold in my breath, so I can only work hard. Even if I can defeat the little Loli one day earlier, I can vent my anger one day earlier.

The Otsutsuki brothers have nothing to say about their talent. Although they did not provide enough supplies for A's mother, they still grew rapidly.

In less than ten years, Hagoromo and Hamura have grown into tall and tall teenagers, while Miwa Masayo still looks like a little lolita, and they are taller than one head.

But what surprised Otsutsuki Kaguya was that the Otsutsuki brothers only won in terms of height. When it came time to fight, they still had to be pressed to the ground and rubbed by the little loli.

Because the heights of both sides have reversed, the defeat of the Otsutsuki brothers is even more embarrassing. Each time, they will be depressed for a longer time before they can muster their courage again.

In fact, Miwa Masashi also felt the pressure. The growth rate of the Otsutsuki brothers is not slow.

Especially under the stimulation of Miwa Masashi, he had already touched the power of the Six Paths when he was only a teenager, and he was already a top existence in this world.

Fortunately, there is Yu Uchiha behind Miwa Masayo.

As a Taoist companion with a similar mind, no matter what new understanding of the law Uchiha Yu had, he could just force it on Miwa Masayo.

Make an impression in your mind first, and then try to apply it when fighting the Otsutsuki brothers. You can often make unexpected progress.

Miwa Masashi was also very strange, and specifically asked Uchiha Yuu: "Why do I understand the rules so quickly when I fight with them?"

Uchiha Yu's explanation is: "The core of the Otsutsuki brothers comes from their mother Kaguya, but most of the life system is built with reference to the bodies of humans in this world."

"As a naturally intelligent race, one human may be a mortal, but the entire human race is an extraordinary existence. In essence, it is a concentrated expression of the laws of the world."

"I have told Kaguya before that Brother Otsutsuki is her and the world's child, that's why."

Miwa Masayo had already understood, and she continued excitedly: "So Hagoromo and Hamura don't know it themselves, but as long as they use their power, they will naturally reflect the laws of the world."

"As long as I fight with the two of them, I can get feedback that I can't even detect. Combined with the cognition you forced on me, I can quickly understand it, nya."

"Be good, isn't this Otsutsuki brother my special Tang Monk meat cat?"

"You don't have to worry about eating. Just beat them hard and you will get a lot of harvest. It's so exciting."

Uchiha Yu reminded with a smile: "Remember, you have to hit them hard to force their body's instinct to produce a stress response, in order to activate the laws contained in their body."

"If they press you down and hit you, what will hit you will be the instinctive power of the Otsutsuki clan. Not only will you suffer severe pain, but you will also get no benefits."


Miwa Masato said: "So I have to win, nya, and I have to beat them both hard. The harder I beat them, the bigger the harvest will be, nya!"

"Don't worry, Yu. I will never give them two a chance. The winner will only be me, meow!"

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