I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 377

A smile appeared on Sakayanagi Yusu's face after thinking of this, and he placed the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard.

Zeus left the rooftop with a faint smile: "Now it's time to go meet my love rival."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was a ruthless and energy-saving man. If his family didn't need men, Zeus would really want to draw Ayanokouji Kiyotaka into his family.

"But forget it now. There are no men in the building, so Ayanokouji Kiyotaka doesn't need to exist. As a love rival, it should be natural for me to target him, right?"

Zeus narrowed his eyes slightly and planned to expel Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from this school.

Then Zeus shook his head and gave up the idea. Although Zeus could easily make Lin Xiaolu Qinglong drop out of school, it would be too embarrassing for Zeus if he did that.

But it's okay to go and meet your love rival, even though Ayanokouji Kiyotaka didn't know that he actually had such a love rival. 323

When Zeus found Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka seemed to be dealing with Horikita Suzune.

Zeus walked over and looked at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka: "Let's talk?"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka wanted to refuse, but looking at Zeus's faint smile, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka felt that if he refused, the consequences would be very bad.


Horikita Suzune, who was next to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, glanced at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka in surprise. According to Horikita Suzune's understanding, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka should have refused, but now Ayanokouji Kiyotaka actually agreed?

"Then let's go and find another place. This is not a suitable place for conversation."

Zeus and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka will leave.

Not long after, Zeus and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka came to another rooftop. Zeus always felt that this rooftop was more suitable for conversation. If the conversation didn't go well, he would push Ayanokouji Kiyotaka off the rooftop and directly commit suicide.

Zeus thought with some malice in his heart! .

Chapter 781

"What do you want to talk to me about."

Standing on the rooftop, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka looked at Zeus and asked. The Zeus in front of him gave Ayanokouji Kiyotaka too much sense of crisis. The Zeus in front of him even gave Ayanokouji Kiyotaka the feeling that he might be killed at any time. The opponent felt like he was being pinched to death by one hand.

Just now, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka felt a sincere malice, and this malice came from Zeus in front of him.

"I originally wanted to let you drop out of school, but then I changed my mind."

When Ayanokouji Kiyotaka heard this sentence, he immediately felt a little strange, even inexplicable.

"It seems that you and I have never met."

"Of course, you and I have never met, but because you blocked my way, I saw a girl who likes you, or has a crush on you."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka nodded to express his understanding.

"Then I will drop out of school on my own initiative."

"No, I said I changed my mind. Now I don't plan to let you drop out of school, because if you drop out of school, she will definitely blame you. Although it doesn't matter to me, I don't intend to do that. .”

"Then why are you looking for me?"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka found that he couldn't understand the person in front of him at all.

"I came here to meet you, my love rival, and to give you a notice. By the way, you are a smart person who knows what can and cannot be done."

"I understand."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka said he understood, isn’t he a woman? I just stay far away.

As for who the woman Zeus was talking about, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka could still find out if he wanted to.

"Then let's leave it like this. I hope nothing unpleasant will happen between us."

"I don't think so."

Listening to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's firm words, Zeus smiled and left.

After Zeus left, Lin Xiaoji Qinglong let out a long breath, and Ayanokouji Qinglong's back was completely wet with sweat.

Only Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who had personally experienced being face to face with Zeus, knew how much pressure he had just endured.

That kind of extremely powerful monster that may overwhelm all your sanity at any time.

This is also because Zeus has become hostile to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Otherwise, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka would not have noticed at all. Zeus himself was unhappy with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, which is why Ayanokouji Kiyotaka felt like the sky was falling. Feel.

As soon as Zeus's front foot left the rooftop, Horikita Suzune, who was on the back foot, walked onto the rooftop and looked at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

"What did you say to the other party?"

Horikita Suzune directly questioned Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka glanced at Horikita Suzune. Out of caution, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka just said to Horikita Suzune: "The other person warned me not to get too close to girls. It seemed that he misunderstood that I was going with the person he liked. Too close."

Horikita Suzune was stunned for a moment, and the people she knew Ayanokouji Kiyotaka flashed through her mind. The last thing she thought of was herself, because she seemed to be the only girl Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was closer to.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka glanced at Horikita Suzune indifferently. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka probably guessed what Horikita Suzune was thinking, but Ayanokouji Kiyotaka thought it was not Horikita Suzune, but just in case, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka decided to It is better to stay away from Horikita Suzune, cherish your life and stay away from women.

Horikita Suzune clearly noticed that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka seemed not to want to have too much contact with her, and Horikita Suzune suddenly became a little angry.

"I think you are being pretentious. You should look down on a place like yours."

When Ayanokouji Kiyotaka saw Horikita Suzune's appearance, he subconsciously said this, and then the next moment.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka noticed that Horikita Suzune's eyes seemed to be murderous.

And the other side.

Sakayanagi Yusu put down the terminal.

"...You actually found out even this? And you are in this school. Who are you?"

Sakayanagi Yusu never imagined the identity of Zeus.

It is definitely not an ordinary person who can know his past. Even Ayanokouji Kiyotaka knows it clearly.

"What kind of person are you, Zeus?"

Sakayanagi Yusu had a trace of curiosity about this man. It might just be a temporary curiosity now, but I believe that this curiosity will slowly change in the future.

Suddenly, a reminder came from Sakayanagi Yusu's terminal.

Then he picked up the terminal and looked at an email on it.

"If you want to know something, just ask me directly. Why make your own guesses?"

The sender of the email is Zeus.

Seeing this, Sakayanagi Yusu had a bright smile on his face.

Then his finger cleared a line of text on the terminal and clicked Send.

With the reminder that the transmission was successful, Sakayanagi Yusu showed a smile on his face.

So what choice will you make now? .

Chapter 782

In Sakayanagi Arisu's dormitory, Zeus looked at the cutely arranged room and said to Sakayanagi Arisu who was cooking: "To be honest, I was quite surprised. I didn't expect that you would invite me to come to you." In my dormitory, what I didn’t expect was that you would actually invite me to dinner, and you would cook the food yourself.”

"It's just a little bit of interest. No one has tasted my food before. This time I just want to test it with you. I won't be responsible if it doesn't taste good."

"Really? With this look, it seems that I need to be mentally prepared. If it really doesn't taste good, I won't be able to show it too obviously."

It didn't take long for two portions of curry rice to be placed in front of Zeus.

Zeus didn't hesitate to pick up the spoon and took a spoonful of rice and ate it with the curry.


Zeus's answer made Yusu Sakayanagi a little stunned.

"I originally thought you would compliment me. After all, this can be regarded as increasing my favorability."

Zeus laughed directly when he heard what Sakayanagi Yusu said.

"I don't think a 323 girl like you will increase your favorability for this reason."

"Why do you say that? Do you know me very well?"

"Yes, I know you very well, even better than you know yourself, so I understand what kind of person you are."

Zeus put down his spoon and said to Sakayanagi Yusu: "If you want to ask about anything, just ask directly, lest you use some means to investigate my information and leave clues for others. There are people outside who are watching eagerly. Keep an eye on your father."

Sakayanagi Yusu's expression changed slightly.

"So if you want to ask anything, just ask me directly. Otherwise, not only will you not be able to find any information about me, but you will also leave some clues for others."

"Are you reminding me?"

"No, I don't think you need reminding, do you?"

He snorted softly.

"Are you acting coquettishly with me?"

This sentence immediately made Sakayanagi Yusu stiffen slightly, and then he immediately realized that something was wrong with his state.

"I didn't expect that I would also be affected. Sure enough, falling in love can make girls lose their minds."

Zeus took out a piece of white paper that he had already prepared, put it on the table and pushed it over.

"Everything you want is here, if you just open it."

Instead of picking up the piece of white paper, Sakayanagi Yusu looked at Zeus and asked, "Do you think I should take it?"

"I don't care whether you accept it or not. It's up to you to choose."

"I only ask you one question, why are you here?"

You can ignore the rest of the questions in the future, but Sakayanagi Yusu must ask this question clearly.

"I'm here for you."

Suddenly Sakayanagi was speechless.

"I want to make you my property, so I come here."

"By your belongings, do you mean your playthings?"

"No, the longer I get along with you, I gradually realize that my feelings for you have become gradually more complicated. From the beginning, I simply regarded you as an object that I was determined to obtain, and now it has become a possessive desire."

"There is no shortage of women around me, but you are the first woman who made me think like this."

"Should I feel honored then?"

"I think we should."

Sakayanagi Yusu was speechless when he heard Zeus's words. This guy really didn't know how to be humble at all.

Looking at Sakayanagi Yusu, Zeus said, "I'll leave first." "

Sakayanagi Yusu picked up the white paper on the table and opened it.

"If you want to know anything, just ask me."

There is only this line of writing on the white paper.

"This man really understands me."

Kushida Kikyo was in a bad mood, 10 points out of 10.

That piece of news was indeed sent by Kushida Kikyo, but Kushida Kikyo had no intention of using this piece of news to make Zeus drop out of school. Kushida Kikyo knew very well that it was useless to act like this, and Zeus couldn't do it because of it. Dropped out of school for this reason.

But even Kushida Kikyo herself didn't realize it, or she didn't expect that this rumor would get worse and worse, and in the end, almost the whole school knew about it.

At this moment, Kushida Kikyo began to curse in her heart.

At the same time, Kushida Kikyo also became more afraid of Zeus. Kushida Kikyo was worried that Zeus would take revenge on her.

Therefore, after getting some time, Kushida Kikyo has been cautious, but half a month has passed, and Kushida Kikyo has not waited for Zeus' revenge.

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