I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the king of gods Chapter 378

This made Kushida Kikyo gradually become more and more uneasy. Kushida Kikyo simply did not believe that Zeus would not take revenge on him. Kushida Kikyo would rather believe that Zeus was brewing a bigger conspiracy and wanted to kill him all at once. Kushida Kikyou is the kind of person he is, so he will suspect that others are the same kind of person.

Finally, after enduring it for nearly half a month, Kushida Kikyo chose to negotiate with Zeus.

Zeus didn't expect that Kushida Kikyo would take the initiative to negotiate with him. What was this?

However, Zeus naturally would not refuse Kushida Kikyo's request. .

Chapter 783

Looking at Kushida Kikyo who called him into his dormitory, Zeus crossed his arms and looked at Kushida Kikyo: "You can say what you want to say now."

"What are you going to do before you let me go?"

"Let you go? Did I do anything to you?"

Zeus looked at Kushida Kikyo in front of him in a funny way. It seemed that he didn't do anything. Instead, it was the girl in front of him who did that to him.

"Do you think I will believe the lies you tell me? You must be secretly planning how to retaliate against me. Do you think I won't know? What are you going to do before you let me go?"

Kushida Kikyo simply didn’t believe what Zeus said and how to save people. Kushida Kikyo thought that Zeus must be thinking about how to take revenge on him. After all, if it was Kushida Kikyo who was wrongly accused before, then Kushida Kikyo would definitely Trying every means to bring about death - Zeus.

Zeus immediately found it interesting when he saw Kushida Kikyo's appearance. I'm afraid this girl may not have a persecution delusion, but. . .

"You'd better turn off the recorder first. Do you think I would be a fool if you want to use this method against me?"

Zeus was too lazy to continue playing with Kushida Kikyo and directly exposed the little tricks Kushida Kikyo used.

Kushida Kikyo's complexion suddenly changed. She originally wanted to trick Zeus, but who knew that before her trick could be used, Zeus would expose her. This is terrible.

Zeus looked at Kushida Kikyo in front of him and said calmly: "But I don't hate your behavior."

Kushida Kikyo's expression suddenly became ferocious as she looked at Zeus in front of her. Since Zeus had already seen through it, Kushida Kikyo stopped hiding it.

"What do you want to do before you let me go? From now on, we will never cross paths with each other."

Kushida Kikyo walked aside and took out a recording device.

Then he asked Zeus with a gloomy face, but Zeus smiled softly, and then started walking around the room. Then the next moment, Zeus guessed two or three more recording devices in Kushida Kikyo's incredible life. .

"You are very smart, but don't think of me as a fool. Also, my ears are better than others. I can hear some electronic noises. As long as these recording devices are turned on, they will produce some subtle sounds."

After Zeus finished speaking, he looked at Kushida Kikyo.

"There is another one in your chest, take it out yourself."

Unexpectedly, Zeus even found the recording device he had hidden on himself.

"I said, I don't want to do anything to you and you don't have to worry about what I will do to you."

Zeus was sitting on Kushida Kikyo's bed with his legs crossed.

"Would I believe it?"

"So what if you don't believe it? Do you have any means to deal with me?"

Kushida Kikyo was immediately speechless.

Kushida Kikyo has no way to deal with Zeus.

"Furthermore, do you know that all the things that happened in your middle school are recorded in this school?"

His body trembled suddenly, and Kushida Kikyo looked at Zeus with fear in his eyes.

Zeus raised an index finger to his lips.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

"I have told you that I am very interested in you, but it is not your body. What I like is your personality, bitch, bitch, and green tea."

Kushida Kikyo's eyes were full of anger. After all, Zeus was insulting Chi Guoguo.

··Request flowers 0·····

But fortunately, Kushida Kikyo calmed down the anger in her heart after taking a deep breath. Kushida Kikyo knew very well that she had no conditions to negotiate with Zeus now.

"How can you hide this?"

Zeus immediately felt a headache when he heard this sentence.

"Didn't I tell you that I don't want to do anything to you at all? If I really want to do something, I don't have to wait until now. I hold this piece of evidence, even if I let you kneel down and lick me How can you still refuse if you don’t want social death? If you don’t want the unbearable memory of middle school to resurface again, you can’t refuse.”

... .. ...

"So, do whatever you want to do."

"I do not believe."

Kushida Kikyo mocked Zeus directly.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the fact. I can also allow you to find ways to make me drop out of school, as long as you can do it, and I will not make any counterattack against you."

"Are you a psycho, or are you a jerk? Do you want me to keep framing you?"

Kushida Kikyo's delicate face instantly became twisted and ferocious, but the corners of Zeus's lips were slightly raised.

"I like you like this, twisted soul."

Kushida Kikyo was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Zeus in front of her with a look of disgust.


That's right, Kushida Kikyo has completely regarded Zeus as a psychopath.

Zeus didn't care what the other party thought of him.

All Zeus wanted was fun, and the Kushida Kikyo in front of him gave Zeus a lot of fun, so Zeus allowed him to be unbridled. five.

Chapter 784

One month passed quickly and a new month came.

And with the advent of this new month, there is always a group of people who want to cry.


Katsuragi Kohei stood in front of Zeus.

"What's matter?"

"I think Jupiter-san should be able to make a decision within this month, right?"

Zeus put his finger to his lips in a hissing motion.

"One month, I will make a decision when the next semester starts. Just one month is not enough."

Hearing Zeus' words, Katsuragi Kohei frowned slightly, then nodded and stopped disturbing Zeus.

Speaking of which, Zeus had not paid attention before, or Zeus had not deliberately collected personal points, so that the number of personal points in Zeus's hand now, plus the more than 90,000 just obtained this month, Zeus's current personal points are only Around 170,000.

Do you want to try it?

What about collecting 20 million personal points? Maybe it can trigger some achievements.

Maybe this is the first person to collect 20 million personal points since the establishment of Advanced Education High School.

Bored Zeus began to laugh at himself.

Suddenly, an email came from Zeus's terminal.

Clicking on the email, it was an email from Kushida Kikyo, asking Zeus if he had received this month's personal points.

"Tsk, tsk, it looks like Class D has fallen into hell."

Zeus could clearly see the meaning of this text message at a glance.

Zeus then clicked a few times to reply with a text message. Almost instantly, Zeus received another text message from the other party.

After seeing the text message Kushida Kikyo sent, Zeus sent a text message full of malice.

This time the other party did not reply to Zeus immediately.

Several minutes passed before the other party sent another text message.

"Come to my dormitory at 8:00 tonight."

Looking at this text message, Zeus immediately realized that this two-faced girl was obviously aware of the tragic treatment he would receive next.

"Classmate Jupiter, have you encountered anything happy?"

Suddenly a voice sounded in Zeus's ear.

Then Zeus saw the girl standing behind his left shoulder. There is no doubt that the girl who just sent text messages must have seen it.

Sakayanagi Yusu looked at Zeus's bright eyes as if he was questioning Zeus, but also as if he was looking at a cheating scumbag.

"Because another of my targets was caught in the net."

"Another target?"

"Yes, I have two goals in coming to this school. One is you, and the other is her."

Sakayanagi Yusu's brows narrowed slightly.

There is a feeling in my heart that my precious treasure has been taken away by others.

"It seems that my evaluation of Zeus-san needs to be re-evaluated."

"Can I think you are jealous?"

"Not really."

"That's a shame."

Although Zeus said this, the smile in his eyes when he looked at Sakayanagi Yusu did not diminish at all.

At 8:00 pm, Zeus came to Kushida Kikyo’s dormitory.

Looking at Kushida Kikyo who seemed to be specially dressed, Zeus said to Kushida Kikyo: "You should already understand what kind of position you are in now, right? Being in a class like that is no different from hell, so Are you planning to betray yourself now?"

"Obviously not..."

"Then can you tell me why you are so well-groomed? Miss Kushida Kikyo."

"In exchange for work, I believe that as a student in Class A, you still have a lot of personal points left in your hand, right?"

"This is natural. I do still have a lot of personal points in my hand, but how are you going to work?"

Zeus' playful eyes looked around Kushida Kikyo's body. The meaning in his eyes was obviously that rounding corners is considered work?

"You have misunderstood something."

Kushida Kikyo looked at Zeus.

"Really? So I don't know what kind of job you plan to find for yourself. I'm interested in hearing it, but I don't know what you want to say."

"Chat and play with me, but refuse to sell my body."

"Why do you think I will agree to you?"

"You will say yes, I know you will say yes."

"You seem to be convinced that I will agree to it? This is really interesting. In that case, let's talk about the salary you want."

"1,000 personal points per hour."

"The average student hourly wage for part-time work is between 60,500 and 800 yuan. Why do you think I can..."

Before Zeus could finish speaking, Kushida Kikyo directly interrupted what Zeus was about to say.

"Those who are pampered always feel confident, right?"

Zeus laughed when he heard this.

"Yes, you are right, those who are pampered always feel confident."

Zeus took out the terminal and transferred 100,000 personal points to Kushida Kikyo's mobile phone the next moment.

Kushida Kikyo looked at the 100,000 personal points on her phone, and looked at Zeus in disbelief.

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