I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 383

Zeus looked at Sakayanagi Yusu, who knew that his chest was less than his height, squatted down slightly, and then, regardless of how surprised Sakayanagi Yusu was, he directly hugged Sakayanagi Yusu into his arms.

Sakayanagi Arisu didn't seem to expect that Zeus would do such a bold thing, and was a little stunned for a moment. However, after a while, Sakayanagi Arisu reacted and did not resist and just said to Zeus: " This is not a place without other people, so you should probably let me go."

Zeus smiled slightly, and then let go of Sakayanagi Yusu.

"Are you still jealous now?"

"Isn't that natural? How can I not be jealous like this? After all, I have no way to escape and I can only choose a way to get to the dark side, right?"

Looking at Zeus in front of him, Sakayanagi Yusu sighed helplessly and said.

"Maybe others will be jealous of you, but you don't need to be jealous of others."

Hearing Zeus's words, Sakayanagi Yusu showed a thoughtful expression, and then seemed to understand something.

"Looks like I'm pretty lucky."

"Yes, you are lucky to be loved by me, but you are also unlucky for the same thing."

"Then I can only hope that my luck can last forever."

Looking at Zeus, Sakayanagi Yusu smiled calmly and accepted everything he was going to do next.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to choose to accept it so quickly. I thought you would choose to continue to resist."

"Then you want me to continue reading?"

"This answer is really..."

Looking at the smart girl in front of him, Zeus really didn't know what to say. The girl in front of him was so smart that it made Zeus feel a little distressed.

Seeing the flash of color in Zeus's eyes, the girl smiled slightly and then pushed Zeus away.

"Well, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be sensational."

"It's also true that I didn't just express my feelings just a little bit. There won't be another time."

Hearing these words from Zeus, you said with some regret: "That's such a pity. I hope I can experience it a few more times."

"Obviously you rejected it yourself just now."

"How could it be rejection? It's just that this is not a place for intimacy. I don't want to hear some gossip."

"So what about other people's words? When did you actually care about other people's eyes?"

"Who knows."

"But forget it."

Holding the personal points borrowed from Zeus, Horikita Suzune said to Chabashira Sae: "I borrowed 500,000 personal points."

Sae Chabashira looked at Horikita Suzune in surprise.

"I didn't expect you to be able to borrow so many personal points. It seems that I do underestimate you."

Then, Sae Chabashira turned to Horikita Suzune and said, "But if it's only 500,000, it's still not enough."

"You clearly said before that you only need 500,000 points."

When she heard that Sae Chabashira only wanted 500,000 personal points, she was furious. Gu Beilin could be said to have sold his dignity for these 500,000 personal points, and Sae Sae Chabashi didn't say it was enough.

If you think it’s not enough, you should tell me earlier, and then you’ll tell me it’s not enough after I borrow my personal points?

I bought a watch last year.

That is to say, Horikita Suzune can't scold her. Otherwise, Chabashira Sae, who Horikita Suzune will definitely scold now, won't be able to hold her head up.

Is this woman deliberately looking for trouble or something?

"As long as I borrow another 100,000 personal points, then this time I will really sell you the insufficient points."

Horikita Suzune had a look of struggle and confusion on her face.

Do you mean that you have to go to Zeus to borrow 100,000 personal points again? 330 Even Horikita Suzune has made changes now.

But Horikita Suzune is still not that shameless.


But what if you don't go to Zeus?

Who should I ask to borrow 100,000 personal points?

Horikita Suzune felt confused for a while.

Chabashira Sae didn't care, smoking a cigarette on the side.

This is just a test. If Horikita Suzune can really do it, then Horikita Suzune is qualified to lead the class to sprint to Class A.

"The deadline is before school this afternoon. As long as you can come up with another 100,000 personal points during this period, I will sell the points to you."

Horikita Suzune did not speak and returned to the class.

When Horikita Suzune returned to class, she clearly attracted everyone's attention.

"Horikita-san, what's the result?"

"With 100,000 personal points, as long as I take out another 100,000 personal points, plus the 500,000 personal points in my hand, everyone will not have to drop out of school, but now there is still 100,000 personal points missing."

Chapter 796

Horikita Suzune glanced at the students in front of her and said, "We are still short of 100,000 personal points. Let's all join in."

Hearing Horikita Suzune's words.

Those who have passed the exam are obviously not willing to pay these personal points. After all, personal points are quite precious now.

"It has nothing to do with us and we don't need these points, so we won't give out these personal points."

One student said this.

After hearing this sentence, Horikita Suzune's face suddenly turned cold.

Can this group of pigs really lead them to successfully defeat Class A?

"Have you ever thought about whether you would need help if something like this happened to you in the future?"

"We're not going to fail the exam."

After hearing this sentence, Horikita Suzune still knew in her heart that it was absolutely impossible for these individuals to come up with personal points.

But if they are not allowed to come up with points, how can I collect these 100,000 personal points?

Is it possible that I should continue to speak to Zeus myself?

Horikita Suzune would never be able to do such a thing.

At the same time, Horikita Suzune actually had the idea to just give up like this.

It is impossible to surpass other classes with this group of pig teammates. Instead of wasting this thought, it is better to change the idea and enter Class A alone.

"I made one last choice. Are you willing to collect these 100,000 personal points?"

No one answered, and it was clear that no one was willing to sacrifice their own interests to help others.

Horikita Suzune did not continue to ask them, but said calmly: "In that case, I have nothing to say. I have collected 500,000 personal points, and the result is indeed short of the last 100,000. Can you help me?" I have helped, but you yourself gave up such an opportunity."

After speaking, Horikita Suzune ignored the other people and turned around to leave.

Those people who were about to be expelled from school just looked at those people who were unwilling to help them, and their lives were full of hatred. Then I thought that I was about to be expelled from school, and I was always evil.

Since he was about to be kicked out of school anyway, it didn't matter what he did.

With this in mind, they began to use violence against those who looked on as they did.

Then the biggest violent incident in Gaoyu Cheng High School happened.

But at this moment, Horikita Suzune didn't know this.

Horikita Suzune found Zeus.

"Give me the terminal and I will return 500,000 personal points to you."

Zeus was immediately filled with amusement when he heard this sentence, and looked at Horikita Suzune in front of him.

"It seems like you didn't succeed, or rather failed."

"If you are mocking me, congratulations on your success."

Upon hearing this, Zeus smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Originally, I thought you would change, but you are still like this, boring. Apart from your good-looking appearance, you are really useless."

Hearing this sentence, Horikita Suzune showed a look of reluctance on her face.


But thinking that she could not refute it, Horikita Suzune's expression became a little angry, but she could only swallow her anger.

"I'll give you the 500,000 personal points. After all, if you want to upgrade to Class A, you need 20 million personal points."

Horikita Suzune was stunned for a moment, looking at Zeus as if it was a bit unbelievable. How did Zeus know that he wanted to upgrade to Class A with these 20 million personal points?

However, after Horikita Suzune was stunned for a moment, Zeus immediately said: "...No need, I will rely on my own efforts to accumulate enough 20 million personal points."

Seeing Horikita Suzune's appearance, Zeus felt even more bored.

"The way you look now is really boring, just do whatever you want."

Zeus handed the terminal to Horikita Suzune.

Soon 500,000 personal points were transferred back to Zeus's terminal, but Horikita Suzune's eyes went straight when she looked at the personal points on Zeus's terminal**.

23,456,789 personal points?

How did Zeus get so many personal points?

Zeus ignored Horikita Suzune's shock, took back his own terminal from Kubi Lingling and turned around to leave.

The expression on Horikita Suzune's face turned blue and purple as she watched Zeus leave.

How long did it take for others to accumulate enough personal points of 20 million for one thing, but what about me?

Look at the remaining three digits of personal points.

Horikita Suzune's expression began to become distorted.

This is all the suffering in the world.

Fortunately, Horikita Suzune had a good psychological self-balance and recovered quickly.

"I will definitely surpass you and take that thing back from your hands."

After saying that, she glared at Zeus's back fiercely, and then Horikita Suzune turned and left. .

Chapter 797

Horikita Suzune left, but someone came to see Zeus again. Seeing the fierce look like Kushida Kikyo, whom Zeus owed a lot of money to, Zeus couldn't help but wonder.

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

After saying that, Kushida Kikyo turned around and left. Zeus showed a smile and followed him. The smell of jealousy was really pleasant. This was what Zeus wanted.

Arriving on the rooftop, Kushida Kikyo looked at Zeus with disgust in his eyes. Zeus, this damn man, had a crush on him thanks to him, and now it turns out that he was entangled with that bitch Horikita Suzune.

Arriving on the rooftop, Kushida Kikyo turned his head and looked at Zeus with his cold eyes.

"Is Horikita Suzune that good?"

"You bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch!!!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Zeus folded his arms and just looked at the girl in front of him.

After finally venting for a while, the other party said: "What are you going to do to stop helping Horikita Suzune?"

333 "Are you ordering me?"

"Don't you like me? As long as you stop helping Horikita Suzune, I can be your girlfriend."

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