I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 384

Kushida Kikyo said to Zeus, but Zeus showed a mocking expression.

"Did I say you had some misunderstanding?"

Kushida Kikyo's expression suddenly turned stiff and she looked at Zeus.

"Isn't it because you like me that you have done so much?"


Zeus's answer made Kushida Kikyo's expression completely stiff.

Kushida Kikyo couldn't understand why Zeus had done so many things for him and still allowed him to take whatever he wanted if he didn't like her?

"Because you are a bitch, a green tea, and a bitch, do you understand? You are very interesting. Ordinary people cannot interest me, but you are different. You interest me and make me interesting, so I let you have whatever you want. Do you understand it?"

"Don't you have the slightest desire for anything?"

Zeus looked at the girl in front of him with a mocking smile.

"If you want to talk about covet, then the only thing I covet is your interesting soul. The more twisted you are, the more I like you."

Looking at Zeus in front of him, Kushida Kikyo finally couldn't help it anymore: "You are just a psychotic lunatic, Benta."

"Then if there is nothing else, it will be like this. I have other things to do."

"You are not allowed to leave."

Seeing that Zeus was actually about to leave, Kushida Kikyo immediately held Zeus in her mouth to prevent Zeus from leaving.

Zeus stopped and looked at Kushida Kikyo in front of him: "What do you want to do?"

"If you dare to leave, I will accuse you of molesting me."

After finishing speaking, Kushida Kikyo rushed to Zeus, grabbed Zeus's palm and pressed it on his bear's mouth. Zeus glanced at Kushida Kikyo with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"Your fingerprints are left on this piece of clothing of mine. This is evidence."

"Did you know? Fingerprints cannot be extracted from the fabric of this kind of school uniform, which means that it is useless for you to do it like this."

However, the next moment Zeus found that Kushida Kikyo was squeezing his hand harder.

Seeing the painful expression on Kushida Kikyo's face, Zeus couldn't help but fall into silence. This woman was so ruthless that Zeus himself was a little amazed at this woman's decisiveness.

Kushida Kikyo looked at Zeus in front of her, although there was a painful expression on her face.

But he felt more relaxed and said to Zeus: "Now I can go directly to the infirmary, even more..."

With a sudden pull on his body, the torn buttons of his school uniform flew out.

Kushida Kikyo looked at Zeus and said, "What do you think others will think if it looks like this?"

Zeus looked at Kushida Kikyo in front of him and slowly began to clap his hands.

"Sure enough, I read it right. A woman like you is the woman I am looking forward to. You are more interesting than Suzune Horikita."

"As long as you are not helping Horikita Suzune, no matter what you want to do to me, you can."


Zeus pinched Kushida Kikyo's chin with his fingers, and then said to Kushida Kikyo: "I don't like others to teach me how to do things. Do you understand what I mean? What I mean is don't be too presumptuous."

Zeus suddenly grabbed Kushida Kikyo's chin.

"You know what? Even if I do do something to you, I still have a way to prevent this school from expelling me."

Zeus was grabbed by Kushida Kikyo's hand on his heart and squeezed it hard, as if he was going to crush it. Kushida Kikyo's face showed a look of pain.

"It is true that a favored person can be confident, but this does not mean that you can be unscrupulous. It also means that you can do whatever you want, and it does not mean that you can instruct me to do anything."

Zeus let go of Kushida Kikyo.

Kushida Kikyo secretly hated Zeus.

"Is Horikita Suzune so good? Why do you all like Horikita Suzune so much?"

Seeing Kushida Kikyo roaring loudly, Zeus chuckled. .

Chapter 798

Looking at Kushida Kikyo, who had been overwhelmed by the fire of jealousy, Zeus said softly: "I don't know how good Horikita Suzune is, but now I have some interest in Horikita Suzune. .”

"Of course, my current interest in Horikita Suzune is not as much as yours. Compared to Horikita Suzune, I still value you, but this does not mean that I will give up on any interesting things about Horikita Suzune." I will carefully observe, even cultivate, and make interesting things so that I will not lose interest in them, so you have to work hard and don't let me lose interest in you."

Looking at Zeus in front of him, Kushida Kikyo, who was overwhelmed by the fire of jealousy, slowly regained his senses, and then looked at Zeus with eyes full of disgust.

"How can there be a guy like you in this world?"

There is no doubt that in Kushida Kikyo's opinion, Zeus is a very perverted guy.

"You will understand in the future, but now, you don't need to understand that you only need to follow the arrangements I give you, or that it is enough for you to work hard to please me."


Kushida Kikyo looked at Zeus and let out a clear laugh.

Then he looked at Zeus with a gloomy look and said, "Sooner or later, I will make you regret it. I want you to understand that Horikita Suzune can't even compare to one of my toes."

Zeus smiled softly when he heard this sentence, then clapped his hands and looked at Kushida Kikyo in front of him and said: "If you can do it, then I will naturally be 10% happy, and there is even a faint feeling in my heart. I hope you can really do this. You should understand what I mean, right?"

Zeus looked at Kushida Kikyo in front of him with a faint smile in his eyes.

"I will prove that the Horikita Suzune you fancy is just a vase, and I am the only one worthy of your fancy."

"Then work hard. I'm looking forward to your performance. If you perform well, I will give you some rewards."

Staring at Zeus, Kushida Kikyo snorted softly.

"Then that's it, I'm going to leave now. I'm looking forward to what surprise you will bring me next time."

Zeus left the rooftop with a slightly happy mood.

But Zeus's mood was soon ruined. Seeing the smile on the face of Zeus, a man standing in front of him, disappear. Tongshan Shengye was originally a student in Class A of the second year, but because of losing to Nagyun Ya , causing him to change from Class A of the second year to Class B of the second year.

However, this guy still has several identities. The other person is a dog under Nanyunya who works for Nanyunya.

The other opponent is also the traitor planted by Horikita Manabu among the second graders.

In other words, this guy has multiple identities.

Zeus put away the smile on his face and seemed not to pay attention to the other party, but the other party took the initiative and stepped forward as if he wanted to talk to Zeus.

"I'm in second grade..."

Zeus turned around and left before the other person could finish what he said, without any intention of taking the other person seriously.

Suddenly the expression on the other party's face turned ugly.

However, it seems that thinking of his current responsibility, the other party suppressed the anger in his heart.

"I have a deal to make with you, which will allow you to get at least 200,000 personal points."

Zeus had a mocking look on his face after hearing this.

··Request flowers 0·····

"Why are you no longer satisfied with being Nagumo Masaru's dog and Horikita Manabu's spy? Are you planning to go it alone now, or are you planning to do something behind Horikita Manabu and Nagumo Masaru's back?"

After hearing Zeus's words, the other party's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Zeus in front of him with fear in his eyes.

How did Zeus know these things? Why did Zeus know so clearly?

"I advise you not to do anything unnecessary. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen to you. Maybe you will die miserably. Do you want to give it a try?"

... ... ...

After Zeus finished speaking, he did not continue to pay attention to the other party, but walked directly past. The other party looked at Zeus with eyes full of struggle, but did not dare to say anything more and could only watch Zeus leave.


Just looking at Zeus's leaving figure, there was a hint of resentment in the other person's eyes?

Seemingly sensing the resentment in the other party's heart, Zeus sneered.

Idiots like the other party are hopeless.

But Zeus had no intention of selling the other party out.

Zeus is looking forward to it, looking forward to whether the other party can bring him any fun. Zeus is also looking forward to what kind of trouble Nagyunya will bring him.

Zeus believed that the other party would definitely stir up trouble in front of Nayunya. At the same time, Zeus also expected that Nayunya would come to trouble him.

Life is a bit boring, so you should always find some fun for yourself to enjoy.

Nagyun Ya, this guy Zeus is quite annoying to look at.

Just use it to make some articles.

I just don’t know if Nagyunya will jump out. five.

Chapter 799

In the quiet library, Zeus and Yusu Sakayanagi were playing chess.

"The second graders are ready to move and seem to want to cause trouble for you. Are you ready?"

"It doesn't matter, they'll come as soon as they come. It just so happens that I'm also a little unhappy with the second-year Nanyunya, so I just have to use it to kill some boring time."

Hearing Zeus's words, Sakayanagi Arisu felt helpless: "Only you can make this matter so easy."

"That's not necessarily the case. If it's you, it doesn't seem to be a big problem."

"Then you think too highly of me. Although I have some means, don't think of me as omnipotent."

"If you want it, you can do it."

Sakayanagi Yusu heard the meaning of Zeus's words, that is, as long as Sakayanagi Yusu wants it, Zeus can help her do it.

"The way you look makes people think you are partial."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are prepared to face them."

"What will happen if I can't bear it?"

"Nothing will happen. They don't dare to do anything to you. After all, they are all smart people."

Zeus knew very well that Hera and the others might be jealous, but they would never be stupid enough to do anything to Sakayanagi Yusu.

"Then let's hope so."

Looking at Zeus, Sakayanagi Yusu sighed softly.

Although I have already accepted my fate, if I can't bear it, then I probably will. . .

Although Sakayanagi Yusu thinks that she is excellent, she will never be arrogant enough to think that other women around Zeus are not as good as her.

With the power of Zeus, can the woman who appears next to Zeus be an ordinary woman?

It's obviously impossible.

"It's really a headache."

Glancing at Zeus, Sakayanagi Yusu sighed.

"Are you worried?"

"well enough."

Zeus glanced at Sakayanagi Yusu.

"What are you worried about?"

"My body, I know very well what kind of condition my body is in. Today's medical technology cannot cure me at all. To put it bluntly, I can't even do some strenuous exercise. You should understand What do I mean by strenuous exercise?"

"Can I stay by your side like this?"

"I said yes, then yes."

"Although I think that I am much better than other ordinary women, I am not absolutely arrogant to the extent that I think you can't do it without me. So if you fall in love with other women in the future, please at least say goodbye." Tell me this and I hope to live a few more years."

When Zeus heard this, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

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