"Lord Hobart, do you think the Hightower family can still survive?" Samantha Tarly asked. She was the second wife of Mond Hightower. Before her, Mond Hightower left behind He had four children. The eldest son Leonor and the second son Martin have been killed in the battle. The third son Guymond is far away in Highgarden. It is estimated that he has either become a prisoner, has been killed, or has declared rebellion at this time. Of Otto's line, only Queen Alison is left in King's Landing. The sons of the old Earl Hobart are probably all gone, and of his brother's children, only Hobart is left. The Hightowers they arranged in the church and the city are probably in danger.

"I will accept all punishments from Queen Rhaenyra, whether it is beheading or wearing black clothes." Hobart knew that according to the aristocratic rules of Westeros, Gaymond would basically not be killed, and the Hightower family would There is hope. "I just ask you to take good care of Bethany and the girls. You are Prince Longzel's wife and sister, and he will definitely respect your wishes."

Samantha Tully watched Hobart Hightower resolutely walk out of the room, she couldn't help but shook her head, turned around and hugged her stepdaughter Bethany, who had woken up. "Mom, what happened? Where are dad and brothers?"

"Nothing, nothing." Samantha Talley said softly, patting the little girl's back.

The Queen's quarter heraldic flag was erected in Oldtown.

Earl Thaddeus Rowan signaled the trembling Guymond Hightower to move forward. The 13-year-old boy had his legs cut off in front of him, as did the middle-aged man who was still holding an infantry halberd. A Hightower, the fifth son of the old Earl of Hobart and captain of the city guard who guarded the city gates.

"Child, kill him and you can prove your sincerity." Count Axel Florent, who had a long face with a pointed chin and a pair of huge ears, clapped his hands and said. He led 900 cavalry and 1,800 infantry to join the crusade after the Battle of Flower Valley.

Lady Zhenthia Fossoway and Harlon Tyrell watched this scene with interest. Guymond Hightower was a melancholy and shy boy. Duke Lars Tyrell's cupbearer and attendant are actually Earl Mond's informants. But this boy never actually revealed any information about Duke Loras. After the Battle of Flower Valley, the Tyrell family officially raised the queen's four-quarter heraldic flag and decided to fight for the queen. Gaymond was so frightened that he almost committed suicide. Thanks to Sir Haroon's timely discovery of the child who had been sinking in the fountain for a long time, he managed to escape with his life. After thinking about it for a night, Gaymond decided to join the Tyrell army and join them in the crusade against his family.

Middle-aged Hightower's eyes shone when he saw Gaymund. "Kill me, you brat, idiot, son of a bitch. Is your fucking sword blunt? Give me a hard time!"

Tears welled up in Gamond's eyes, and he finally made up his mind to close his eyes, and stabbed the middle-aged Hightower with a spear. The spear slipped on Hightower's breastplate, and suddenly penetrated He fell onto the cobblestones beside him and almost fell down, including Gaymond Hightower.

"Are you fucking blind? You son of a bitch!" The middle-aged Hightower was still yelling angrily. "Open your eyes, my neck is here, stab me in the neck!" He raised his finger and pointed at his neck and shouted. Gaymond gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, raised his spear, and stabbed the middle-aged Hightower in the neck again.

This time, the puncture was not missed. Blood gushed out from middle-aged Hightower's neck like spring water, and he closed his eyes with satisfaction.

"Parricide" Gaymond, Gaymond has determined his identity in his heart.

"Gamond, you have proven your loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen." The voice came from Jakaris flying low above. Fearing that there would be remnants of the Hightower forces waiting for an opportunity, Jakaris would either fly high in the sky, or fly low among the crowd. Avoid the crossbow arrows that may fly at any time. "Have faith in the kindness of the Queen."

The school city.

Dr. Mukun squeezed his thigh hard. His mask hid his expression well. Doctors from the Cardinal Council came to the Crow Island in small boats one after another. Wormisor lay on the ancient tower. On the fortress, the huge body almost makes people think that the fortress will be crushed by the dragon at any time. Even so, the dragon's tail still hangs down in the sea water. Long Zell looked at the doctors wearing different masks in front of him. "Where are the doctors of ravenology, astronomy and medicine?"

"Your Highness, the doctors of ravenology and astronomy are calculating the arrival time of winter." The doctor of astrology wearing a bronze mask and holding a bronze scepter said with some trembling: "They need detailed and uninterruptible calculations, so, Your Highness , I'm sorry. The two doctors can't be here, but we can convey your order. There is something wrong with the medical doctor."

"Okay, then you inform all the remaining doctors to seal up all the books, collections and experimental equipment in the city. In three days, my ship will come to pick you up. You did not stop Hightower's treasonous act and you need to go to King's Landing to accept it. Her Majesty’s Inquiry.”

"Your Highness, this is against the rules. The city never interferes in politics and strictly adheres to neutrality, Your Highness." The doctor of history and the doctor of political science shouted at the same time, but Long Zell didn't even look at them and just said,

"Either follow the ship in three days, or you can follow Vomisol today. My army will take over the school city immediately." After saying that, he patted Vomisol gently, and the dragon roared and flew into the sky again.

The doctors stared blankly at the dragon going away, and suddenly they collectively shuddered. The Doctor of Occultism wearing a Valyrian steel mask suddenly jumped up as if he had been burned by fire: "Come a few people, the dragon information in the cellar cannot be discovered by the royal family."

"Dr. Rosen, just discover it if you find it." The doctor of military science wearing an iron mask grabbed the doctor of occult science: "As long as we kill the dragon for research, the royal family will not be held accountable. What happened to Dr. Kerron? What's wrong? "Why don't you come over?"

Finally, a small boat hurriedly docked, and Dr. Korron hurried over without even having time to bring his silver scepter: "Something big happened."

"What's wrong?" Several doctors hurriedly gathered around, and Dr. Mu Kun first explained the situation just now. Before he finished speaking, Dr. Korron's desperate voice almost resounded throughout the entire Crow Island.

"The specimens of patients with tremors and dragon pox are missing from the ice cellar!" Dr. Kerron shouted in horror: "According to the condition of the ice cellar door, those specimens have been missing for at least three weeks!"

"Seven hells."

Wormisor and Wormax met in the air, Silver Wing continued to patrol the city, the white flag had been hoisted on the towering tower, Samantha Tully took the few remaining girls of the Hightower family and Hobart Hightower I walked out of the tower with bare feet.

Before deciding the future of the Hightower family, Ronzel's more important thing was Helena and her three children. Wormisor landed next to Menghuo, and just one look made the blue dragon take a few steps back in fear.

Longzell led Jakaris into the huge Starry Temple. No priest dared to look at the "Dragon Knight" wearing Valyrian steel armor and holding the Valyrian steel sword "Silver Blood" in his hand. of Ronzel. He just led Jakaris through the corridor and walked to Queen Helena and the Archbishop. Longzell drew a seven-pointed star on his chest to show respect for the Archbishop.

"Your Highness, the church has never supported a usurper's act of usurping the throne." The archbishop breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Long Zell drew a seven-pointed star instead of directly drawing his sword. "The bishop who participated in the coronation ceremony of the usurper in King's Landing has been excommunicated. The members of the traitor Hightower in the church have been executed by clergy representative warriors loyal to the orthodox queen. Their bodies are behind, you can"

"No need, Your Majesty the Archbishop." Long Zell could sense that there were more than a dozen corpses densely packed behind him. They were indeed Hightower's ethnic group. "I believe in the sincerity of the church, but the church also has to prove its sincerity to Her Majesty the Queen." Long Zell looked at the archbishop coldly, and his deep purple eyes made the archbishop tingle all over.

"Please speak. Your Highness, Your Highness."

"We also invite the Archbishop and the Cardinals to go to King's Landing." Jakaris kissed the Archbishop's finger politely, and then said in a cold voice: "My mother's coronation ceremony still needs the Archbishop's supplement. She believes in the Seven Gods. The blessing is an indispensable part of a true king. In addition, the people of King's Landing are also eager to see the heroic appearance of the Archbishop."

The Archbishop immediately realized what Jakaris meant. The Starry Cathedral in Old Town might become history.

"I understand, Your Highness, the Church will fully assist Her Majesty in her rule."

While Prince Jakaris was negotiating with the Archbishop, Ronzel walked over to Helena.

"Cousin Ronzel, I saw Aegon die in the flames." Helena opened her eyes that had lost any look. "I saw my mother falling from the tower. I saw the sightless eyes of my children. Cousin, will you kill my children?"

"Their only mistake was that they were born into the wrong family at the wrong time." Ronzel sighed and sat down next to Helena. "But the children are indeed innocent. As long as they swear a sacred oath, give up the Targaryen name, and be looked after by me or the royal family for life, they can still survive. Meral and Jaehaerys may become white knights. Maybe she will become a close minister of the royal family, maybe she will become an excellent bachelor, Jagenira will become an excellent nun, the kingdom will tolerate the survival of the children, and so will I."

"I understand, thank you, cousin, what about the Hightower family?" Helena nodded lightly, but she did not ask about her future. Instead, she was worried about the future of her mother's family.

"The crime of the Hightower family is treason, my little niece." Longzell shook his head: "Only Gaymund can survive because of his righteous deeds, and the Hightower family's fiefdom will be deprived of all, including the Towering Tower. and Oldtown, where Lord Hobart will be put on trial to decide whether to be beheaded or clothed in black, and the Hightowers will have to pay a fine for everything they stole from the treasury and the crown, and the girls will be sent to the Silent Sisters. Or serve as a nun. As for Gaymund, I will grant him a piece of land on Gray Horror Island to reward him for bringing order to justice, but I will decide his future wife. I hope the Hightower family's wealth is enough to pay the fine. , otherwise poor Gaymund and his descendants will have to bear this debt. Of course, this is the result of discussions between Xiaojie and I, and the final decision lies with Queen Rhaenyra."

"I thank you for your kindness on behalf of my mother's family." Helena understood that Long Zell now has the power to influence the situation in the kingdom, and only he can protect his children.

"Aren't you curious about yourself?" Longzel sighed when he asked this question. He could see that the magic pollution on Helena, who frequently used Dragon Dream, was getting worse. The magic of the children of the forest and her own backlash destroyed her vitality.

"I won't live long, uncle, you told me." Helena smiled and looked at the children who knew nothing and were still playing around. "I will use my death to exchange for their lives."

"In fact, there is no need to do this."

"This is the last thing a mother can do for her children." Helena was still smiling, but Longzel could see the tears in the girl's eyes.

"I hope they can forget who their parents are when they grow up."

The second update, the Internet was disconnected and the power was cut off this afternoon. The power was not connected until 9 o'clock. People are going to die. Tomorrow is normal time. Three updates the day after tomorrow.

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