Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 113 Judgment Day? Day of Spoils Division

As Samantha Tarly left the Tower with the remaining girls of the Hightower family, the resistance in Oldtown came to an end. The main branch of the Hightower family, which had ruled the Whispering Bay from the Tower for nearly ten thousand years, was almost completely wiped out. , only the distant branches that had been reduced to civilians and minor nobles escaped because they did not have the right to join the army.

"Your Highness, please take a look, this is the list of rebels we have compiled." Count Thaddeus Rowan walked into the camp outside the city with the list of Green Party nobles. Three giant dragons were resting in the open space. Zell, along with Valarr, took Jakaris and sat in a circle around Vormisor's tail. Sitting with them were two Alans, Count Vanson Caon, Lady Zhenthia Fossoway, Count Roland Cotoine, and Guymund Hightower sitting cautiously aside. For his timely return and the killing of important members of the Hightower family, he was awarded the Grayhold, a stone castle on the Gray Island to maintain the last Hightowers.

Wormisor opened his eyes and glanced at Count Thaddeus, raised his tail and let him go. Count Thaddeus couldn't help but gulp when he looked at this huge beast, and then slowly walked into the small circle.

"The Hightowers are the leaders of the rebel party. Their punishment has basically been determined. It depends on whether Her Majesty the Queen chooses to have Sir Hobart put on black clothes or beheaded directly." Vanson Caon said: "Your Highness, Haito As for the Tal territory, the Hightower family's vassals, the Mulundall family, the Kuy family and the Bulwe family also participated in the rebellion, as well as the Blackbar family of Half Dome and the Peak family. Three castles: Starshuttle City, White Garden City, and Dustonbury. Although Urwin Peake was also the core of the rebellion, he was also the hero who dedicated Oldtown."

"They will accept the punishment of the kingdom." Long Zell said calmly: "If they dare to disobey, I will ride on Wormisor to teach them that there is a price to pay for betrayal. All four families will be deprived of their territories and titles. Punishment. As for the Peak family, all three castles and affiliated territories of their family were deprived. Urwin Peak’s credit saved his head.” Longzell looked at Prince Jakaris: “Among the four rebel families The grown men and Ulwin Peck will be clothed in black and go to serve on the Wall, and Cragen will welcome them. As for Ulwin's children, does he have any?"

"He has a son, Titus Peake. And a daughter." Guymund Hightower said timidly: "I saw Titus in the barracks."

"Oh, I remembered." Alan Tully slapped his thigh: "He is my prisoner, he is a very brave young man." Since Alan took over his father's broken heart, he seemed to have forgotten that he was less than ten years old. Nine years old, also a child.

"I will reserve a piece of land for him." Long Zell sighed: "But he cannot inherit his father's title and title. From now on, the Peak family can only exist as a wealthy knight family."

"A very fair punishment." Mrs. Zhenxia nodded. "Prince Longzel, according to your request, half of the Hightower family's territory will be divided to you as war compensation, and the other half will be handed over to families loyal to the queen."

Ronzel drew a line on the map, "Earl Alan Bisbury will swear allegiance to me, and the Yangwu City of the Kuy family, the Highland City of the Mullendall family and the affiliated territories will be assigned to my family. Count Roland Cotoin and his new territory will be sworn to your son, Lady Zhencia. The Half Dome will be taken over by Count Rowan, and part of the Blabar family's territory will be allocated to Count Florent. The town will also do the appropriate zoning.”

"The old town is under the king's control." Prince Jakaris took over Longzel's arrangement. "The royal family has decided to move the church to King's Landing. The archbishop will temporarily reside in the Our Lady of Grace Cathedral in King's Landing. My mother will build a cathedral named after my mother for the archbishop after King's Landing has sufficient finances. It will be larger than The Starry Cathedral is even more magnificent.”

Jakaris pointed to the school city on the map: "The school city will also be split up, and the Cardinals will all move to King's Landing. I plan to allocate the land of the Alchemist Guild to them. The Cardinals need to carry out the bachelor's necklace under the supervision of the royal family. The casting and issuance of gold, the old town only retains teaching places for several disciplines, history will be moved to King's Landing, the teaching of Ravenology, Metallurgy, Medicine and Occultism will be transferred to Silvercrown City, Lord Longzell generously donated the Silver Crown A large piece of land in Mian City was loaned to the school for the construction of new classrooms and a large library."

"Won't this cause dissatisfaction in the school city?" Mrs. Zhenxia asked worriedly.

"If they are dissatisfied, let them tell the dragon." Long Zell smiled: "They always misestimate their power. Knowledge is indeed power, but under the dragon's flame, all living beings are equal."

The treatment of the rebellious princes in the West has also been temporarily decided before launching the general offensive. The punishment conditions temporarily determined by Longzell include that the Lannister family will be fined one million pure gold dragons to punish the Lion family for their actions in the early stages of the war. Rebellion, Westerling, Casterly Rock, Golden Tooth, Nun Keep, Tarbeck Hall, Castamere's gold mines will pay 70% of the gold mined within ten years to the crown, Lannisport's tax rate will increase, participate The rebellious princes of the Western Region were required to pass their titles to their heirs, then put on black clothes and go to the Great Wall to serve.

The princes of the Western Territory gratefully accepted this condition. Long Zell did not even ask for hostages or reduce the fiefdom. This was a great grace to the princes of the Western Territory.

This time.

King's Landing. The common people, who were already overwhelmed by high tax rates, suffered another blow.

"Priest, save my child, save my child." A woman hugged the cold little girl and threw herself next to the shepherd. The shepherd stretched out his hand wrapped in cloth and touched the little girl's face. and her blue lips.

"Another lamb of the Seven Gods was taken away by the devil." The shepherd sighed. "My child, it's tremors. The devil from back then is back."

The woman with "tremors" suddenly panicked and threw the child in her arms to the ground. The crowd of people who stood up and watched guiltily dispersed with a roar. How could the citizens of King's Landing forget about the Shivers, the Shivers epidemic that killed almost half of King's Landing's population? The shepherd stood in the middle of the crowd, holding up his broken staff with his good arm.

"Brothers and sisters! Don't forget that it was the demon sitting on the Iron Throne who made incest and burned the devout believers of the Seven Gods with a dragon. The Seven Gods brought that disaster. Now, the disaster has come again. The disaster is coming again! The devil is not in hell, the devil is on the Iron Throne. Brothers and sisters, the dissolute woman on the Iron Throne is also the product of incest and the object of desperation by the gods, so disaster has come again. Everyone, this paragraph Over time, I have seen too many brothers and sisters die in the cold and hunger. There is bread in the market, but we can't afford it. Now, the plague has come again. This is the god's attempt to use demons on us. Replacing the punishment of the gods!"

The shepherd suddenly opened his tattered clothes, revealing the seven-pointed star pattern tattooed on his chest: "Brothers and sisters, do you want to eat bread and drink beer? Do you want to survive the great plague? Come on, the seven gods will guide you. Looking at us, the seven gods look at us lovingly, and they will protect us as long as we find our way back.”

He knelt devoutly among the crowd and shouted: "Seven gods are above us!"

The people in Flea Bottom raised their hands one after another. They seemed to be infected by the shepherd: "Seven gods are on top, seven gods are on top!"

Red Fort, Prime Minister's Tower.

"Cold, cold."

Maester Gladys stopped Rhaenyra, and the queen looked worriedly at Miss Marseille, who was shaking and coughing in the room. This is already the seventh member of the Red Keep to show similar symptoms.

"Have you found out what the disease is?" Queen Rhaenyra asked nervously. Maester Gladys sighed and closed the door: "Shivering syndrome, Your Majesty, this disease develops and worsens very quickly. In the patient In the early stages of the disease, they will be tortured by the chill radiating from the inside out and shiver uncontrollably. This situation will get worse until their teeth chatter and their arms and legs twitch. When the stranger approaches, the seriously ill people will cough up blood uncontrollably, and finally they will die. My lips will turn a hideous blue."

The maester stopped Rhaenyra from getting closer: "During the last tremors epidemic, Princess Daenerys, the daughter of King Jaehaerys, became a victim. Her death also means that your bloodline cannot protect you. Be protected from the Shivers, a disease that is almost fatal to the elderly and children, especially if Princess Benilla and Prince Joffrey are still with you."

"What should we do?" Rhaenyra panicked when she heard the children's names.

"Your Majesty, I know a place to go." A woman's voice came from the stairs, and "White Maggot" Mesalia walked out of the shadows. She is now serving the queen. As a hero of the opening of King's Landing, she serves as The queen's intelligence chief. "There is a manor outside King's Landing, located high on the coast. It was bought by Lord Tigaro Dagarion, Prince Longzel's subordinate, when he lived in King's Landing. It is secluded enough and can effectively isolate the flow of people in King's Landing. "

"Okay, okay." Rhaenyra's panic was almost written on her face: "I will take the children and move over there."

"Your Majesty, what should we do to prevent the epidemic?" Maester Gladys asked. Grand Maester Orvel, who was supposed to be his powerful assistant, was arrested and imprisoned by Rhaenyra. Now he can only handle the work of the plague. "In addition to the tremors, there are three servants in the Red Keep infected with dragon pox. However, the mortality rate of dragon pox is too high and it is difficult to spread on a large scale."

Rhaenyra was stunned when she heard about epidemic prevention. "Good maester, I leave this task to you."

First update to check in. Today I’m miserable. I’m asked to do a lot of work. The third update will be tomorrow.

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