Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 135 Candidates for the White Knight (two in one)

The list is very long. It can be seen that Sebastian and Aslan have put in a lot of effort. The two Kingsguards in King's Landing are obviously also very dedicated to their duties. However, as Aegon's adoptive father, Longzell has the responsibility to provide for his adopted son and his family. The king had secured this barrier, and Long Zell carefully sorted out the current palace political situation. Aegon, who was fostered here, was surrounded by the five-fingered palace of Dragon Nest City, and King's Landing was the royal council without the king's hands in charge of the regent. , after the Dance of the Dragons, Daemon reorganized the King's Landing Council.

Count Bartimus Celtija continued as chancellor. Although his "Ten Thousand Taxes on Crabs" has been criticized by the people of King's Land, Bartimus was at least incorruptible, fair, and meticulous when he was not short of money. In the two years after the Dance of the Blood Dragon, Bartimus , actually replenished the treasury. Not only did there be enough funds to renovate King's Landing, but there was also some leftover.

Tyran Lannister, who rebelled in time, continued to serve as Sea Lord. Before him, Lord Corlys held this position, and Tyran became the Lord Advocate. It was not until Lord Corlys sadly left King's Landing that Tyran He took over the position of Lord of the Sea and was responsible for establishing a royal fleet belonging to the Targaryen family. His position as Lord Advocate was succeeded by Ser Medric Manderly, the heir of the Manderly family. Duke Regan went south, and although he did not participate in the war, he became an important symbol of peace between the North and the Iron Throne.

The cardinals of the city who stayed in King's Landing selected the new grand maester Dr. Mukun. This grand maester is also one of the few grand maesters in decades who does not serve the king. As for the Kingsguard. To be honest, Dragon's Nest City has no need for this team, but this team is a symbol of royal power and an indispensable object. Therefore, after two years of procrastination, the King's Kingsguard team must be formed. Get up.

Thinking of this, Longzell once again lamented the fate and gods. The ships of Captain Stephen Darklin and Iron Guard Elric Kagel are on the island of Tarth. If it stays a few days later, they will have He might run into the dragon thief's ship, so he wouldn't have to worry about it himself.

With his thoughts retracted, Long Zell began to look through the list of White Knight candidates compiled by everyone. Sebastian divided the list into three categories simply and roughly: those with prominent family backgrounds, political significance and high martial arts skills, and those with high martial arts skills but low status. , there are also those who have great military exploits but are actually just showy. Sebastian very carefully distinguished the first type from the third type, so that people can see the difference at a glance. So much so that Longzell simply threw the third category aside. He would let them stand in front of the king, but he would never let them wear white robes.

There are seventeen knights to choose from in the first and second categories.

They are Ser Torrhen Manderly from the north. He is the second son of the Manderly family and a majestic warrior. He went south with Duke Cregen. Although he did not directly participate in the war, people witnessed him wielding his long sword. Bravery with a battle ax and trident.

Valley has selected five knight candidates, namely:

Sir William Royce of Runestone City, a branch of the Royce family. In order to support this brave young knight, Attis Royce gave him a set of bronze rune armor and gave him the family's Valery Leah's steel sword Lament was lent to him.

Ser Adrian Redford of the Red Base was once recruited by Queen Rhaenyra to serve as her Queen's Guard. However, due to the long distance and the sudden plague in King's Landing, Ser Adrian was forced to stay in Gulltown. Until now, he boarded a merchant ship again, preparing to go south to fulfill his obligations.

Sir Tyr Tempaton of Nine Star City, this is a spirited old man and the previous "Knight of Nine Star City". This old man led two thousand warriors on horseback to join Arti during the Dance of the Blood Dragon. Royce led the army out of the valley. This time, he went to Dragon's Nest City as a knight, bringing with him the Valyrian steel sword "Star Mirror" inherited by the Tempaton family, and vowed to fulfill his mission. The highest honor of the knights of Westeros.

Sir Garon Belmore of Hongge City and Sir Will Hunter of Longbow Hall. These two young knights are only seventeen years old, but they both participated in the Dance of the Blood Dragon, as Attis Law The vanguard cavalry sent by Earl Yisse was patrolling outside the Blood Gate. Ser Garon is good at riding a lance, while Ser Will is rarely good at riding and shooting. Even Red Robb praised the young knight's shooting skills.

The Riverlands elected two knights, Ser William Blackwood of the Blackwood family, and Ser Cole Darry of the Darry family. Both knights directly participated in the Battle of the Red Fork. He proved his bravery on the battlefield and made great achievements in battle.

The Reach sent three knights, namely Ser Tom Flowers, the bastard son of the Caswell family of Bitterbridge, Ser Rickard Florent, the second son of the Florent family of Brightwater City, and Renly of the Golden Tree City. ·Sir Rowan, these three knights have all participated in the previous battles in the Reach and performed bravely on the battlefield, thus gaining the qualification to be selected.

The king has three knights selected.

Ser Harold Dark comes from the Darklyn family in Duskendale. The Darklyn family is a branch of the Darklyn family. This heroic knight participated in many battles during the Dance of the Dragons. He was once Stephen Sir Darklin's squire. After following Stephen to escape to Dragonstone, he was appointed by the Queen to assist in the defense of Duskendale. When Christon Cole led his army to attack Duskendale, he did not surrender. He led the remnant army to fight guerrillas. It was not until Kriston was destroyed and the dragon fell that he joined the army in the Riverlands and was granted a piece of land near Harrenhal. However, the knight valued the knight's honor more. He sold the land and submitted an application to the White Sword Tower, hoping to serve the king.

Ser Robin Marseille from Stone Dance City and Ser Robert Darklin from Duskendale. Although these two are not as outstanding as Harold Dark, they are also famous knights in the king's territory. Now they also serve as The candidates were placed on Ronzel's desk.

Ser Gaelin Dinwart, Ser Alan Santagar and Ser Dick Brymond of House Dinwart from Dorne. These three knights all came from the famous houses of Dorne and all followed Doran Gorgenless. The earl led his army north to defend the Stormlands together with Aslan Rondel. Although he did not see any blood, he could be regarded as an outstanding knight with war experience.

Longzell looked at this list, thought for a while, and then opened another list. The king cannot live without his own people, so among the five white knights selected for Aegon, there must also be Longzell. People, Tigaro Dagarion selected several candidates for Longzell. Longzell looked through their information. The second son of the Cavron family, Joffrey Cavron, um, is a brave man. A boy, but he is too young and does not have many advantages compared to other knights, but he can leave it to Ringor. It just so happened that he was training the next generation of blood-sworn brothers. Although Joffrey Cavron was a little older, he was quite suitable.

Ronzel tore off Joffrey Cavron's information and put it aside. The next one was Ser Brandon Tarly, a branch of the Tarly family. Ronzel recalled this Brandon carefully and seemed to have some impression. He had seen this taciturn knight at his wedding to Diana. If he remembered correctly, Brandon Tully also participated in the Valley of Flowers. The Battle of Oldtown and the Battle of Oldtown are a good choice. I heard that Arana also gave him the Valyrian steel sword "Orphan Maker" as a gift so that he could run for the Kingsguard.

"Alan is a smart kid." Ronzel circled Brandon Talley's name. "Don't let me down." Tigaro provided many names, but most of them could not pass, including a brave Dothraki roaring warrior Zhuoko provided by Ago. Ago said in the information that if it were not for the dragon Zell needs it, and he has made this warrior his "bandit", which shows that his "bloodriders" attach great importance to this warrior. Unfortunately, the tradition of Westeros will not accept a Dothraki wearing white robes.

Long Zell put down the list of his own people, picked up the list of knights with low status but high martial arts skills and glanced around. He found that it was similar to the list selected by Sebastian, so he put it down with confidence.

In other words, there are a total of eighteen knights competing for the positions of five Kingsguards. No, it should be seventeen knights competing for the positions of four Kingsguards. Thinking of this, Long Zell suddenly had an impulse.

Shall there be a great joust, and the results of the joust will be used to determine the candidates for the Kingsguard? Longzell rubbed the table and thought of a good way. Perhaps, let Aegon make his own decision. According to Aegon's young mind, he would probably choose to let the knights solve the problem through a showdown.

Just when Long Zell was thinking, the door rang. Long Zell raised his head and heard who it was.

His Faceless squire Kungul Porter.

"Come in." Ronzel said, and the Faceless Man opened the door and walked in: "Your Highness, there is news from the Black and White Court, a Faceless Man has arrived in Westeros, and he has boarded the ship in Braavos. , the ports where the merchant ship named 'Pearl Maid' will stop include Sisters, White Harbor, Seagull Town, Spice Town, King's Landing, Tarth Island, Silvercrown City, and Old Town. Do we need to monitor the Faceless One? Where is the person going?”

Long Zell frowned. Who would hire a faceless man at this time? Although the situation in the kingdom is slightly turbulent, it is definitely not a matter of life and death. "Monitor the whereabouts of the faceless man you mentioned." Long Zell said: "If there is anything unusual, or where he got off the ship, tell me as soon as possible."

"I obey your will." Kungur Porter bowed slightly and slowly exited the room, leaving Longzel alone to figure out the possible targets of the Faceless Man. At this moment, Long Zell suddenly leaned his ear against the black stone wall and listened for a while, then stood up and rushed outside.

The dragon's lair at this time.

Womax flew back to the dragon's lair angrily. As soon as he landed, he crawled towards Womisor's lair and roared several times inside. In response, Womaxor gave a long dragon roar, and Womax barked again. A few times, this time Womisor responded with a bit of anger. Womax wanted to shout something more, but was yelled by the shadow nightmare crawling out of the lair, and heard Silver Wings' peaceful voice again. Roaring, he flicked his tail and crawled back to his nest.

After a while, Wormisor poked his head out of his lair and let out a roar that made the entire dragon lair tremble.

The lifting platform slowly stabilized, and Longzel hurried to Womiso's lair. Womiso stretched his neck and came to Longzel, letting Longzel stick to his dragon head, and roared a little.

"I know, I know, I have sent people to check, don't worry, don't worry." Longzel patted Womiso's head gently, "I will find out who did it, I will take you to deal with them immediately, don't worry, don't worry."

Womiso slowly raised his head and roared again, and Womax's roar came afterwards, seeming to be very satisfied with the fairness of the "monarch" of the dragon cave.

"I have to let Rey write this down." Longzel said secretly: "I didn't expect that in the orderly dragon cave, the giant dragon who served as the monarch would actually stand up for the lower young dragon."

Longzel was thinking, and the children had already started to enjoy the hot springs. Several hot springs were opened at the bottom of the Laurel Leaf Tower, and natural hot spring water under the Red Mountains was introduced, which was very suitable for bathing.

Aegon soaked himself in the hot spring comfortably, letting his thick silver hair spread in the spring water. He only felt that the muscle soreness caused by his dragon riding training was slowly swept away by the hot spring. In addition, the servants brought him food. Washed grapes, peeled blood oranges, and cut melons were just part of the decoration of the food. There were also fried small steaks and eggs, soft white bread with honey, and a glass of sweet lemonade. There was a similar meal next to Lingol.

But the eldest son of Longzel was no longer so rigid at this time. The little boy took off his clothes and soaked in the hot spring, enjoying the tranquility and the comfortable moment of relieving fatigue. He also got into the water from time to time to spit a few bubbles.

"Where is Viserys?" It was not until he woke up from a nap that Aegon realized that his younger brother, who had agreed to take a hot spring bath together, was gone. Ringol kicked the water, sat firmly and answered: "I don't know, I didn't see Viserys."

"This kid won't squat and hatch dragons again." Aegon touched his hairless chin and made a deep judgment. "I don't know." Ringol picked up a fried egg and put it in his mouth.

"Brother, you say bad things about me when I'm not here." Viserys's aggrieved voice came from outside. The boy who took off his clothes jumped into the hot spring and almost splashed the water on the food beside him. Fortunately, Aegon and Ringol reacted quickly and picked up the food at once, so as to avoid Viserys's murderous hands.

"You almost wasted food." Aegon pretended to be angry and grabbed his brother's armpit: "Don't run, compensate me with fifty gold dragons." Viserys hurriedly hid behind Ringol. "Ringol, look, the king bullied me again."

What can Ringol do? He is just a six-year-old child. He can't do anything and doesn't want to cry. He can only spread his hands helplessly. "Viserys, you are nine years old. Are you ashamed to let Ringol protect you?" Aegon said in a pretended angry tone. Viserys stuck out his tongue at his brother, and quickly took a small steak from his brother's plate and put it into his mouth to chew. He said vaguely: "My dragon egg has hatched."

"What?" Aegon was so surprised that he almost jumped up naked. "What does your dragon look like?" Ringol also asked curiously.

Then Viserys became autistic: "Don't mention it." The boy described his Igarath to Aegon and Ringol with tears in his eyes.

"When it was with Sarafathers, it was like those knights pursuing noble ladies." Viserys looked at the laughing king and Ringol who was trying hard to hold back his laughter, and finally couldn't help but pounce on him.

"Don't laugh!"

When a "peaceful" day was spent warmly in Dragon's Nest City.


The flames left by the iron race at the port had not yet burned out. Lysandra Rogare looked at his brothers and children, as well as the large ship behind him, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the survival of Lys depends on us."

Lysandra then set his sights on his daughter, Miss Lara Rogare, who was tall and graceful, with Valyria's iconic silver-gold hair and beautiful purple eyes, and was incredibly beautiful.

Perhaps the breakthrough of this trip will be in his beautiful daughter?

Lysandra suddenly had a strange premonition.

Sorry everyone, there are too many things today, and I can't complete the expected goal of three-in-one. Today's third update will be moved to tomorrow, and tomorrow there will be three updates. In addition, the number of words in today's two-in-one is not enough, and it will be supplemented in the updates on Wednesday and Thursday.

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