Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 136 Longzel's Five Fingers (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

Silver Blood Tower, Five Finger Hall.

This hall is very small, with five dark pillars surrounding the long table. In the windowless room, only candles are burning quietly, lighting up the faces of everyone at the table. Longzel sits in the main seat, with his hands crossed and his chin supported, silently sorting out what he needs to do during this period. Five finger-shaped gems of different colors are placed in different positions on the long table in turn. Waiting for their representatives to arrive.

Aslan Rondel, a handsome young man with silver hair, wore a silver and red robe. He quietly walked to the blood-red gem finger and lit the candlestick beside his seat. The candlelight flickered, illuminating the family emblem on Aslan's chest. On the red background, three silver kraits with their tails swallowed surrounded a silver lion head, staring at the bright candlelight. As an important general under Ronzel, the Blood Finger, the Bloodsworn Brothers, and the hereditary retainer of the Vareses family, Aslan Rondel had a superior status among Ronzel's officials. After Dorne surrendered, the Rondel family was granted a large area of ​​Yronwood Valley. Aslan also built two castles in his territory: the Silver Lion Castle as the main city, and the military fortress of the krait castle. However, these two castles are currently under the jurisdiction of the acting lord appointed by Ronzel, and Aslan concentrates on serving in Dragon Nest City.

Longzel's current attendants, 15-year-old black-haired boy Revil Hayden, the Earl of Skybridge City, and 14-year-old Quentin Manwoody, the Earl of King's Grave City, quickly added wine to Aslan and served sweets such as fried nuts and small cakes. After doing all this, the two boys quietly retreated into the shadows and prepared to prepare wine for the next Five Fingers member.

"Will Hoffa be late too?" Seeing that he was the only one present for a long time, Aslan couldn't help but laugh. In his impression, Hoffa was always the first to arrive and the last to leave during the previous meetings, but he didn't know what happened today, and he didn't come earlier than himself? Or the other four fingers didn't arrive, which was too strange.

"Hoffa and Tigaro went to wait for the reply from Tas Island together." Longzel took the light wine that Revil had just poured for him and took a sip. "Sebastian has blocked the wine port, and those guys whose brains were eaten by their ancestors can only escape from the Stormlands."

"Your Highness, I think we should just let Ago release his khalasar." Aslan still couldn't let go of the fact that someone dared to "steal dragons" near the Dragon's Nest. "The Dothraki have fast horses, and their lords couldn't react after passing through the Stormlands. If we had let the cavalry out that day, we would have caught them back long ago." Aslan took a sip of wine and said indignantly.

"Then what?" Longzel said with a smile: "Wait for Beaumond to take his two daughters to stay in Summer Hall. Every day, apart from planning how to wash his daughters and send them to Aegon's bed, he will come to me and cry and shout that we bully his Baratheon family? I can't let Wormithor burn all the nobles in Stormland with a mouthful of dragon flame."

"Alas." Aslan naturally knew that this was unrealistic, and could only sigh faintly. He had to wait for the other four fingers to arrive before reporting the current situation of the Silver Blood Army. For a while, the Five Fingers Hall fell into silence, with only the whispers of the two young men. However, after feeling that the hall suddenly became quiet, the two young servants did not dare to say small words and hurriedly covered each other's mouths.

"You two should talk about yours." Longzel looked at his two servants and couldn't help but think of his previous servant. If Jacaerys was still there, forget it, don't think too much.

The young attendants hurriedly pretended to be busy, and it seemed that they were indeed busy. Quentin was busy distributing plates and wine glasses one by one, and Revel was busy pouring wine into the wine glasses and placing snacks on each plate.

At this moment, the door of the Five Finger Hall creaked open, and Hoffa with black hair and golden eyes walked in first and stood next to the steel fingers. "Your Highness, I am late, please punish me."

"You are all here, and the meeting will start. Sit down, you are not late." Long Zeer explained helplessly. If he didn't explain that Hoffa was not late, Hoffa would keep asking him to punish him, and then the meeting would definitely not be held.

Hoffa then meticulously lit the candlestick at his position and sat upright. The candlelight illuminated his emblem. On the silver bottom, a golden hand held a golden scale. As a senior official of Longzel, Hoffa also had his own fiefdom. After the Dance of the Blood Dragon, the Law-Keeper family was awarded a large piece of territory in the River Bay. Hoffa let his younger brother Adams Law-Keeper inherit the territory and built a solid castle "Scale Castle" on it. He stayed by Longzel's side and served as his senior official and guard. Following behind him were Sebastian Jieyan and Tigaro Dagarion.

Sebastian, whose emblem was a twisted flame on a dark blue bottom, lit the candlestick next to the golden finger with ease. While sitting down, he nodded to Revell who served him wine and food.

Tigaro sat aside, with a complex emblem of the Holy Grail, a winged snake and a teardrop painted on his chest. The two were now great nobles under Longzel. The Jieyan family obtained the Star Shuttle City territory, and the much older Gunthor Jieyan became the Earl of Star Shuttle City. The Dagareon family was granted the High Castle that was once the River Bay. Tigaro broke ground on the original site of the High Castle, preparing to build a more spacious and comfortable castle, the "Fortress of Tear".

As Rey closed the door, he lit the candlestick next to the sterling silver fingers. Five fingers, five candlesticks, together lit up the long table engraved with the map of Westeros and the map of Essos.

"Okay, everyone, everyone is here." Long Zell looked around at his five fingers, motioned the two attendants to go out, then crossed his hands again and held his chin. "Tigaro, you speak first."

Tigaro nodded and pushed his obsidian finger into the groove in front of him. A magical scene appeared, and the obsidian finger suddenly shone with a faint light. "Your Highness, Mr. Evening Star of Tarth Island has replied. He thoroughly checked the ships entering and leaving the entire port, and found no suspicious people with silver hair and purple eyes. Only a few merchant ships from Lys and Volantis had such people. Sailors with different appearances, but their captains insist that they are old sailors they have always brought on board, and these ships have indeed just entered the port.”

"The dragon thieves are probably on those ships," Hoffa said. "Your Highness, I ask Lord Aslan to speak." Hoffa looked at Aslan beside him. With Longzell's approval, Aslan could directly mobilize the Silver Fleet to intercept those merchant ships.

"Your Highness, my suggestion is to continue to wait and see." Tigaro signaled Hoffa not to be so anxious. He explained slowly: "The ships going to different ports after Tas Island will have different routes. We only need to track the ships going to Dragonstone Island to find the dragon thieves. There is no need to use the Silver Fleet. Moreover, His Highness also He promised to use Wormisor to hunt down the dragon thieves. Everyone knows that ravens are faster than boats, and dragons are faster than ravens. What’s more, someone has already taken a boat to chase them. "

"Who?" Aslan asked curiously. He remembered that the Silver Fleet had no record of ship movements.

"What's the name of the knight Valar just conferred? What's his name, Xiu Fu?" Rey recalled for a moment and said, "He took his team on leave and took the initiative to chase down the dragon thief."

"Where did they get the boat?" Aslan was still confused.

"There is a cavalryman named Dennis in his team. That guy's wife is a captain and has several ships under his command." Tigaro replied: "Among those ships, there is a large sailing ship called the 'Rat' , it used to be an old and old flat-bottomed merchant ship. After the woman named Martha from Hull Town came to Liugang, she sold her three large ships and bought a ship built by Liugang Shipyard. A large sailing ship, continue to be named 'The Rat', that ship is a great fast ship. I assigned an assistant maester with a raven to their ship. As long as the dragon thief's whereabouts are discovered, We will get the news as soon as possible.”

"When they come back, I will reward them." Long Zell nodded: "Go on, Tigaro, do you have any other information?"

"The Governor of Lys, Lissandra Rogar, and his family are sailing towards the wine port by boat." Tigaro said unhurriedly: "Based on the existing intelligence, it is highly likely that they are here to request an adjustment between them and In the war between the Iron Islands, nine days ago, Dalton captured six affiliated towns of Lys, burning the mangroves and those towns on the coast. In addition, Sarlacc Lohar's fleet was also destroyed. The Iron Fleet was defeated, but the overall casualties were minor."

"What day are they expected to arrive?" Longzell calculated. According to the speed of the Clippers, Reese's ship will probably arrive after the tentative selection of the Kingsguard.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, my people have discovered their ship." Tigaro said: "They will arrive after the time you scheduled."

Long Zell looked at Tigaro. He knew that this old friend was definitely not as calm as he appeared on the surface. Back then, Tigaro's family was also a big banker family in Reese. As a result, Tigaro's family was ruined and he almost fell into the land of Lis.

However, Tigaro is now able to look at these things calmly. According to him, what he wants more is how to squeeze out more value from the Rogar family and allow the Varese family to obtain greater benefits.

After Tigaro's speech ended, the silver-haired young man took back his obsidian finger. The next one placed in the groove to shine was Rey's sterling silver finger.

What he wants to report is the situation of the dragon lair and the dragon.

"Brother, this period of observation is over." Rey took out a thick booklet, "I have written down all the details. There is good news."

"If you don't tell me the good news quickly, what are you waiting for?" Long Zell straightened up with a smile.

"The fire is laying eggs."

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, there are two more chapters later.

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