※ Back to defense!


Before Zebei Rongzhi yelled, his body had chased Qi Feng to another half.

The speed of the two was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, they rushed near the three -point line.

“Don’t think about it again. Now I am not the one in my original me.” After many years of encounter, Zebei Rongzhi showed a super fighting spirit.

Oath to report the revenge of the original arrow!

“I know, but unfortunately, I am not the one of me at the beginning!”

Qi Feng raised his head, his eyes collided with Zebei Rongzhi, and then under the wrong look of Zebei, Qi Feng’s black pupil suddenly became ice -blue, like the ice in the winter.

Then, the two words are from Qi Feng’s mouth ~ “Frozen!

Suddenly, the whole world was in darkness, gray, and only a tract of ice cone fell from the sky and fell to the ground to construct a ice tunnel-the road to the basket.

At the same time, Qi Feng’s body began to move slowly, his arms slowly patted basketball, and his legs were before this time.


Such a change is too strange, but Zebei Rongzhi didn’t think much, and of course he wanted to step forward.

But I found …

“If you can’t move, why is this?! He stared at his eyes sharply, and his pupils contracted violently.

He suddenly understood that it was not Qi Feng’s movement slow, but that the opponent’s speed was too fast, or he couldn’t move by Qi Feng’s offense!


Qi Feng surpassed from Zebei Rongzhi in only one round.

In the eyes of Zebei, Qi Feng’s movements are very slow, but in the eyes of the outside world, Qi Feng is like a light, “咻”, leaving a shadow on the ground like a ninja, and then appearing in Ze Zezawa, and then appeared in Ze Zezawa, and then appeared in Ze Zezawa.Bei Rongzhi behind him.


The ball scored and was fastened into the basket by Qi Feng.

Everyone couldn’t help staying!

“Senior Zebei, so easy to break through?” Many people were shocked.

In the past year, Zebei Rongzhi has been one of the strongest breakups in the national competition.

He is proficient in some offense, can shoot in any position, and at the same time, he can also limit the score of players to the average. Unexpectedly, he couldn’t hold on to a round in front of Qifeng.

“This is the generation of miracles.” Domoto Goro emotioned.

If he saw it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t believe that he would be defeated easily.

“Zebei, what’s going on, why not move.” Kawada Moshi asked, which was completely different from Zebei Rongzhi he knew.

“His eyes have evolved again.” Zebei Rongzhi remembered the encounter that seemed to enter another world just now, reminding, “Everyone is careful next.

He almost understood that when he was against the wind, he was desire to death by Qi Feng’s pair of eyes that can see the weakness.

Therefore, when those ice cones fell beside himself, he understood that those cold ice cones symbolized his weakness.

The difference is that the previous Qifeng could also break through the enemy’s weaknesses, but it would not be so when the ice cone was broken, the body was


This means that his use of the enemy’s weaknesses is even more up to the next level!

2: 0!

The ball power conversion, Shenjin slowly transported the ball for more than half a game.

Qi Feng ushered in the first time. In this team, he was the ball control guard, which obviously meant Domoto Goro.

“This sense of oppression is really strong.” Shenjin Sancheng squinted.

Although Qi Feng didn’t do anything, he just put on a very ordinary defensive posture, but he would not feel wrong. As long as he wanted to shoot or pass, he would be attacked by the other party in the next second.

Thinking of this, he took a step back directly to avoid Qi Feng’s edge.

“Shenjin took the initiative to retreat?” Kawada Yashi’s unexpected expression, “In other words, isn’t it a fame? He immediately dropped Heada Mei Nan and pulled it to the outside.Shenjin is fast at the same time at the same time


This is the most common method of attack and offensive attack. When the offensive party completes the pick -and -roll, the blocking defender is facing a dilemma.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Especially in the face of Hetian Yashi, a center with the ability of CIC, the penalty area and the three -point line under the basket can become the choice of the opponent’s offensive.

At this time, it is difficult to limit the opponent’s offense unless teammates can make up for defense in time.

However, Qi Feng’s first grade obviously did not have such a tacit understanding and ability, but Shenjin Yishi frowned.

“This guy….”

At the same time, the dual threats were not constituted at the same time, because Qi Feng had always been between him and Heada.

This allows the deep -moving 10 % of the super fast speed of Qi Feng to act lightly for a while.


Seeking flowers •


“He watched our attack!

This is too much thoughtful, looking at Qi Feng’s eyes like ice, he suddenly wanted to dig out and see what structure inside

See all virtuals, whether it is personal progress or team tactics … isn’t this completely invincible!?

Don’t think that this can stop us.”Shenjin Yicheng looked at a river field, the object of passing the ball;

Ze Beibei Rongzhi.

His fake movement failed to escape Qi Feng’s eyes, but Qi Feng helplessly.

This is the horror of the stepping offensive. As long as the side wings ambush an accurate pitcher, then this kind of offense will become very

It is difficult to stop.

Especially when Kawada Ya Shi and Nakino Chengdu have the ability to end offensive, the defender will be involved in fatigue.



Three -point hit!

Zebei Rongzhi took a knife and fell, and there was no trace of hesitation.

“Don’t be so hard to dunk for the first grade, do you want to fasten the basket? Looking at Qi Feng at Shenjin Yizhiyang, his tone

Said indifferently, “You must know how to love the equipment of the basketball department.”

This guy! [011703308 202011261]

At this time, Qi Feng also felt a headache. If he was alone, it was impossible to complete the blockade of the Shanwang Iron Triangle.

It is already his limit to block the two -person block and dismantling of Shijin Yizhong and Kawada Ya Shi.

Zebei Rongzhi, one of the resties in the rest of the country, has no way to stop it.

The 10 -minute time is fleeting. With the perfect cooperation of the iron triangle, even if Qi Feng played the courage in the first quarter, the team is still

Laing behind three points behind 25 to 28.

It’s a bit difficult!

He turned his head to look at Heada Mihiro around him, said, “Meiji Nan, you are more confident at that position now.


“Don’t say I’m sorry, I don’t blame you. I asked you more confident in that position now.

Beginners like Hetian Miji, general technology is relatively rough, and the means of offense are relatively single, so often one

If you are targeted, you won’t play.

But Qi Feng’s words can create that space for him.

The lethality of this big fat man is more powerful than Tonoto Goro.

PS: Recommended, although it is a small recommendation, I still thank the brothers for their support. At night, you must add more


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