
“My most confident position …. Heada Miji Men pondered Qi Feng’s words, and then shook his head of his head again.

“Impossible, no matter what, the opponent is my brother, I can’t do it.

The fat man is too soft, which is completely inconsistent with his fat.

Although this guy has physical conditions comparable to professional players, the mantra is “sorry, brother!”

On weekdays, it is estimated that there is no less to be destroyed by Yin’s prestige of Hishi History!

“Do you respect your brother?”

“Well, my brother is a strong player, no matter where you are, you can easily control it.

“Since you respect him so much, you should even defeat him.”


Kuroshita Men couldn’t help asking.

“Because every parent is eager for their children to become talented, human beings are a kind of creature that is threatened by being threatened by a beloved thing.” Qi Feng flew up immediately, “Your brother is so powerful why he is so powerful”297″ is because he wants to protect you! ”

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding teammates suddenly looked weird. They felt that Qi Feng must be nonsense.

How can I protect my brother?

This is the difference between the silly birds who say “hanging words” in the DOU sound, and then what is the difference between the silly bird that protects the girl? Headian Meiji Nan is in contemplation.Smart head.He asked softly, “Brother is so powerful to protect me?”

“Of course, you see that you are so fat, and you must not be bullied from time to time? In the end, is your brother bought it for you every time?”

“Well, when I was a kid, other students laughed at me, and my brother taught them for me. But how did you know Qi Feng?”

how could I know?

Nonsense, his classmates in his class liked to bully those chubby pier. Isn’t this normal?”Don’t you know how I know, in short, if you don’t want your brother to continue to worry about you, then take the courage to kill the East Ape man!”

East ….. East Ape Human!

When the people next to them heard it, they suddenly sweated. They felt that if they were known by Heda Heda, he would kill Qi Feng’s dead street. This mouth was too poisonous.

Relying on my handsome, I went to laugh at the a little surprising appearance of the predecessors of the people Heada!

“Defeated my brother, don’t you have to worry about it for me?”

“That’s right, I believe my beautiful man, when you defeat the bald orangutan positively, he will praise you instead of counting you.

Bald orangutan ….. The name is becoming more and more excessive!

The people around me talked crazy, but Qi Feng was named by Qi Feng in the next second.

“But Qi Feng, the predecessors of Shenjin, they were runner -up of the National Contest last year, defeating them …”

“Give me a bastard.” Qi Feng drank, he said, “Some people want to succeed, some people are eager to succeed, and some people work hard to achieve success.

“So, Wang Ba eggs that do n’t do anything can be told to me without doing it.

After a generous words came out, everyone in the bench was silent.

They deliciously taste Qi Feng’s philosophical words.

If you want to succeed, eager to succeed, and achieve success with hard work, these are three completely different mentality.

The difference between them is whether you have worked hard for your dreams.

These guys are really troublesome!

Seeing that their expressions became full of fighting spirit, Qi Feng was a little worried. This time, he came out when he came out when he took the famous saying (Sao Tao) of the Qiao Gang.

What about it?

These words are to say less and one sentence, there is not much inventory in his stomach!

“I must read more books in the future!


But anyway, when the second quarter starts, everyone can feel the changes in the expression of the teammates around Qi Feng.

They no longer accept failure, or they do not accept their efforts to accept failed themselves!

In order to add a fire to them again, Qi Feng pulled his wrist and yelled, “The army attacked!


All four of them roared, and the people around them immediately shocked, “a strong momentum”, ”

It’s all different “, what exactly did Qifeng do” and other farts.

“Meiji Nan …..”

“Brother, I kill you!” (Seeing the violent novel, go to Novel Network!)


The historical people of Kawada are covered. The soft brother who has a soft character wants to kill himself?

Did you make a mistake!

He couldn’t help turning his eyes to Qi Feng, thinking of talking to Domoto Goro before, asking why he chose Qifeng’s

At that time, Domoto Goro said so.

“He has a power that can affect teammates and even audiences around him!

At the beginning of the game, Qi Feng personally held the ball for more than half a game.

Seeing the situation, Shenjin Yicheng and others immediately surrounded them after looking at it.

This is the strategy of their game. I want Qi Feng to ravage a quarter, and then hold him this point in the second quarter, maximize

It consumes his physical fitness, and then his team will not break self -breaking 0

Beautiful you, do you really think I have no teammates!

Qi Feng faced Shenjin Yicheng and Yicang Cong’s defense carefully to transport the ball.

The former is to limit the existence of herders, and the latter is a defensive expert similar to Jinchuan Zhiji. It has always been Zebei Rongzhi, who has always been watching. Such defense is enough to block 99%of the country.




“Bang ~~~”

He has not moved, and he slowly transports the ball, and seems to be considering how to tear the defense in front of him.

Shenjin Yicheng and Yicang Cong were waiting strictly. As soon as Qi Feng had action, they would not hesitate to move forward left and right.

However, when Qi Feng made actions, they could not respond as soon as possible.

Because Qi Feng did not choose to do his own alone this time, he passed the ball out.

With the height and weight of Xiaohetian Miji, and a pair of big buttocks stuck in his elder brother, Qi Feng suddenly

Live, “Burning!”

Then, the basketball was “bombarded” like a shells, and the gaps of Tsuchi Satoshi and Shenjin flew between the two people.

Crown layer.[011703308 202011361]

Skills: Type 108 fluctuating ball!

Skills level: A+level.

Skills: Passing skills.

Hecun Long is best at fluctuating balls, and the 108th fluctuation ball is even more proud of him.He used to be able to play

Type 108 fluctuating ball, but he did not accept the fighting spirit, and completed the outbreak before he lost his intention 3.6.Burning, buu


Skills effect: There is no degeneration, and the pure power type of strength that focuses on your body is passed on. No skills are required. Because the amount is you


Please note that this passing power is extremely powerful. Be careful of your teammates and be beaten out by accident!

This is the harvest of the past season, which is obtained from the raffle.

Although it is strange why this tattered system always allows him to draw the skills of the scene next door, there is no doubt that this is a pole

A terrible pass.


Basketball scratched the court at a very fast speed, like a burned basketball, which made everyone present in shock, even the courageous courage

No qi.

“Give me it, and then defeat him, Meiji Man!”


PS: Fifth, thank you for your love. Except for more, I can’t think of other brothers!

Thanks again!.

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