
There was a loud noise, as if the whole stadium was shaking, Heada Men received a pass from Qi Feng, and there was only one in my mind.

Fa, “It hurts!”

That is, where he is height and weighing the tonnage, such a passing ball, ordinary people really dare not pick up.

Mei Ji Nan was in pain, and then turned to basketball under the basket.

This is his shot hot zone, and only near the penalty area can ensure the offensive efficiency.

“Meiji Men …”

“I want to kill you, brother.”

After the score, Mei Ji showed a fierce expression of grandma.

“Damn, what exactly did that guy say to Meiji Nan?”

Heada Yayshi is still a little bit now. She is usually weak, and she suddenly threatens to say that she is sorry for the younger brother who is sorry for himself.

Want to kill yourself?

But it doesn’t matter, since you want to kill me, then you must be prepared for the shattered bone!

The offensive and defensive conversion, Heada Yashi directly fell into the penalty area to go, while Hetian Meiji man used his height and weight as soon as possible

Stress your brother.

As soon as he was squeezed by him, he almost walked, but he did not retract. ”

Meiji man.

He knows that his strength is not his brother’s opponent. After all, the height and weight of Mei Ji Nan is what many professional players have never owned.

But Meiji Nan also has his weaknesses, that is, insufficient experience in the game, and the footsteps move slowly.

Hetian Yashi used his stronger exercise ability to start using his right foot to use his outstanding footsteps under the basket.

A fake shot of the shot, the beautiful man was flying by Kawada Yashi. At this time, Kawada Yashi turned to the other side and easily completed the layup.

“I was jumped easily ..

“Do you do well, you almost defend him!”

The attack was made, and Hetian Yashi habitually wanted to teach his brother.

This makes Heada Masaki very dissatisfied. What does Education have to do with your guy?

But what’s magical is that at this time at this time, Hideian Miya, who always apologized to herself, did not apologize to herself, but was very serious.


“Come on, Meiji, kill him.”

“Well, I will kill my brother!”

“Just keep this momentum.”


Qi Feng was very satisfied.

Domoto Goro under the field was also very satisfied.

Basketball beginners like Kobayashi, what he needs most is not to lay a good foundation or other, but to establish enough

Domoto Goro has always considered how to solve this problem. I didn’t expect Qi Feng to mobilize the fighting ambition of Kobaya.

“It’s a great player.

Qi Feng attacked the ball.



The cannon shells were launched again. At Qi Feng, he yelled “Burning”. Basketball passed all the defender to Heada Men’s hands at a very horrible speed.

“I must kill my brother!”

Feeling the power from his brother behind him, Mei Ji Nan did not retreat, and his big butt was opened directly.This has nothing to do with the power of power. It is purely an tonnage oppression. For the weight of 130 kg of Heada Merrike, few people in the basketball industry in the college can resist him.


Basketball scored again, and Meiji men scored two points in a row, completely disrupting the defensive strategy of Shenjin Yizhong and others.

They gave the side of the side of the side of the side, and signaled that the side of the side of the side will be covered together. Because Bingtian Heada has proven that he can’t hold his brother’s big butt.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

But in this way, Qi Feng’s teammates have more empty positions.


A broken sound of the ice cubes sounded. When Qi Feng crushed the ice cone with his pass, the basketball had reached his teammates, and no one was defending a hundred miles.


The ball entered again. Two hegemons in the basketball industry in the universities of the universities were completely unable to stop a team that had just been built and did not run in at all.[011703308 202011441]

Although the current score is still leading them, they have won so or two, and they are embarrassed to say it.


Beautiful you!

When the five kings hesitated in the pressure of Xiaohetian, hesitated to continue to take a clip to Qifeng, Qi Feng was looking for the original place to be dry.


Shenjin Yicheng rushed over, but afterwards, he realized that Qi Feng did not take off at all. This is the stock basket of Shi Lingling’s stunt “sun”.


Qi Feng scored three points, and at the same time, he got a chance to make a free throw.

The current difference between the two teams has no difference, and the scores on both sides are the same.

In other words, after Qi Feng hit the free throw, they could achieve the score of the score and ahead of the score.

Then, it was this point that helped Feng Feng and other first -year teams to win this game.As in the past, this confrontation Setang Goro only gave 20 minutes, that is, one and a half time.Therefore, even if Kawada Ya Shi 707 and others still have the anti -killing technique of “the whole audience”, it is too late to use it.After the game, Kawada Masaki found Kuroda Miji, praised him fiercely, and let him continue.As soon as Mei Ji Nan heard it, he thought that Qi Feng did not deceive herself. From then on, Qi Feng was called for a listening to it! “If there is half a game of time, we will be able to win the game.”Tao.

He believes that when they take out the whole set of tactics, they will definitely reverse the situation.

“Do you definitely win, it won’t be easy.” Zebei Rongzhi shook his head.

He will never forget to play with the wind at the beginning, the kind of wild thing, the unparalleled sense of oppression, this

He didn’t feel it once from Qi Feng’s body.

Looking at Qi Feng, who was about to get out of the door of the basketball department, he smiled bitterly, “That guy hasn’t made all his strength yet.”


At night, when he returned to the newly rented house, Qi Feng quickly received a call from Yingshoo.

She first asked how the first day of Qi Feng’s new semester, and then told the trend of his first high school students.

“I want to run for the Student Union of Xiuzhiyuan this year!


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