
The incredible roar broke out of the bench.

At this moment, everyone was stunned in place, and one by one turned their eyes to Kuroko, and seemed to want to determine the true and false.

Kuroko Zhezhe was silent and did not speak, but his response was undoubtedly the best answer.

“Then he …”

“Qi Fengjun, the way of playing with me is the meal that he has made me today!

This is definitely a bad news. Although it only joined, the people of Chengxuan have become accustomed to relying on Kuroko Zhezhe.

If he did not feel him, he wouldn’t even feel that he was qualified to stand in front of the mountain king.

“But then, is that guy really the ace of the miracle generation? It looks very ordinary, at least more common than the guy of Huangse.

Unlike other people, the Vulcan is more concerned about Qifeng’s strength.

Although Qi Feng performed well in the first half of the game, he frequently sent assists to his teammates to help teammates.

However, it is different from the kind of sharpness of Huangse Liangtai. Qi Feng, who is also a miracle generation, looks too ordinary.Even, he believes that Huangse Liangtai is more powerful than the wind!

Aita Lizi and others also discovered this problem. Of course, Qi Feng’s passing was sharp, but only in this way, it was not worthy of the name of the miracle generation ace.

That is …..

They all focused on Kuroko.

Kuroko also said, “He hasn’t used his eyes yet!

the other side.

Domoto Goro is also asking Qi Feng’s information about Kuroko Yoshiya.

Just like the two armed forces, only knowing the deployment of the enemy, the regiment can make a target of repeated performances.

“Views induced! Qi Feng explained once,” It’s like the obstacle of magic performance, using the blind spot of the field of vision to complete the seemingly impossible performance …


“There is actually such a player, it sounds troublesome.” Shenjin asked the sweat of the cheeks, “Is there any weakness?

“Weakness, some, as long as you get used to it slowly.” Qi Feng Road, “Also, in order to maintain his low sense of presence, he cannot make scores like scores.

“Is this meaning to live under the sun?”

Domoto Goro touched his beard, and there was Shaanxi.

“Since this is the case, it doesn’t have much effect to take the whole audience in a short period of time. Qi Feng, the third quarter will be handed over to you, and others will get used to the existence of the 11th.

“Give it to me, I know.

Qi Feng put down the towel and got up and stepped into the court.

The game continued, and the king king power.

After entering the second half, Nagata Ryoko immediately asked the players to be careful about the whole game of the king of the king. This was no secret in the national competition. Many teams were instantly defeated because of the tactics such as the king of Shan.

But unexpectedly, the king did not intend to do so. Instead, after several conduction balls and running positions, a formation was completely different from the first half.

“What’s this?”

“It seems a bit unbalanced. The people of the mountain king are concentrated on the other side. Is it an accident? ‘

“It’s not an accident. They do this!


A professional term in the field of basketball, simple translation is singles tactics. Everyone pulls to the other side to maximize the space to provide a space that is enough for him to play.

This is generally a tactical tactic that is extremely confident in their core players!

“In other words, it’s about to start, Xiao Qifeng!

Huangse Liangtai did not know where to get the news. He came from Kanagawa to Akita Prefecture.

In fact, there are Lvjian Masaro who arrived with him.


The ball reached Qi Feng’s hands, standing outside the three -point line, and picked up a triple threat.

The Vulcan was greeted without concession, and at the same time stimulated it in language, “Did you finally not escape, the trump card!

“Escape?” Qi Feng raised his head slightly, and a pair seemed to be made of ice. It was 300 years earlier to win me! ”

As soon as the words fell, the frequency of Qifeng dribble suddenly accelerated.

I know that the offensive of the opponent is coming.

In the state.

But he quickly opened his eyes, and he didn’t know when, his world became a black piece, and the ice cone exuding the cold from the sky fell from the sky and fell around him.

“What’s this?!”

“Your weaknesses! (Look at the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)

What responded to him was Qi Feng’s violent offensive 0

With a click, Qi Feng stepped out, stepped on the ice cone on the ground, and ran away along the road consisting of the ice cone.

Don’t think about the past!

Fire God gritted my teeth, and the body moved horizontally. This caused Qi Feng to lead the ice tunnel under the basket suddenly.

But what followed was another new path.

“Bang Bang ~” [011703308 202031021]

Qi Feng’s center of gravity was extremely low. At the moment when the Vulcan was big, the basketball changed from his right hand to his left hand, like a luminous light, wiping the “咻” sound of the vulnerability, and my body “咻” surpassed the past.

Faced with such a scene, the great god of Vulcan found that his body seemed to be frozen, as if he was sealed by the ice cone, and he couldn’t move in place.

“So easy to get rid of the Vulcan?!” Cheng Cheng was frightened.

As ace, Vulcan is definitely passing. He returned from overseas and he has the talent that he does not lose Huangse Liangtai, and even defeated the opponent in the previous training match.

“Don’t let him pass!

Yi Yuejun roared, and he surrounded him with Hiroshi Shunping.But soon faced the difficult situation of the Vulcan.

“What are these … what?”

Looking at the ice cone around the surroundings, they could not help but get cold in the eyes of Qifeng.

“Bang Bang ~”

The sound of the contact of the contact sounds, when the world restores the color again, that is, the figure of the wind has disappeared in Hyuga Shunping and Yiyue

In front of it.

They opened their mouths and wanted to say 0. 2 What, but their lips were frozen as if their bodies were frozen, and even a syllable was sent.

Don’t come out.

“Eye of the Emperor Bing!

Aida Lizi has already stood up from the bench, his eyes are full of shaking.

She thought of Kuroko’s only what she was, “The Emperor of the Emperor of the Bing Emperor, this is Qi Fengjun’s strongest weapon.

In the case, it is equivalent to playing with closed eyes!


“This is the real mausoleum of the miracle generation ace!”

Looking at Qi Feng’s back, he could feel the cold even on the bench.


Qi Feng split the ball into the basket across the help of the Ministry of Water Households. Behind him, there are three people who can’t move the Vulcan. This is the only one.

The breath of my unique respect is like the scene of the emperor’s patrol.

PS: Fifth!

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