In the afternoon, Momai stepped into the school of Shan Wang in May.

At this time, she shouldn’t have appeared here, because today is the normal time to go to school, and as the manager of the emperor Tong, she should listen to the information of the Tokyo team team, instead of appearing in Akita Prefecture.

However, when she learned from Huangse Liangtai that the king of Shan was going to conduct a training match with Cheng Yan, she really wanted to see the results with her own eyes, and she slipped out of the school from the school.

After entering the gate, Momoi found that the basketball department was full of audiences in May, and the cheers are in the direction of the stadium.

Pass into your ears.

“There are a lot of people, it really is the hegemonic mountain king. The basketball atmosphere here is much stronger than the Tonghuang emperor.”

“Ah, it’s late, and the anal at halftime has been recessed.

Momoi was a little dissatisfied in May. After reading the scores, “68-62, only 6 points behind, Chengxuan looked very good, it was worthy of kicking Xiaohuang all the teams in the well.”

“I haven’t been kicked into the well!”

“Well, Xiaohuang, are you here too?

Momai spit his tongue in May, and was caught behind the bad things behind him. He was somewhat embarrassed.

“It’s normal to come here. Don’t forget who told you to sue you in this training game. In other words, how can you talk a bit like Xiao Qifeng, it’s too much!”

“This is not the point.” Momai wrapped his head in May, and turned his head to see a green algae head with toad eyes.

“Perfect” mixed into the crowd, the green room shocked sharply, and asked, “How do you recognize me? No, I’m not the real Tairo of Green Room, you recognize the wrong person.”

“It’s still the same.” Momai couldn’t cry and laugh in May. Such a frustrated disguise can really do it.

“However, the game looks so fierce, and there is no difference in division until now.”

“It’s just that there is nothing now. Seeing their expressions in Green Jama, Green Marked also knew that he couldn’t hide it. Although some of them didn’t understand why this perfect disguise was recognized, he still took off the toad mirror and replaced the normal glasses.

“It’s just now? What does this mean?”

“This means that Qi Feng is going to start serious!

On the court, sincerity attacked.


Hatson Shunping shouted, and after receiving a few steps after receiving the teammate, it should be passed on to Yiyue Ling.

Their offense is still so sharp. Through rapid transmission, it took only about 2 seconds to overdo the ball to the frontcourt.


“Sure enough, the other party has completely adapted to our play, and the speed of returning to defense is good!”

Yi Yuejun firmly controlled the ball, his thoughts were rotating quickly, looking for the method of breaking the situation.

“Senior Yueyue!

Just as he did not show his exhibition, Kuroko’s voice never passed not far away.


Without hesitation, Yi Yuejun passed the ball over without saying a word, and then Kuroko also stretched out his right hand and waved his right hand.With a sound of “嘭”, the basketball suddenly passed through the defensive position of the king like a bullet, and came to the hands of Vulcan.

“That is……’

“Only Vulcan can accelerate the pass!

The generals of Chengxuan suddenly shocked, and the players on the bench jumped up.


“Return him, Vulcan!”

“Deduled in!”

No need to say I will do it too!

“Drink it!” The Vulcan was a roar, which was beyond imagination, making him easily finished jumping near the free throw line.

“This guy…..”

“The jump is so high, and the jump is so far away. It is almost the starting jump of the free throw line.”

The people of Shan Wang also showed surprise. It was really amazing.

Although it is not a complete free throw line, but as a high school student, he jumps in that kind of place to dunk, which is still quite good

People expect.

“I look down on people, this is to you.” The Vulcan was so big and raised his right arm, and the five fingers were clamped basketball. There was only a basket in his eyes.

However, at this time, the world in his eyes became dark again, and a piece of ice did not know when to condense from his hands.

Then, suddenly a arm was stretched out in the dark world, and it fell towards the condensed ice ice.

“Knock!” (Look at the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)

The ice cubes were broken, and the world recovered the color again.At the same time, in my incredible eyes, the basket in his hand

The ball has been nailed to the rebound.

He raised his head sharply, and he looked at a pair of eyes that had no fluctuations and the style of wind and long -standing.

“Can you keep up with this pass!”

“This guy…..”

The cheers on Chengye’s bench ended abruptly, and they were all unable to make a sound by this beyond the common sense.

Yi Yuejun responded quickly, and quickly returned from panic, reminded loudly, “return to defense!”

Almost at the same time, Qi Feng, who landed on the ground, picked up basketball and turned around like a break -out Mustang all his strength to fly towards the frontcourt.

One, two, three … In the blink of an eye, wearing a white jersey, he seemed to be a white light crossing everyone

Evil, abominable, abominable, abominable …..

“Don’t think of it!” [011703308 202031111]

Fire God followed, and he ran away. In the state of no ball, he was not slower than Qi Feng’s ball holding the ball. He was catching up at the last moment.



The two of them jumped within one step at the same time at the same time. In the moment, everyone held up her breath and dared not happen.

Look at everything in front.

“Your weaknesses are so too lazy to be too lazy.”

In the air, Qi Feng suddenly said such a sentence, and then his strength was concentrated in the right hand.

137 Then …….

With a loud noise, the basketball seemed to be burned into the basket by Qi Feng, which was burned with flames, and made a fierce sorrow.

And the Vulcan was big, and the body was directly buckled by this buckle like a kite, and it took a few meters away on the ground.


Akada Lizi and others have changed their faces suddenly, and they are completely unimaginable. The physical fitness can be comparable to Huangse Liangtai.

It was buckled so far.

Fluctuating balls, not only the way to pass the ball!

“How to say, the words of Kuroko rely on the performance of core players, it seems like the combination of light and shadow, light is like

If it is not fierce enough, the shadow will be very small.‘


Qi Fengsong opened his arms slowly, and he looked down at the Vulcan who was still falling on the ground.

“Well, this kind of words are not suitable for speaking from my mouth. After all, when Emperor Guang, I didn’t take his passage.

He doesn’t need his pass.‘



Vulcan raised his head hard, and facing the wind, he shaken for a while.

PS1: Sixth, this is the sixth more, don’t urge my brothers, my liver is going to explode !!!

Ps2: Thank you [Pope] for your 100VIP reward, thank you [Heartache] for the urging more votes, thank you all

Ge’s monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation tickets, thank you very much !!.

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