Seeing this title, the comments in the live broadcast room suddenly increased:

[What? Bermuda Triangle? ]


[Brothers, is that hot man coming? ! ]

[High energy ahead, non-combatants please evacuate quickly! ! ! ]

[Everyone stand up! ]

[It’s finally about to start! ]

[Is it Chu Shen? ]

The comments in the live broadcast room were swiping the screen one after another, and soon blocked the screen!

It seems that it can’t be stopped for a while!

The next second.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the sea, which was already surging with waves, became more ferocious, as if it was being stirred by an invisible big hand, and completely showed its terrifying other side to everyone!

Looking ahead!

In the distant sky, a black line can be vaguely seen, with a momentum that can swallow everything, heading towards the direction of the port!

Not surprisingly, it should be a huge wave!

[Fuck, is that a wave? ? ? ]

[This wave is so fucking scary! ]

[Oh my god! ]

[Nature is so, so, so, so scary! ]

[If it weren’t for Chu Shen, I would never have been able to see such a spectacle so close in my life! ]

[Humans are so insignificant in front of nature! ]

[I think Chu Shen is really in trouble this time…]

[Yeah, I feel like we can start the feast earlier…]

The comments in the live broadcast room were dense.

As the sky and the earth shook, the whistling sea breeze around suddenly turned into a sharp roar, which made people feel creepy!

Even through a screen, you can deeply feel its arrogance and boldness!

“Boom boom!”


Faced with such a situation, many viewers couldn’t help but worry about the man, and some even said directly that they felt that his trip would definitely not succeed!

Because the scene in front of them was too terrifying!

However, in the next second, when all the audience was worried about Chu Chen, a speedboat suddenly left the port and rushed towards the terrifying sea!

Seeing this, the barrage increased again:

[What the hell, what’s going on? ]

[? ? ? ? ? ]

[Nima, this can’t be Chu Shen! ? ]

[Chu Shen? ]

[What the hell is he going to do? I’m going crazy! ]

[What the hell, he rushed up directly? ]

[Here it comes! ]

[Brothers, please type 666 on the public screen! ]

[Is this Brother Chen? Zundu fake! ]

A moment later, just as the barrage was full of opinions, a familiar figure suddenly walked out of the cab of the speedboat!

He was wearing a dark blue one-piece diving suit and holding a white surfboard under his armpits.

Since he was dressed lightly, his outfit showed off his good figure!

His strong muscles looked very explosive. As soon as he appeared, the fans in the live broadcast room went crazy and kept calling Chu Chen’s name!

[Chu Shen! Chu Shen! ]

[Chu Shen! Chu Shen! ]

[Chu Shen! Chu Shen! ]

[Fire Tongs Liu Ming! ]

[Mom, I’m on TV! ]

[Chu Chen!!! I want to give birth to a baby for you! ]

[So handsome!!! ]

[Hey, Yao Yao Ling? Someone is showing off here! ]

The comments were saying one by one.

At this time, Chu Chen had already stood on the deck in the face of the storm, looking around constantly, as if he was planning something!

His eyes were firm, but his expression was relaxed.

Looking at his appearance, it seemed that he didn’t take the wave seriously!

At the same time!

North America, Florida, NOAA (Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) monitoring center!

At the moment, the spacious and bright monitoring room is full of people.

Some are calculating data, some are facing computers, and the crackling sound of keyboards can be heard clearly.

Behind them, the huge satellite cloud map is clearly visible, monitoring everything happening on the sea in real time.

At this time, a white man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked to a female staff member and asked very seriously:

“Klaus, has the epicenter been confirmed?”

“Yes, it has been confirmed!” The woman nodded.

“Where is it?” The man asked again.

“In the North Atlantic! The specific coordinates are 36’08” north latitude and 45’05” west longitude. The epicenter is about 890 nautical miles from the Bermuda Islands and about 1,500 nautical miles from the U.S. mainland. According to the current situation, it should not affect the inland, but the possibility of aftershocks cannot be ruled out…” The female staff member answered meticulously.

Hearing this, the white manThe man’s frown suddenly relaxed a little.

But his expression was still complicated.

The next second, a shout from a distance suddenly interrupted his thoughts:

“Daniel! The tsunami has already happened!”

Hearing this, his already hanging heart was lifted half a point, and he walked quickly to the side of the black staff member and leaned over to look at the data on the computer screen!

[Earthquake source: North Atlantic, magnitude: 9.7, tsunami level forecast: 10! ]

“What? 10?!” Looking at the data displayed on the computer, Daniel couldn’t help but blurt out suddenly.

“Well…” The black man nodded with lingering fear and said, “It seems that our previous prediction is still conservative…”

“Oh my God…”

They were mentally prepared for this tsunami before, but they didn’t expect it to reach this scale!


This is far more than the Chilean tsunami in the last century!

Thinking of this, Daniel couldn’t help but take a breath, and then spoke again:

“Keep monitoring, Bill, tell me immediately if you find anything abnormal!”


The next second, the black staff member named “Bill” had just finished speaking when another female staff member hurriedly shouted at him:

“Daniel! Come and see! What is this?!”

Hearing the voice, Daniel strode directly to her:

“What’s wrong, Mary?”

Seeing him coming.

The female staff member named “Mary” directly enlarged the real-time monitoring picture transmitted back by the weather drone, and then pointed to a black dot floating on the turbulent sea, and slowly said:

“This is the real-time monitoring picture taken by the weather monitoring drone on the sea 100 nautical miles away from the Bermuda Islands! Do you see this black dot?”


“The far left of the picture!”

“Well, I see it, what is this?”

Looking at the black dot on her fingertips, Daniel adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and squinted his eyes.

“It’s a speedboat.”

“Speedboat? How could there be a speedboat here? Where did it come from?”

“Daniel, this is not the point. The point is that there seems to be someone on it…”

Hearing her words, Daniel seemed to be struck by a thunder, and he was stunned and stood there!

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