Hearing this, the old man couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, and then let out a long breath.


His expression was very complicated.

After pondering for a long time, he calmed down and said:

“I knew that guy wouldn’t agree…”

“Boss, why are you so obsessed with this guy? Is it just to eliminate those bastards of the Gulf Gang?” Terrence asked cautiously.

“No, no, no…” The old man smiled, then shook his head and said: “Not only because of the Gulf Gang, but more for myself…”

Hearing this, Terrence frowned slightly, as if he didn’t understand what the old man meant by this.

Then, without waiting for him to speak, the old man continued in a deep voice:

“Last month, I met with Dr. Moore, and he said that I didn’t have much time left. You know, Terrence, I had the idea of ​​finding a successor three years ago, but unfortunately, there was no suitable candidate…”

“So, you want… him to be your successor?” Hearing this, Terrence frowned even more tightly, his eyes full of disbelief!

“Forty-five years ago today, my family was trapped in the Moli refugee camp in Baha, and we could only survive by eating moldy hard bread. When I was ten years old, my parents died in a riot in the refugee camp. I was abducted by an illegal fishing boat to the United States to mine, and then went to Venezuela to do smuggling business. Thanks to God’s blessing, I, Donald, can come all the way to today…”

“I have seen a lot of people along the way, but a genius like him is unheard of. This guy is really a rare genius in a century… It’s like he was born for crime…”

“Terrence, I dare to bet with you, whether you believe it or not, he is definitely an excellent leader. If he can join us, let alone the whole of South America, it will not be a problem to monopolize the underground business of the whole world, but unfortunately…”

Donald said this with a slightly unwilling expression.

I don’t know if it’s because of his life that is about to end, or because he can’t get Chu Chen.


Terrence wanted to speak, but Donald stopped him with a wave of his hand: “After I die, you will take over all the business. As for that guy, if you can still see him, tell him that Black Fox welcomes him to join at any time as long as he is willing.”

“Don’t worry, I will convey your meaning to him word for word…” Terrence nodded respectfully.

“Where is he now?” Donald asked again.

“In Angel Falls…”

“Angel Falls… That’s a beautiful place…”

Hearing this, Donald took another deep breath, then gestured to the butler, asking him to push the wheelchair and turn around to leave here…

At the same time!


The barren Guiana Plateau!

On the rock wall of Angel Falls!

Orderly breathing sounds came one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Chen’s figure broke into the live broadcast screen again!

After a period of hard work, his climbing height soon exceeded 200 meters!

Through the control of the rock points and the planning of the route, it can be seen that his climbing ideas are very clear!

During the whole process, except for the necessary rest time, there was no pause for most of the rest of the time!

Every detail is handled smoothly and pleasing to the eye!

It looks like a gecko with ease, as if there are suction cups under his hands and feet!

Many times, even those rock points that can only accommodate one finger can be fully utilized by him!

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed incredible!

[Fuck, how did he do this? ]

[There is such an operation? ]

[Too awesome! Too awesome! ]

[One finger can support the whole body? Too awesome! ]

[My heartbeat has not stopped until now! ]

[He doesn’t seem to carry any protective measures…]

The next second, when everyone was shouting, the lens of the micro-eye suddenly changed to a bird’s-eye view!

Looking down from Chu Chen’s head.

At this moment, the entire primeval forest was under his feet.

The roar of the deep pool below the waterfall was also fading away from his ears.

At this moment, all the muscles in his body were tense, especially his forearms, each of which was clearly organized!

Seeing this scene, the barrage became even more boiling!

[Fuck, it’s already this high? ]

[Scared to pee! ]

[It’s so exciting right after entering? ? ? ]

[My mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast!]

[If he falls, it’s all over!!!]

[No, no, no, after he falls, there are even more awesome challenges waiting for him, such as tempering in fire, feasting in the village, gifts from relatives, packing vegetables, burying in the soil, remarrying wife, transferring wealth, and two meters of grass!]

[The man upstairs, you are such a talent!]

[I just calculated that this rock wall is more than 1,000 meters high. If converted into building height, there are nearly 400 floors. Even if I walk up the stairs, I can’t finish walking up the stairs…]

[Wow, 400 floors of stairs, don’t be too exaggerated!]

At the same time!

When Chu Chen was heading to the top of the cliff, the other three people in the pursuit team finally drove into the Guiana Plateau!

A pure white SUV drove into the live broadcast screen.

It raised a cloud of dust.

At the end of this road is the famous Angel Falls!

“Captain Zhuang, look.” Zheng Yang said to Zhuang Yan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, while driving.

Angel Falls in Venezuela!

Looking for the sound, the huge rock with a straight waterfall came into view instantly!

In the meantime, there were also floating clouds, just like a fairyland on earth!

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Yan immediately picked up the telescope and looked in the direction of the huge rock.

It is worthy of being the world’s first waterfall, and it is indeed well-deserved!

Even if you are far away, you can feel the shock it brings!

That kind of shock is not the kind of empty shock in literary works and online pictures, but a very intuitive shock, a shock that hits the soul!

Especially the waterfall standing in the middle, from a distance, it looks like a flawless white silk, which makes people sigh in their hearts at the wonders of nature!

Before, Zhuang Yan had only seen this kind of beauty in some media videos.

Never seen it in reality.

If it weren’t for this arrest operation, she might never have the opportunity to see such a magnificent scene in her life!

The next second.

Just as Zhuang Yan was sighing at the unique beauty of this waterfall, a figure suddenly broke into her sight!

At this moment.

He was constantly moving upwards on the huge rock wall next to the waterfall…

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