After finishing all the equipment, Chu Chen walked slowly to the mirror and began to change his appearance according to the waiter's appearance in his memory and his ID photo!

Considering that this operation might be a bit tricky, for the sake of safety, Chu Chen used very professional disguise tools this time!

Including human skin masks, liner pens, real wigs, various silicone kits and tooth patches!

Most of these tools were purchased by Chu Chen in the system mall, which cost a lot of shock value!

But there is no way, this money must be spent.

Because this time, he must be foolproof, and the effect of the disguise should be able to easily deceive the face recognition system!

According to this standard, Chu Chen was very careful in every stroke and every stroke. It is not an exaggeration to say that he used all his skills!

Chu Chen's previous disguises were all done behind the scenes, and he had never shown this technique to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Although the final results of the previous disguises were also amazing.

But in the end, it was not as intuitive and shocking as witnessing the whole process with one's own eyes!

This time, due to special circumstances, Chu Chen did not leave the audience's sight throughout the whole process!

Through the sky eye lens of the live broadcast, every move of his can be seen clearly!

[Too shocking! ]

[Watching a person become another person! ]

[Master, please accept my knee! ]

[Brothers, I have a bold idea! ]

[Fuck, Chu Chen's disguise technique is really amazing! ]

[This is definitely a technical job! ]

[Even professional pursuit personnel can't distinguish his appearance. Just from this point, you can imagine how superb his disguise technique is! ]

[I also want to learn disguise, so that I can be Jincheng Five every day! ]

[Dude upstairs, you shouldn't learn disguise, you should go for plastic surgery! ]

[Haha! Dude, you really made me laugh! ]

At this point in the live broadcast, because the camera has been on Chu Chen, the popularity of the entire official live broadcast room has been rising, and it is about to break the 600 million mark!

Although the live broadcast rooms of other platforms are not as good as the official ones, they are also very popular.

There are almost tens of millions of people on the Douyin platform alone!

At present, Chu Chen's popularity is high because of the extreme eight items!

Secondly, because he is about to start the second proposition crime!

During this period, his appearance rate has basically remained at around 90%!

To be honest, this appearance rate can be said to be very high!

For other contestants, even if they are committing crimes, there are 50 or 60 at most!

But Chu Chen can reach 90!

From this point, we can see how terrifying his current attention is, and he is definitely a traffic star!

Soon, under the attention of hundreds of millions of people, Chu Chen finally completed this disguise!

At this moment, his appearance has completely changed into that of the male waiter, and it can be completely indistinguishable from the real thing!

Looking at Chu Chen, the audience in the live broadcast room was boiling again, and they all launched barrages:

[Brother, I want to worship you as my teacher! ]

[I want to too! ]

[What you are planning, I can hear it in Hong Kong Island! ]

[Haha! ]

[Chu Shen’s disguise technique is really invincible! Even the little brother’s mother can’t tell the difference between the real and the fake! ]

[True·One-to-one replica! ]

Looking at the new self in the mirror, Chu Chen smiled, and seemed to be looking forward to the upcoming challenge!

The time at this time was exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon!

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his appearance, Chu Chen immediately changed into his work clothes, then left the hotel with his backpack and headed straight for the Mount Everest Museum!

Since the exhibition will start tomorrow.

The exhibition preparation office was very lively all day today.

Staff members coming and going can be seen everywhere.

All around, armed police patrolling with live ammunition can be seen from time to time, walking and stopping.

In addition, armed police and several level 4 bomb-sniffing dogs can also be seen at the security checkpoint for staff!

Right now, they are conducting routine inspections on the staff queuing to enter the venue!

Although most of the equipment Chu Chen brought were very common daily necessities, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he did not bring them in at the first time, but locked them in the locker outside.

Anyway, it won't be used today.

Wait until tonight,

It's not too late to find a way to bring them in.

The process of security check is not complicated.

First, there is a personal check, then an X-ray machine, and then a facial recognition comparison!

This time, because Chu Chen worked hard on his disguise, he passed the security check smoothly. Even the facial recognition system and the professional bomb-sniffing police dog didn't see any problems with him!

[Fuck! Can't facial recognition tell? ]

[Too awesome! Fuck! I'm so impressed! ]

[My mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast? ! ]

[Can this live broadcast be any more outrageous? ]

[Boss, are you still missing a pendant on your leg? ]

[Chu Shen is definitely a rare technical talent. I suggest you hand him over to the country! ]

[The expert group said before that they would definitely catch him within a month. Now I think this is a little unlikely! ]

[The expert group is buzzing now! ]

[I went to their live broadcast room and they still thought Chu Chen was in Yanjing! I was really worried about them! ]

Very quickly.

While the audience was talking about it, Chu Chen had already toured the entire Mount Everest Museum!

At this moment, every room, every exhibition hall, every exit, every emergency passage, and even the number of steps on each floor of this museum were all deeply imprinted in Chu Chen's mind!

As long as he wanted, he could even draw the floor plan of this exhibition hall immediately!

This sentence is not an exaggeration at all!

Because every time you arrive at a place, you can immediately draw the relevant floor plan silently. This is a skill that a top criminal master must master!

Only in this way can you ensure that every action will allow you to retreat unscathed, so as to occupy absolute dominance!

If a criminal can't even do this, it is completely digging his own grave!

Although Chu Chen is not a master now, he is no longer the same as before with the help of the system!

Especially after studying the all-purpose crime encyclopedia, he is getting closer and closer to the real master!

The next second!

As soon as this picture came into his mind, Chu Chen quickly designed three retreat routes for his operation!

These three routes were designed by him after careful consideration.

Almost all emergencies can be covered!

With these three routes, Chu Chen can basically guarantee that he can leave the scene safely under any circumstances, even if an accident occurs, he can finally escape!

However, in Chu Chen's dictionary, there is no word for accident!

This time, he will definitely make the entire Himalayas tremble for his madness!

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