After the wedding, the couple had a good time.

Nothing happened that day!

Time soon came to nine o'clock in the morning of the next day!

At this moment, in the Everest Museum!

The opening ceremony of this Himalayan Art Exhibition finally kicked off under the expectation of everyone!

Accompanied by warm applause, the Tibetan host from the snowy plateau walked to the center of the exhibition hall with a smile on his face and gave an impassioned speech:

"Dear Tibetans, guests! Good morning, everyone, Tashi Delek! Welcome to this Himalayan Art Exhibition. I am the host of the opening ceremony of this exhibition. My name is Tenzin Dorje!"

"I am very happy to be invited to be the host of this exhibition. Thank you for the trust of our organizer, Huaxia Everest Culture Co., Ltd."

"Today, we gather here to jointly Go and feel the heritage and charm of the unique Himalayan culture!"

"These precious ancient cultural relics are not only the witness of the development of our Tibetan culture to date, but also an indispensable part of the Chinese antique collection culture..."

"Here, thank all the collectors present. It is your unique vision that allows us to appreciate these beautiful things that have been baptized by time..."


While the host Tenzin Dorje was speaking at the opening, one precious exhibit after another in the exhibition hall appeared in front of the audience!

The handed-down Tiantie, the exquisite statues, the precious Nyala Tsa Tsa, the actual practice of Toba, the Ming Dynasty's Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams...

These Tibetan cultural treasures are really rare in the world.

Almost every one is a priceless treasure!

It is rare!

At this moment, in the live broadcast room!

Even those viewers who do not understand Tibetan culture are deeply attracted by the unique charm of these old objects!

[So beautiful! ]

[It looks like a good thing! I really want it! ]

[Can I exchange one of my favorite spicy strips for it? ]

[No, at least two packs! ]

[I'll give you three packs! ]

[Three packs is nothing, I'll give you four packs! ]

[I'll give you a truck! ]

[Deal! ]

[You young people are so funny, any of these things start at seven or eight figures, and spicy strips, the pure nine-eyed Dzi bead that Li Jie brought alone is a priceless treasure...]

[Thank you for deceiving me! I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me! ]

[Fuck, why are these scraps so expensive? ! ]

[Brother, this is an antique, not real scraps! The same porcelain, the bowls you use at home cost 2 yuan each, and the blue and white porcelain from the Yuan Dynasty costs hundreds of millions, there is no comparison! ]


At the same time!

Just as the opening ceremony of the exhibition was in full swing, in a bathroom behind the museum!

A man in exhibition work clothes was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom, assembling a time bomb with a horizontal detonation device!

The man was none other than Chu Chen!

In fact, he had come here long before the opening ceremony.

At present, the assembly of the entire bomb was only one step away.

Next, he needed to connect the bomb's timing device with the horizontal controller, and then fix the entire bomb to the etiquette tray and cover it with a red cloth to hide it from the public!

Chu Chen's main target this time was Li Jie's 1 billion-dollar broken-line nine-eyed Dzi bead!

As the highlight of this exhibition, this Dzi bead will appear on stage with Li Jie, escorted by etiquette ladies and security personnel!

Chu Chen's plan was actually very simple.

He wanted to replace the Dzi bead with the bomb he had just assembled before it officially went on stage, and control the situation of the entire exhibition without anyone noticing!

Right now, the Dzi bead was in the preparation room.

After the host finished his opening remarks, it should be its turn to appear.

As a staff member, Chu Chen had the opportunity to touch it. With his skills, it would definitely be no problem to take this opportunity to complete the swap.

However, before that, he needed to find a way to lure away the two guards outside the door, cover the surveillance camera, and then crack the password door of the preparation room!

This series of operations, including the swap, he must complete within 1 minute!

Otherwise, the risk of exposure will be greatly increased!

At this time, in the live broadcast room!

The camera of the Sky Eye just fell on Chu Chen.

At this moment, he has assembled the entire bomb, and at the same time, he has also completed the installation of various fuses and detonators.


At that time, as long as someone uncovers the red cloth on the tray and breaks the fuse!

The firing pin under the fuse will immediately bounce a steel ball onto the horizontal plate, triggering the countdown and horizontal detonation device at the same time!

When the countdown ends, the bomb will explode!

If the hand is unstable, causing the steel ball to fall into the hole, the bomb will also explode!

Secondly, the bomb can also be detonated in advance through the remote control device in the mobile phone!

Due to its various detonation methods, many bomb disposal experts call this kind of bomb a rogue bomb.

Because it is unreasonable at all.

At the same time, the difficulty of cracking is also very high!

The horizontal device needs to be destroyed first.

Then cut the remote control fuse and the timing fuse.

In the entire cracking process, if there is any wrong step, the entire bomb will explode in advance.

Faced with such a bomb, even a professional bomb disposal expert will be very troubled!

[Fuck, what is Chu Shen doing? ! ]

[Brothers, is the bomb hidden in that tray? ]

[I guess so! ]

[So excited! Come on, Chu Shen! ]

[GKD! ]

[If the expert group knew that he was going to blow up this museum, they would definitely go crazy! ]

[Haha! Chu Shen is simply the lifelong enemy of the expert group! ]

[I look forward to their fight again! ]

[Expert group: Can you please not rub salt into other people's wounds? ]

[What do you think, which of the seven challenges will Chu Shen take on this time? ]

[I don't know, but I'm looking forward to it! ]

When Chu Chen appeared in the live broadcast room, the entire barrage ushered in another climax.

The next second, while the audience was commenting on his upcoming crime, Chu Chen took out a screwdriver from his waist, removed the hinge of the bathroom door, and then removed the battery in the walkie-talkie, and used a piece of copper wire to wrap it and the hinge together to make an electromagnet that can interfere with the current of the walkie-talkie.

With this electromagnet, he can easily generate an electric current to interfere with the intercom in the hands of the guards and lead them away.

This method is both concealed and practical!

It will not be noticed at all!

After a while, after putting the electromagnet in his pocket, Chu Chen calmly pushed the cart with the bomb out of the bathroom.

He walked slowly to the preparation room.

When he was about to reach the place, he deliberately slowed down his pace.

At this time, due to the interference of the electromagnet, a very noisy electric current sound instantly came out of the intercom of the two guards, and it was completely unclear what the people inside said.

"Brother Wang, what's going on?"

"I don't know, let's go and take a look, there may be something."

After saying this, the two guards left the scene side by side

[Fuck, it turns out that the thing made by Chu Shen can interfere with the current of the intercom? ]

[Electromagnetic effect? ​​]

[If I continue to watch this live broadcast, I really need to grow a brain! ]

[Woo woo woo, me too! ]

[I am a science illiterate, but I am enjoying watching it! ]

[Chu Shen, just pretend, leave the rest to us! ]

After luring the guard away, Chu Chen immediately took off his work clothes, covered the surveillance camera at the door, then decisively took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and carefully observed the password keyboard next to the door handle!

Using the refraction of light and the degree of patina of each number on the password door, Chu Chen quickly identified several buttons that were frequently pressed on the password door!

Then, according to the arrangement and combination of these numbers and their usage habits, Chu Chen tried several sets of passwords one by one, and soon cracked the door lock!

Seeing this, the barrage in the live broadcast room broke out again:

[Fuck! There is such an operation? ]

[No, why does he know so much! ]

[At this moment, I can only silently type two words: Awesome! ]

[Awesome! It's really awesome! He first used a homemade electromagnet to lure away the guards, and then cracked the password by observing the degree of wear and usage habits of the password numbers! ]

[This guy is really an all-round talent! ]

[You monkey! Who can stand this! ]

[Waibi Babu! ]

[There are few people here, I am stupid! ]

In the live broadcast room, a barrage of comments passed by.

At this time, Chu Chen also pushed the cart into the preparation room.

When he came to the room, he did not delay and immediately replaced the ten billion pure sky bead with the time bomb he made, and put it on his body!

At the moment, the two guards have not returned yet.

Taking this opportunity, Chu Chen decisively left here and came to the door of the monitoring room, looking forward to the good show!

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