The time goes back to a few minutes ago!

The south slope of Mount Everest!

When diving to 6,500 meters, although Chu Chen had made full preparations, he still encountered a death spin due to the interference of airflow!

Death spin is a common problem for high-altitude skydivers!

As the name suggests, it is a high-speed body rotation caused by the improper posture and the influence of airflow when the skydiver dives at high altitude!

For high-altitude skydiving, this situation is very dangerous.

If it is not handled properly, the consequences will be very serious, especially in the extremely harsh environment of the south slope of Mount Everest!

At that time, Chu Chen had dived to the parachute opening height of 6,500.

But just when he was about to open the guide parachute, the airflow around him suddenly changed, causing him to lose control of his body and spin in the air!

During the death spin, the parachutist cannot open the parachute.

That is why Chu Chen still maintained his proper posture from 6500 to 6000, adapting to the high-speed free fall while trying to regain his center of gravity!

With the bonus of the rampage state and superb parachuting skills, when he descended to 5800, Chu Chen finally regained control of his body and opened the guide parachute and the main parachute one after another!

The parachute opening height of 5800 is already very extreme!

If the parachute is not opened at this height, the risk of landing will be greatly increased.

If it is a little later, it is likely to hit the ice tower forest of the Khumbu Glacier!

If professional parachutists on Earth saw this sudden fall, they would definitely exclaim!

But in this world, due to the lack of extreme sports, many people don’t know much about parachuting.

They didn't realize how dangerous the accident Chu Chen had just encountered was, especially when he was doing the death spin. Many people thought he was just showing off.

At that time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was all 666, and no one realized the danger of this action!

Time goes back to the present!

After a period of gliding, Chu Chen has already controlled the parachute and flew out of the ice tower forest!

At this time, in front of him, there is a very flat wasteland.

There are almost no particularly large obstacles in sight, which is very suitable for landing.

After making up his mind, Chu Chen immediately pulled the control rope to reduce the aerodynamic resistance of the parachute!

For a while, the ground under his feet became more and more distorted, and the stereotyped lines were like slides, extending backwards rapidly!


Just like that.

After a while.

As the height continued to drop, his feet were getting closer and closer to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, there were less than five meters left!

Seeing this, Chu Chen hurriedly raised his legs, tightened his core at the same time, and prepared to land!

At the same time.

Just as he was preparing for the final landing, two Sherpas who were grazing nearby discovered him!

Looking at this behemoth that fell from the sky, the two Sherpas were motionless, with incredible expressions on their faces!

The Sherpas of this life.

Their reputation is far less than that of the previous life.

They have lived in the mountains for generations and rarely come into contact with the outside world. They have almost never heard of skydiving, let alone what Chu Chen did!

The Sherpas also believe in Tibetan Buddhism.

They always believe that Mount Everest is a calamity in the six reincarnations of Sachin's incarnation.

Mortals cannot go there!

Unless they get special permission from Sachin.

Now, when they saw Chu Chen flying from the direction of the sacred mountain with their own eyes, they thought it was Sachin who came to the world!

For a moment, the two Sherpa brothers were surprised and happy!

The next second, they decisively put down their shepherd whips, knelt on the ground with a plop, and clasped their hands together devoutly in the direction where Chu Chen landed, chanting Buddhist scriptures!

Here, after climbing out of the parachute, Chu Chen also quickly found them.

Seeing this, he hurried over and greeted the two people in Sherpa: "Hello!"

Hearing the familiar language, the two Sherpas looked at each other.

After a long while, one of the Sherpas in his forties or fifties asked Chu Chen cautiously:

"Master Sachin, where are you from?"

When Chu Chen heard this title, he immediately understood the whole story and hurriedly explained: "I am not Master Sachin, I am a Chinese, I came from the top of the mountain, I climbed up that

Snow mountain, and then jumped here!"

"What?! You said you climbed the sacred mountain?" Two Sherpas said in unison!

Chu Chen nodded.

"How is this possible, friend! We mortals can't go there! Without the permission of Lord Sachin, you can't go up there!" One of the older Sherpas questioned.

"Didn't you see me flying down with your own eyes?"

"You can fly? "

Chu Chen smiled helplessly.

No longer arguing with them.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room.

Seeing that Chu Chen could communicate with them without obstacles, the barrage exploded again:

[What is Chu Shen talking to them about?]

[If I am not mistaken, these people should be Sherpas from Nepal? They speak like Sherpa!]

[What? Chu Shen can even speak Sherpa!]

[Fuck, how many languages ​​does Chu Chen know?]

[At least five languages!]


Seeing that the two Sherpas did not believe his origins.

Chu Chen did not explain too much about this, and asked them directly: "Friends, I need to go to Kathmandu, can you find a way to send me there?"

"Kathmandu? It's very far from here!" The young Sherpa said puzzledly.

"How far? Hundreds of kilometers? "

"It's at the end of Sagarmatha. Even if it flies, it will take a day and a night!"

Chu Chen was almost amused by them.

He really didn't know what to say.

The next second, before he could speak, the older Sherpa continued:

"Can this thing of yours really fly to the sky?"

Chu Chen shook his head: "No. It's not a flying tool, it's a parachute, which allows people to jump from a high place without any harm. Brother, you haven't answered my question yet, can you help me leave here?"

Hearing this, the young Sherpa interrupted:

"It's too far there, I can only take you to the town of Sagarmatha on horseback! If you want, I can take you there now!"

"Okay, let's go now. ”

The Sherpas are nomadic people who are very good at riding horses.

His horse is very similar to the short-legged horses in Tibet.

It runs very fast.

The most important thing is that it runs very steadily.

Sitting in the back, you can hardly feel any bumps. It is even more comfortable than riding in a car. You can run several kilometers in the blink of an eye.

During the time of rushing, Chu Chen was not idle. He directly called up the system to check the rewards for this mission!


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